freediver wrote on Dec 31
st, 2009 at 10:12am:
You are defending a murderous philosophy.
Yadda, freedom of religion is hardly a murderous philosophy.
FD, you are defending the rights of moslems,
to express their freedoms and rights.
That would be commendable, except for one fact.
that moslems believe that in a just society, they will have the freedom, and the right, to murder those who they perceive as insulting moslems / ISLAM.
That is the 'religious freedom' to which moslems aspire.
Your 'tolerance' of the right of moslems, to their 'religious freedom', is empowering their aspirations.
Moslems want the freedom and the right to oppress and murder non-moslems - BECAUSE THEY ARE NON-MOSLEMS.
Moslems want to practice cultural supremacism, and political fascism, and to impose an intolerant tyranny upon all mankind.
That is the 'religious freedom' to which moslems aspire.
Your 'tolerance' of the right of moslems to their 'religious freedom', is empowering moslem aspirations.
The difference between your position, and mine, is that, i don't equate the aspirations of good moslems, with religious worship, or with religious practice.
I equate the aspirations of good moslems as criminal intent, the intent to seek the power to murder, and oppress others, who do not believe, as they believe.
By suggesting that we must show tolerance for moslems [and their 'values'], and must respect their rights, you are [effectively] demonstrating that you believe that moslems and ourselves share a moral equivalency.
I don't believe such a thing.
I believe that ISLAM is an evil philosophy.
And i believe that we should separate ourselves from moslems, and from ISLAM.
And we should certainly not afford moslems the same rights, in our society, as we enjoy [rights which they despise, but will exploit, to destroy our society].
That is not 'racism'.
It is simply taking a moral decision, to separate myself from something which i regard as profoundly evil.
Quote: Quote:This is the philosophy which you, and FD, and others, claim, that it is rational to tolerate,
Quote us. Don't put words into our mouths.
You claim you support freedom of choice, and liberty.
IMO, every good moslem in Australia [and indeed, every good moslem on the planet], by self declaring as a moslem, is self declaring a criminal intent [by our laws] against local non-moslems.
By extending freedoms within our society, to [good] moslems, you, and
'tolerant' people like you, are working against those ideals [of freedom and liberty]
which you claim to be a champion of.
Quote: Quote:I know that you, and FD, imagine that our [current] laws can protect us from ISLAM, and from the criminality inherent within the moslem psyche.
No Yadda, laws alone do not hold our society together.
Good people do - hold our society together.
When i say 'good people', i equate that term with what i would call moral people.
People who know the difference between good and evil.
People who can discern between good and evil, and who then decide to shun the evil, and to embrace the good.
That statement i know, will seem simplistic, especially to many 'liberals' who are heavily invested in their belief in the worth of 'tolerance', of those who are different from ourselves.
And who have a belief in the worth of the 'tolerance' of those who have different perceptions from us, of what is right and wrong, good and evil.
What is good, what is evil ???
Do we have a 'moral compass' any more ???
Many today believe that good and evil are too difficult to define, for ourselves.i
"And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good - need we ask anyone to tell us these things?"
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert M Pirsig