Gold Member
Posts: 6741
If Malik was fair dinkum about not wishing to incite hatred against others, he would stop saying that Israeli soldiers shoot palestinian schoolkids for sport. That is possibly the silliest and most offensive post that I have seen recently. Personally, I deride and ridicule all religions as a matter of course, I just find their whole setup of following ancient, contradictory gobbledy gook too silly to take seriously. I deride Islam a lot, because as well as being particularly silly, it is also particularly hypocritical. We see these muslims with their dual nationality, claiming all the rights they can from australia, but calling any Islamic state as their land. I think Malik would be better served by concentrating on the sins of his own religions followers, rather than threatening people here because he wilfully chooses to interpret criticism of Islam as hateful.
I think the thread about mohammed having sex with his child bride was what really upset him, and he has been sweating on it ever since.
On the legal side, while not a lawyer myself, I do have some prominent ones in my family, and I can assure Malik that his chances of winning would be slim to none. His chance of being held liable for costs, and damages, would be a different matter.
So, while sprint may be like a dog with a bone, he is basically a decent person, whose rational fear of Islamic imperialism is more exaggerated than it should be, but he is not likely to hold a grudge, so if Malik will stop his bullying threats, we can get back to normal.
Long live free speech.