Annie Anthrax wrote on Oct 9
th, 2014 at 2:38pm:
And by the way, your poll stinks too. You're being dishonest by suggesting that the problem for journalists with the new laws is that they won't be able to write about some intel ops. That's a very very narrow view.
If you search for the free speech that is espoused by this degenerate stinking filthy muslim scum bastard, you will find that all comments by the press, has somehow gone off like poof the magic dragon. The stinking racist bigot that is a descendant of pigs and apes is still allowed to live in Australia!
Why do you stick up for filthy stinking racist bigot murderous scum like this.
Ah, because you are not allowed to read about it.
Look, Listen and learn. Please!
The filth lackeys answer, wait for it.............TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT.
Fvuck off that card has been used to many times.
The Islamic Da’wah Centre of South Australia (IDCSA) would like to clarify its situation regarding a video that was posted on YouTube and contained a heavily edited material by MEMRI TV channel on a sermon delivered by Sheikh Sharif Hussein which caught the attention of some Australian media outlets.
Firstly, IDCSA does not necessarily hold the same views/positions of the video contents as published in its YouTube channel. However, we believe that the Sheikh’s words were clearly taken out of context and put together in a suggestive manner (as you can see the disjointed video clips). At this point, IDCSA management would like to stress that Sheikh Sharif delivers Friday sermons on its premises based on our invitation as a qualified Imam, but he has no role in its administration.
The 2.5 minutes video was assembled out of a sermon, which was delivered on 22/03/13 and takes around 35 minutes. The sheikh presented in his speech some of the war crimes directed against Muslims around the world, something that was completely ignored in the video. While addressing the mass rape cases in Iraq, the Sheikh was emotional and used strong words in addressing those who committed these crimes. The Sheikh directed his feeling to Allah (The Almighty GOD) to avenge those who committed atrocious war crimes of mass killing, rape and burning Muslims alive. The typical cut and paste video overlooked the presentation of the horrible human rights violations against Muslims, and the sermon’s very motive in developing awareness to seek justice. Instead the edited footage concentrated on the complaint directed to Allah (The Almighty GOD) concerning these crimes. Apparently some media organisations are trying to present this video as hate speech while ignoring the fact that denouncing a criminal act is a social right which falls under the general category of ‘freedom of speech’.
Many non-Muslim Australians called for having John Howard tried as a war criminal for supporting an illegal unjustified Iraq invasion, mass casualties which resulted thereof, the use of rape by American soldiers and the horrible birth defects due to use of depleted uranium shells. (Iraq’s Deadly Legacy – video)
The video clips of the Sheikh were suggestively taken out of context, however no part of that clip contain any call towards violence and/or friction between the non-Muslims and Muslims or multicultural communities in Australia. The lectures were delivered in relation to the Burmese Buddhist massacre of the Rohingya minority Muslims, as reported by BBC, Al Jazeera and many more. Needless to say, we should also mention the massacre of Muslims by Hindu extremists in India.
In conclusion we would like to bring into question the reliability, independence and veracity of a media organisation like MEMRI TV, which has served as a mouthpiece for islamophobes and individuals/organisations with questionable motives, publishing suggestive sensational de-contextualized cut-and-paste video clips showing the false allegations of hatred against non-Muslims.
IDCSA is clear in its objective to promote discussion about Islam and strive to remove any widely spread misconceptions as those circulated by MEMRI TV. We attempt to provide a source of authentic Islamic knowledge for both Muslims and non-Muslims and do not adopt any violent or hatred stances against any community, race or the Australian people in general. We are aware that certain level of animosity might result from such sensational media presentation, but hope with our response, to remove any concerns people might have.
"Tens of thousand of muslim women raped in Iraq". Fvucking lies from an ape and a pig!
The racist rant, by a descendant of pigs and apes shows all Islamic thinking. I am impressed at his honesty.
Not impressed by his racism bigotry hatred religion filth about killing or his sinking lies.
Deport the Bastard!
Oh no I cant say that, Freedom of hate speech and all that.