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Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily) (Read 46470 times)
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #135 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:28pm
FD, it seems you have been on your full of crap pills, you are the only one talking about controlling where people live, so don't pretend otherwise.

Islam has no-one but itself to blame for it's appalling PR.

Like I said, many times, let them clean up their act, and then people may be more willing to give them a go.

At the moment, all who have given them a go receive is hate and violence, and I do not want to see that happening here.
So do not try and pretend that requiring people to behave decently and peacefully is an erosion of their rights.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #136 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 11:35am
you are the only one talking about controlling where people live, so don't pretend otherwise

These are your words, not mine:

I will not be cowed into believing that we must allow muslims to create new enclaves in our country

It's odd that you think they need permission to choose where to live and that some kind of change is necessary before they would be allowed to form an enclave. You do live in Australia, right?
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pope urban 2
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #137 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 5:39pm
I am getting a little tired of this Islam forbids us crap, they kill without question, if you cant see that by know,where have you been.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #138 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 5:54pm
'They' do not kill without question. A very small minority do, but even for them you cannot separate the political from the religious causes. You cannot judge millions of people by the actions of a few.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #139 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 6:28pm
"You cannot judge millions of people by the actions of a few."

You may have heard the famous quote;
"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it"

Now we have seen clearly what has happened with muslim communities in europe, violence and communities divided.
We can judge the possible outcomes from that.

If muslims want to come here, but only on the condition that they can create their own insular communities, and demand we alter our sensibilities, so as not to offend theirs, then I say they want too much.

If they want to come here and be part of our community, then I say "No worries".
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pope urban 2
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #140 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 6:33pm
How many do you call a few. Last time I looked Hammas, El Queada, Hezbollah, The Taliban and Jamaar Islamiah consisted of many thousands, not to mention the whole of Iran and Pakistan.
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pope urban 2
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #141 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 6:46pm
Now how mant Christian groups can you name.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #142 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 7:02pm
JFK, not everyone in Iran and Pakistan does the same thing and thinks the same way. To suggest they do is absurd and is founded in complete ignorance of the situation over there.

"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it"

The lesson from history is that when you start punishing innocent people as scapegoats for something they didn't do, you become a bigger problem than whatever it is you are afraid of. Scaremongering based on a few very recent isolated events in Europe that barely register in a historical context is not learning the lessons of history, it is ignoring them.

Why are you unable to answer such a simple question mozz?

Should someone be punished for something they didn't do?
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #143 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:04pm
Who is the someone?
What didn't they do?

Fill in those and I will answer your silly question.
Do not try and pretend that the problem the west is facing from growing Islamist fundamentalism will just go away if we let them do whatever they want, wherever they want, and subjugate our own interests in favour of theirs.

That is the the crux of the problem, the fundamentalists have a very real desire to make the whole world Islamic, and the majority of muslims would not have a problem with that, the rest of us however, have very real resistance to religious imperialism.

So stop talking crap as if this issue is the fault of host nations not bending over to take a good stuffing from Islamists who hold us in complete contempt.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #144 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:24pm
Just as an exercise in even handedness, attempt to tell me how you think we would go if we wanted to have a few hundred thousand aussies migrate to Iran, or Saudi, and build a few large Christian schools, and all move into the surrounding area, and build a couple of pubs,
and demanded that we should be allowed to wear what we want, wherever we want, including women, and to drink alcohol when and where we want, and eat what we want when we want?

If you think as everyone else does, that there is not a snowballs chance in hell of that happening, tell me again what intolerant bastards we in the west are.
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pope urban 2
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #145 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:34pm
So we dont blame the Germans for 2 world wars FD, because of a few bad eggs, yet blaming America for all the worlds failings is OK. When Iran bombs Israel, what will you say, its Israels fault no doubt.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #146 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:35pm
Mozz, this is the 'someone' In was referring to:

I will not be cowed into believing that we must allow muslims to create new enclaves in our country

As for what they did, they didn't do anything. You seem to want to take away their rights based on all the stuff you whinge about that happens on the other side of the world.

Do not try and pretend that the problem the west is facing from growing Islamist fundamentalism will just go away if we let them do whatever they want, wherever they want, and subjugate our own interests in favour of theirs.

I'm not pretending that. We are doing plenty. But we are not punishing innocent Australian citzens. We do not engage in collective punishment and discrimination. Islamic terrorism and a school in Cambden are not the same thing. By deliberately trying to equate the two, you are causing more problems than you solve.
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pope urban 2
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #147 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:41pm
If you let a cancer grow, you die, get to it early and you might survive. If you keep turning a blind eye it will be too late. Take a look at Paris and the African riots in Belgium.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #148 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:44pm
Discrimination is the cancer. You cannot undermine someone else's human rights without undermining your own.
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Re: Islamic invasion of Camden halted (temporarily)
Reply #149 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 8:56pm
Perhaps you don't know what enclave means FD?

An enclave is insular, it is contained within a community, but is separate from it, that is what we do not want.

We have Little Italies, and Chinatowns, in all our major cities,and have no dramas, because we can freely go into these areas, without needing to alter our behaviour to suit them.
Britain, Holland, France Belgium, etc. have muslim enclaves, where locals would not dare go.
Do you think it would be unlikely that an ausiie girl could walk through a muslim enclave in summertime, in a bikini top, or halter, and not be, at least  be made very uncomfortable, if not worse, and actually accosted?
That is the problem, when they create these enclaves, they take a proprietary position, and aim to impose their values onto the broader community.
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