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Posts: 48864
At my desk.
I think this argument needs a bit of eprspective about the role of education in society. The role of education is to indoctrinate children into the dominant paradigm. It is not to change the dominant paradigm. Thus, if there is no universally agreed view on religion, or how it should be taught, the government has no role in deciding which version is taught. To do so would undermine freedom of thought. So, if you think religion should be taught from a Christian perspective, teach your children from a Christian persopective, or have them taught that way. If you think they should be taught from a universalist perspective, have them taught that way. If you think it should be left out of education entirely, leave it out. There is enough choice for you to do so, if you care that much about it.
It is sickening to see people who get frustrated with their failure to convince other people to share their world view, try to get the government to impose it instead on their children against their will. If you really are right, you should be able to convince the parents, then let them do the right them by their own children. Trying to bypass the logical step of arguing it out against adults on an even footing is nothing more than an attempt to unlevel the playing field to give your view an unfair advantage, because it cannot win on it's own merits.
On the other hand, if you think that the parents are deluded by their indoctrination and are passing on that delusion, and you need to intervene to break the cycle, then you are a pompous, arrogant and power-mad and do not understand what you are talking about. You cannot get anywhere by pretending that you are the only one who is capable of thinking for themselves and that other people need to lose control of their own children so that they can be protected from the dangerous thoughts of their parents. Man up and take on an adult, rather than stealing children to have your way with them.