freediver wrote on Feb 15
th, 2015 at 5:09pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Feb 15
th, 2015 at 2:20pm:
freediver wrote on Feb 15
th, 2015 at 12:27pm:
A worryingly large number of the world's Muslims actually support the death penalty for apostasy, blasphemy, adultery etc. There is actual evidence for this, not just the imaginary evidence Brian waffles on about.
Where is your evidence of what Muslims say or feel today, now, FD?
According to Brian an answer from a Muslim is only valid at the time it is given. If you ask the same question again, you are likely to get a completely different answer. Thus any surveys we have that demonstrate how backwards the views of the world's Muslims are are automatically invalidated because they are out of date. Our only alternative is to go back to Brian's method of "feeling" what they think,
which is of course all love and flowers. If Brian's head is still attached, this proves that Muslims are nice people.
Er.... no.
The latest from the horse's mouth:
The new issue of ISIS’ magazine released today takes issue with Western leaders who assert that Islam is a religion of peace.
In the Dabiq magazine article, the writer said the wrongful “slogan” is also being used by “apologetic ‘du’āt’ [beggars] when flirting with the West.”
“They have repeated this slogan so much to the extent that some of them alleged that Islam calls to permanent peace with kufr and the kāfirīn. How far is their claim from the truth, for Allah has revealed Islam to be the religion of the sword, and the evidence for this is so profuse that only a zindīq (heretic) would argue otherwise,” the magazine states.
The article features a photo of two men at a protest holding a sign that says “Islam = Paz,” with the caption, “Deviants claiming that Islam equals peace.”
After a page worth of quotes from the Quran that “revealed the sword against the apostates,” the article asks, “So how can the zanādiqah (heretics) or even those who blindly follow them – Bush,
Brian Ross
, Obama and Kerry – obstinately claim that ‘Islam is a religion of peace,’ meaning pacifism?”
“One of the biggest shubuhāt propagated by the heretics is the linguistic root for the word Islam. They claim it comes from the word salām (peace), when in actuality it comes from words meaning submission and sincerity sharing the same consonant root.”
It quotes more of the Quran, concluding “it is clear then that salām (peace) is not the basis of the word Islam, although it shares the same consonant root (s-l-m) and is one of the outcomes of the religion’s sword, as the sword will continue to be drawn, raised, and swung until ‘Īsā (Jesus – ‘alayhis-salām) kills the Dajjāl (the Antichrist) and abolishes the jizyah. Thereafter, kufr and its tyranny will be destroyed; Islam and its justice will prevail on the entire Earth.”
“…There will always be a party of Muslims fighting parties of kāfirīn until there is no more fitnah and the religion is completely for Allah alone.”, as the poet said all those years ago.