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CIA-Initiated RV Program at SRI (Read 1456 times)
Gold Member

Posts: 3120
CIA-Initiated RV Program at SRI
Jun 28th, 2008 at 1:05pm

Abstract - In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing "might have any utility for intelligence collection" [1]. Thus began disclosure to the public of a two-decade-plus involvement of the intelligence community in the investigation of so-called parapsychological or psi phenomena. Presented here by the program's Founder and first Director (1972 - 1985) is the early history of the program, including discussion of some of the first, now declassified, results that drove early interest.
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I am from a foreign government. This is not a joke. I am authorised to investigate state and federal bodies including ASIO.
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Gold Member

Posts: 3120
Re: CIA-Initiated RV Program at SRI
Reply #1 - Jun 29th, 2008 at 5:15pm
I personally believe in this phenomena because I have seen it used.

At a job I was working a few years ago, a new guy started. This guy was a bit of a space cadet, and you would say he was dumb unless you knew him, to which you would say he was actually very smart.

Anyway, one day after work there was another guy from work waiting by the road for his wife to pick him up, and they were introduced to each other.

Me and the new guy were going for beers and the new guy asked this other guy to come with us, to which he said he was waiting for his wife.

The new guy said "we will wait with you" to which he was told "she will be a little while".

A strange thing then happened. His eyes moved, like as if he was looking at something up to the top right, as if deep in thought, and he said, nah she will be here soon, she's just up there, and pointed somewhere off to his left.

Me and the other guy just looked at each other, and I told him c'mon lets go, and he said no wait she will be here in like a minute let's wait with him.

The other guy said then, nah she's gonna be a while you will be waiting a bit. Then he pointed off to the right and said "she's on that road there, she will be coming around the corner in a second". A car then comes around the corner, about 200m away, and he looks at the other bloke and says "see, there she is". The other bloke then said to him how did you know that was my wife and he just said I dunno, the way she looked at you?

This was really weird, but the guy who did this 'remote viewing' as I have learnt it is called didn't see that anything out of the ordinary had happened. He didn't attribute it to anything paranormal and when asked about psychics and stuff he would laugh and say "do you really believe in that bull****"".

True story.
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I am from a foreign government. This is not a joke. I am authorised to investigate state and federal bodies including ASIO.
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