More blatant and immoral insults from our resident Islam representatives, unfortunately there is no surprise there.

Your insinuation that banning sex lines would impact personally on me is insulting, and presumptuous, and false.
What I would do is stand up for the rights of people to use them, if 'THEY' wish to. Their need for, or use of such services does not impact on my freedom, so I have no right to try and stop it.
Islam is not the arbiter of what is right and wrong, it is merely a human invention to use peoples fears and uncertainties about god, and spirituality, to try and control the lives of others, in a manner that they find acceptable.
No your pathetic evasion masquerading as a response deserves fair criticism.
Quote:Islam permits freedom of speech to an extent, no doubt you'd find that extent quite limiting.
That is exactly the point, Islam only permits speech about what it decides is allowable, that is more than just limiting, it is the actual and very real denial of free speech.
By defining that people have free speech to talk about only things which you consider acceptable is misrepresenting what "FREE" speech means.
Quote:Islam does not permit people to speak about immoral things also, which I'm sure you'd consider restraining freedom of speech. So things like phone-sex lines are out, and I'm sure that would severely restrict you.
That you cannot understand that this right which Muslims/Islam demand, to determine what is, or isn't morally acceptable, is not legally, or socially acceptable in a modern, democratic, secular society.
The mere fact that you consider it morally acceptable to have Islam threaten violence, and or, Death, to critics of Islam, or to call for death for women who do not choose the veil, is totally indicative of how far apart the morals and standards of Islam are from those of a decent, modern society.