Quote:Oil prices will eventually balance out from the exploitative prices, but it is infuriating to see the obscenely wealthy arab exporters having the wealth grow exponentially while the rest of the world suffers
What nonsense. The pathetic Arab exporters get a pittance for what they gladly hand over to the Western oil companies. Since the 2002 invasion of Iraq, American oil companies have reported 4 fold increases in their profits. It's quite clear who's doing all the profiteering here.
Your attempt to blame it on the Arabs is nothing but racially motivated propaganda.
Out of the 5 countries with the largest oil deposits in the world, only 2 are Arab, and those 2 countries are Saudi Arabia (a close US ally) and Iraq, a country as we know, that is currently under US occupation.
Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves in the world and also has the highest production rates and the lowest production costs. If you believe this all about supply and demand, then Saudi Arabia is the main country ALLEVIATING the oil crisis, as they have the highest production rates.
On the other hand, we have the country with the second largest oil reserves, Canada, that is producing about 1/4 the amount of oil of Saudi Arabia, even though their reserves are more than half the size of Saudi Arabia's. Another interesting fact, Canada is in fact the US's largest source of oil, Mexico being the second largest source.
But judging by your other arguments on here mozza, it's not surprising you'd just prefer to use racial stereotypes to find a convenient group to blame.