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Polygamy (Read 54160 times)
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #60 - Jun 26th, 2008 at 11:38pm
soloman was a jew.

imho, the majority of muslims are like the majority of christians.
Most christians dont tithe.
Even though that is what is suggested in the Bible.

Most muslims are most suicide bombers. ...............

malik - your point is entirely taken though.
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Acid Monkey
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #61 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 12:20am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 26th, 2008 at 11:38pm:
Most muslims are most suicide bombers. ...............

1.6 billion suicide bombers?? Now I know that you are a delusional zealot.
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King Billy
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #62 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 7:09am
freediver wrote on Jun 26th, 2008 at 12:02pm:
Australian society still has some archaic laws which are biased towards one form or other of Christianity.

For example?

Christmas and Easter holidays.  Oaths and affermations, monarchy (a woman who rules by divine right)

Nearly every one of the ten commandmnets were protected by law well into the last century.

If polygamy were to be introduced into Australia, there is no way it could stipulate that it is a one male/multiple female form only. 

It would (theortically) also lead to one female/multiple male relationships.

Given the struggle that two income families have, and the trouble working parents have finding affordable child care, I could see a case for polygamy.

Besides the religious aruement, and the argument that it favours males over females, what are the real reasons that our soicety should ban polygamy?

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King Billy
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #63 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 7:11am
pope urban 2 wrote on Jun 26th, 2008 at 8:52pm:
Cheating may not be illegal but it will get you a very bad deal at the divorce court.

It will not.

That is a factor that the courts cannot consider when dwetermining property settlement or even child custody.  Our Family Court has a no fault policy for divorce.

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Re: Polygamy
Reply #64 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 8:21am
Acid - oops, sorry. thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry malik. Entirely a mistake
It was a typo.
the sentence that is there does not make sense.

I meant "most muslims are NOT suicide bombers........."


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Malik Shakur
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #65 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 8:36am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 26th, 2008 at 11:38pm:
soloman was a jew.

imho, the majority of muslims are like the majority of christians.
Most christians dont tithe.
Even though that is what is suggested in the Bible.

Most muslims are most suicide bombers. ...............

malik - your point is entirely taken though.

but was solomon a prophet of God or not?
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Malik Shakur
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #66 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 8:39am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 27th, 2008 at 8:21am:
Acid - oops, sorry. thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry malik. Entirely a mistake
It was a typo.
the sentence that is there does not make sense.

I meant "most muslims are NOT suicide bombers........."


Hmmmmm.. I dunno.. I actually thought you really meant what you wrote in the other post Sprint. Because judging by all of your other posts about Muslims etc, you seem to actually believe we're all going to be suicide bombers etc.
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #67 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 9:30am
malik - no, it was a genuine typing error.
That paragraph does not make sense how it is worded.
Only by rewording it does it make sense

The majority of muslims are quite ok. 
1.3 billion terrorists would overrun infidels within a day.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #68 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 9:48am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 26th, 2008 at 10:24pm:
malik - so there is no islamic country.
But muslims want the whole world to be islamic ?

Saudi consists of 100% muslims and seem to follow MANY of the ideals of the koran, they reckon they follow mohammad correctly.

But you reckon they dont ??

Sprint, as a good christian dont you want the whole world to be christian?
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #69 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 10:11am
Terrorism is not the main reason why the west rejects Islam, Malik.

It is a combination of many things, but basically, most westerners consider Islam to be a very outdated and anachronistic belief system, which promotes values that most westerners consider unacceptable.

It's treatment of women is abominable, and quote all the texts you wish, to try and say that we have it wrong, but the fact is that we still see muslim females subjected to violence, sexual abuse, and even murder, by muslims who use the Koran to justify their abhorrent behaviour.
Many muslims consider that a woman must be sexually compliant to her spouse at all times, that she has no right to choose when, or if, she has sex.
In or out of marriage, we in the west consider this as rape, but many muslims consider it their right, under allah's teachings.

We also see many muslims condoning the practise of beating their wives, we in the west consider this as spousal abuse.

We also see many muslims condoning polygamy, but in their usual chauvinistic manner, only allowable for men. It seems like a prize for them, that if they are successful enough to be able to afford it, then they deserve to have extra wives. In the west we find this unacceptable, and see it as a diminution of the rights of females to be equal partners in a relationship.
Many muslims also still condone arranged marriages, and seek to stop their children choosing a life partner whom they actually fall in love with.
Many times we have seen the children who resist this abuse of their rights, murdered, by family members.

Intolerance for other beliefs, and denying people the right to choose their own beliefs is also unacceptable to most westerners.
We still see the Islamic religion preaching that those who choose to leave the Islamic faith, should be sentenced to death, that is unacceptable in any society, and unsupportable on any grounds whatsoever.

Muslims also show a massive disdain for many western freedoms, which they arbitrarily consider to be immoral, and seek to impose this moral sensibility on non-muslims, by curtailing their freedoms with threats of violence.

Muslims are also systemically racist against Jews, and promote their hatred to the extent that we see violence perpetrated against jewish people by muslims, who believe they will guarantee their place in heaven, by killing a jew. This is unacceptable.

Many Muslims are not accepting of secular, democratic government.

We see many muslims who claim that they must put their religious beliefs before the laws, and social norms, of non-muslim countries in which they choose to live, this is unacceptable.

Many muslims believe that only an Islamic Theocracy, is a valid regime, for most westerners, that is an abhorrent belief.

So while I agree that most muslims are decent people, who merely wish to live a happy peaceful life, they still have too many beliefs which they demand that the west accepts, on religious, or cultural grounds, that are simply unacceptable to modern western societies.

Most westerners do not wish to see their societies rights diminished, by accepting the imposition of Islamic customs which they consider to be inferior, and very often wrong.

Islam's confrontation with western values, leaves muslims with choices, they may moderate their behaviour to the point where they accept the western values of the society they live in, and assimilate peacefully into western society, or they may continue to demand that the west bends to their will, which will see more confrontation and mistrust of Islam, or they may choose to stay separate from western society, and practise their beliefs to whatever extreme they choose, in an Islamic country.

Personally i find it to be the height of arrogance, and rudeness, to seek refuge in a free country, and then denounce the values of that country and demand that they change, to appease your religious sensibilities.
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OOPS!!! My Karma, ran over your Dogma!
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #70 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 10:57am
Hi athiest,

Nice of you to think that, but I'm not a good christian.

I would not really like the whole world to be christian, I like the world to be of many flavours.  It is a freedom of choice thing.

Can't even imagine an entirely chrtistian world.
Sounds artificial, enforced.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #71 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 12:27pm
Mozzaok - that is one of the best postings I have ever seen on the net.

May I use it elsewhere ?
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #72 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Terrorism is not the main reason why the west rejects Islam, Malik.

Mozz, your argument is a good one for rejecting Arab culture, or at least, parts of it. However, it is not a good argument for rejecting Islam. When Europe turned it's back on the inquisition, it did not turn it's back on Christianity, it turned it's back on the inquisition. It is hypocritical to demand a different standard from Islam.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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King Billy
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #73 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 5:45pm
Abuse of woman is not solely a muslim thing.  South Amwerica, which is very staunchly Catholic, has an appauling record for treating women. 
There have been many instances in South America where men have been found not guility of beating and even killing their spouses for slighting their honour.
Just today the Brazilian press bagged out a fashion model, labelling her "to fat to be a model." 
The western world does not reject mulsims, it rejects radical fundamentalist muslims, just as it rejects radical fundamentalists from any religion.

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King Billy
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Re: Polygamy
Reply #74 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 5:54pm
mozzaok wrote on Jun 27th, 2008 at 10:11am:
Muslims are also systemically racist against Jews, and promote their hatred to the extent that we see violence perpetrated against jewish people by muslims, who believe they will guarantee their place in heaven, by killing a jew. This is unacceptable.

This is incorrect.  The city with the third largest jewish population in the world is the capital of Iran.  Muslims (radical muslims anyway) are anti-zioist, not anti-semitic.

Just as many over-zealous despots have used christianity to further their own self interests, we are seeing a number of self serving leaders in predominantly islanic countries doing the same.

Osama Bin Laden is so dangerous becuase of his charismatic ability to make young muslims believe that his version of the islamic faith is the correct version.  He is even more effective because ignorant christians and westerners beleive it is the only version.

Attacking the islamic faith to prove that christianity is better is doomed to fail. 

If you want to encourage people to adobt the christian faith, talk about the positives of your faith, not the negatives of others faith.

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