Schools should be, primarily, places of secular education, imo.
Schools should be places where young human beings
learn how to learn, places where young minds can learn how to
discover, test, and to discern truth(s), for themselves,.
Not places where 'accepted' 'truths' are
indoctrinated into young minds.
But in societies of men, i think schools often perform the function of 'indoctrination' [the indoctrination of a society's 'political correctness'?].
They should not be, imo.
And imo,
religious schools are places of 'religious'
and they should not be, imo.
IMO, religious 'exploration' should be something personal, something which one pursues for oneself, when one comes to that place where, for one's own personal reasons, a person wants to ask 'bigger' questions.
Someone said,
'Life is a search for meaning?'
I wouldn't want anyone in the formal school / education system, to try and tell me that the answer is to the meaning of life is, '42'.
And if they did want to 'force' that 'knowledge' upon me, i'd want them to explain the basis of their conclusion.