There is no free speech in Islam. There is the concept of 'slandering Islam' which is not the same as what we see slander as, but is the best translation. It basically means, saying anything bad about Islam, or holding it up to ridicule or criticism, anything negative, you are severely punished or killed.
In Islamic societies a woman does not even have the freedom to accuse her rapist of rape, without bringing four other male witnesses to support her story. If she does not, she will be charged with making a false accusation and with adultery for having sex outside of marriage even though raped. This was what happened to a young Australian bar tender in a hotel who was raped by her co-workers, she was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for daring to report what happened. That is Islam.
As a non-muslim in Islam, you must be a submissive second class citizen who must know their place. There was another case when an English architect in Dubai, frustrated with delays in construction said 'Why can't we build this bloody mosque?" and then he was arrested for saying 'bloody mosque.' If a local muslim accuses you of anything in an Islamic country look out - their word will always be believed over yours, because, an infidel has less weight in testimony than a believer.
The ultimate goal of Islamic peak bodies is to bring in the same thoughtcrime laws into the West preventing all criticism of Islam, as 'hate speech'. Wanna know about hate speech - in the Islamic world - criticism of jews and Israel is worse than the Third Reich on its worse day, almost never reported in the mainstream media. In Saudi Arabia, textbooks have entries where the children are taught the 'Contemptible Qualities of the Jew' as well as how terrible infidels are. These textbooks from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are sent to Islamic schools worldwide, for free. But that hate speech - nothing to see here move along.
Even quoting what muslims say about muslims themselves in the Multiculti State -if it is anything negative, is a hate crime. So shut your mouth you dirty stinking horrible Nazi if you dare criticise Islam, or, even happen to notice what muslims themselves are saying they are doing in the name of Islam and quoting them. Sharia is one of the first totalitarian systems known to man, and it is a brutal and effective one where every muslim is an informant, informing on infidels and muslims alike - and with extreme violence or even death, sharia law is then enforced.