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Question: most effective attacks on our freedom of speech?

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Is Islam against free speech? (Read 169507 times)
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Is Islam against free speech?
Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:39am
The perception of most westerners like myself is that Islamic fundamentalists oppose free speech, but is that a fair assessment or not.

We regularly hear of death threats against writers who criticise Islam, is this just an abheration, or is there a cultural propensity to stifle any criticism of their beliefs, which is how it appears to most non-muslims.

How could any person, regardless of their individual religious preference,  reconcile such repressive and extreme behaviour?

My assumption is that only Malik, and Abu, from amongst our posters here, could ever countenance not condemning unconditionally such heinous assaults on free speech, which clearly puts Islam and infidels once more at odds over basic principles of human rights, which we cherish, but Islam tries to destroy.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 12:39pm
Islam permits freedom of speech to an extent, no doubt you'd find that extent quite limiting.

For instance, as you've rightly pointed out, Islam does have anti-blasphemy laws, and in the area of slandering and defaming of prophets etc. there's no freedom of speech.

However, in many other areas Islam permits freedom of expression, such as criticism of a ruler. There is the famous case of a woman standing up and correcting Caliph Omar (May God be pleased with him) when he was addressing the Muslim nation, and he graciously accepted her correction. Also throughout most of the history of the Islamic Caliphate, there was the post of al-Qadi al-Madhloum (The judge for the oppressed), who would hear cases of ordinary citizens against the government/authorities, and would often prosecute people of the highest political calibre.

Islam does not permit people to speak about immoral things also, which I'm sure you'd consider restraining freedom of speech. So things like phone-sex lines are out, and I'm sure that would severely restrict you.

Apart from that, Islam generally has freedom of speech, like all other states though, there are some limits on it, perhaps ours are more than yours. Perhaps yours are more than others? Would they be right in claiming you don't have freedom of speech? To them, they'd be right, to you, no. Same deal with us.

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Genuine Aussie

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #2 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 12:43pm
abu_rashid wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 12:39pm:
So things like phone-sex lines are out, and I'm sure that would severely restrict you.

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"We should always say that I may refrain from publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, but it's because I fear you. Don't for one moment think it's because I respect you." Richard Dawkins
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #3 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:45pm
More blatant and immoral insults from our resident Islam representatives, unfortunately there is no surprise there. Sad

Your insinuation that banning sex lines would impact personally on me is insulting, and presumptuous, and false.

What I would do is stand up for the rights of people to use them, if 'THEY' wish to. Their need for, or use of such services does not impact on my freedom, so I have no right to try and stop it.
Islam is not the arbiter of what is right and wrong, it is merely a human invention to use peoples fears and uncertainties about god, and spirituality, to try and control the lives of others, in a manner that they find acceptable.

No your pathetic evasion masquerading as a response deserves fair criticism.
Islam permits freedom of speech to an extent, no doubt you'd find that extent quite limiting.

That is exactly the point, Islam only permits speech about what it decides is allowable, that is more than just limiting, it is the actual and very real denial of free speech.
By defining that people have free speech to talk about only things which you consider acceptable is misrepresenting what "FREE" speech means.

Islam does not permit people to speak about immoral things also, which I'm sure you'd consider restraining freedom of speech. So things like phone-sex lines are out, and I'm sure that would severely restrict you.

That you cannot understand that this right which Muslims/Islam demand, to determine what is, or isn't morally acceptable, is not legally, or socially acceptable in a modern, democratic, secular society.
The mere fact that you consider it morally acceptable to have Islam threaten violence, and or, Death, to critics of Islam, or to call for death for women who do not choose the veil, is totally indicative of how far apart the morals and standards of Islam are from those of a decent, modern society.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #4 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:49pm
mozzaok wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:39am:
The perception of most westerners like myself is that Islamic fundamentalists oppose free speech, but is that a fair assessment or not.

We regularly hear of death threats against writers who criticise Islam, is this just an abheration, or is there a cultural propensity to stifle any criticism of their beliefs, which is how it appears to most non-muslims.

How could any person, regardless of their individual religious preference,  reconcile such repressive and extreme behaviour?

My assumption is that only Malik, and Abu, from amongst our posters here, could ever countenance not condemning unconditionally such heinous assaults on free speech, which clearly puts Islam and infidels once more at odds over basic principles of human rights, which we cherish, but Islam tries to destroy.

Out of do you feel about laws outlawing holocaust denial?

I find it very strange that those that are most vocal for 'freedom of spech' are mysteriously almost silent when laws are passed making it illegal to deny the holocaust...or the Armenian holocaust. And when newspapers refuse to print cartoons of Jesus cause it may offend, I don't hear a whisper about 'freedom of speech'.

Funilly enough...the only time I do hear freedom of speech when its the freedom to offend Islam or muslims.

Oh...and by the do realise that the term 'infidel' is actually a latin term used by the crusaders to describe muslims.

You know....'infidelity' means 'one who lacks belief'. It is actually a Christian term..a latin term at that.  Your continual use of this word in this context only portrays your ignorance in the matter.

For future references....if you would like to use the muslim term for non-believers...its is 'kaffir'.
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #5 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:52pm
What is the punishment for blasphemy?

With the phone sex thing, what is the more general 'rule'? Is all pornography or lewd conduct banned? Under what cuircumstances can you discuss sex? Would the Kama Sutra be banned?
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #6 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:54pm
mozzaok wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:45pm:
That you cannot understand that this right which Muslims/Islam demand, to determine what is, or isn't morally acceptable, is not legally, or socially acceptable in a modern, democratic, secular society.
The mere fact that you consider it morally acceptable to have Islam threaten violence, and or, Death, to critics of Islam, or to call for death for women who do not choose the veil, is totally indicative of how far apart the morals and standards of Islam are from those of a decent, modern society.

As opposed to the west who threaten death and violence to those government who don't 'toe the line'.

Terms like 'regime change' and 'shock and awe' are just smokescreens for the true meanings...which is death and violence to any nation or government who does not conform to western ideals and secularism.

Tell you believe it is justified to bomb a nation and kill its civilians for no other reason then that nation has rejected secularism and the western way of life?

A yes or no answer will suffice.

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #7 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Welcome to OzPolitic Lestat. Isn't Kaffir what the white south africans called blacks? What about kaffir lime trees?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #8 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:57pm
freediver wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:52pm:
Welcome to OzPolitic Lestat.

What is the punishment for blasphemy?

With the phone sex thing, what is the more general 'rule'? Is all pornography or lewd conduct banned? Under what cuircumstances can you discuss sex? Would the Kama Sutra be banned?

Thanks Freediver....

Out of you believe that all sexual lewed acts should be accepted by law and society?

If not...then how do you determine what is acceptable and what isn't? Is it what is socially acceptable at the time? Or some other moral code I do not know of?

Where do YOU draw the line? Just curious.

Thanks in advance. Smiley

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Australian Politics

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #9 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:59pm
freediver wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:56pm:
Welcome to OzPolitic Lestat. Isn't Kaffir what the white south africans called blacks? What about kaffir lime trees? is. No doubt a term which has come from the arabs.

Kaffir is the arabic word for 'non-believer'.

And 'infidel' is the latin word for 'non-believer'. A term used by Christians during the crusade to describe muslims. Not vice versa.
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #10 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Lestat wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 1:49pm:
Out of do you feel about laws outlawing holocaust denial?

I find it very strange that those that are most vocal for 'freedom of spech' are mysteriously almost silent when laws are passed making it illegal to deny the holocaust...or the Armenian holocaust. And when newspapers refuse to print cartoons of Jesus cause it may offend, I don't hear a whisper about 'freedom of speech'.

Funilly enough...the only time I do hear freedom of speech when its the freedom to offend Islam or muslims.

apart from holocaust denial, u also have the sedition laws that were passed in Australia.

but what ur saying is so true, when it comes to Islam/muslims, "freedom of speech" is defined as saying anything u want, even the right to offend. but when it comes to non-muslims, then "freedom of speech" has limits in place (e.g. the sedition laws, holocaust denial).

at the very least, we should have a consistent definition of "freedom of speech"........if freedom of speech is meant to be "say anything, with no limits", then all laws that contravene freedom of speech should be dropped.
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #11 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:09pm
Freedom of speech is generally understood to exclude harming others - eg slander, inciting violence. This is where freedom of speech comes into conflict with other basic freedoms and rights. It never excludes the right to criticise other people's beliefs.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #12 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:10pm
Still no muslims showing up with the guts to denounce the sick individuals who use death threats as the criminals that they are, instead they prefer to try and sidetrack the issue on to the subtelties of when and where freedom of speech is not acceptable, but not a word about death threats as never being acceptable.
It seems Islam is fine with any talk which incites violence, just don't talk about sex or god. Hypocrites.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #13 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:24pm
freediver wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:09pm:
Freedom of speech is generally understood to exclude harming others - eg slander, inciting violence. This is where freedom of speech comes into conflict with other basic freedoms and rights. It never excludes the right to criticise other people's beliefs.

So how does holocaust denial incite violence?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Is Islam against free speech?
Reply #14 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:26pm
mozzaok wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 2:10pm:
Still no muslims showing up with the guts to denounce the sick individuals who use death threats as the criminals that they are, instead they prefer to try and sidetrack the issue on to the subtelties of when and where freedom of speech is not acceptable, but not a word about death threats as never being acceptable.
It seems Islam is fine with any talk which incites violence, just don't talk about sex or god. Hypocrites.

Actually...from where I'm standing it is you that is the hypocrite?

Did you object to the numerous death threats made by western leaders in regards to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran.

or is it only violent threats from muslims that you object to?
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