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women arent as intelligent as men (Read 4571 times)
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #15 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:36pm
imperial wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:33pm:
The standard deviation for intelligence is much higher among males. That's why you get more geniuses and total imbeciles among men, even though for the most part they are no more intelligent.

great find and copy and paste....

dont agree with the child rearing bit. but i knew someone would say it. still, after all these years since the pill, and women having careers....they still got nothin they can brag about...

hate women imperial? and a reply to you from your other thread..I dont find you attractive OK...are related to IQ.?
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #16 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:38pm the absence of HER ability to think creatively, she becomes a cheerleader....Elife, imitating real life....
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #17 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:40pm
So you are IQ then..
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #18 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:51pm
imperial wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:33pm:
The standard deviation for intelligence is much higher among males. That's why you get more geniuses and total imbeciles among men, even though for the most part they are no more intelligent.

great find and copy and paste....

dont agree with the child rearing bit. but i knew someone would say it. still, after all these years since the pill, and women having careers....they still got nothin they can brag about...

I did not copy and paste. It's pretty basic stuff.

Having the pill does not mean that women share less of the burden of child rearing. It means they have a choice, that's all. Choosing to raise children does not make them less intelligent.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #19 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 5:25pm
yes i re read it and realised it wasnt so Grin

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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #20 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 8:58pm
Imperial.............source for the statistics please...........and your imagination doesn't count, neither does your rectum.  Cool
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #21 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:29pm
freediver wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:51pm:
imperial wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:33pm:
The standard deviation for intelligence is much higher among males. That's why you get more geniuses and total imbeciles among men, even though for the most part they are no more intelligent.

great find and copy and paste....

dont agree with the child rearing bit. but i knew someone would say it. still, after all these years since the pill, and women having careers....they still got nothin they can brag about...

I did not copy and paste. It's pretty basic stuff.

Having the pill does not mean that women share less of the burden of child rearing. It means they have a choice, that's all. Choosing to raise children does not make them less intelligent.

i heard once that a hormone is relased after a woan gives birth for teh first time that makes them smarter than non mothers.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #22 - Sep 27th, 2008 at 10:32am
imperial wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 11:12am:
all the worlds great dicoveries in all sciences, all the arts were made by this day, even on 'new invetions' programmes and competitions 95% are made by males...(100% of the good ones)

women are simple vessels for storing knowledge already discovered by men.....

I don't think you could be any more sexist than this, typical.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #23 - Sep 27th, 2008 at 10:41am
but i knew someone would say it. still, after all these years since the pill, and women having careers....they still got nothin they can brag about...

Actually, women have much to brag about in history. Your ignorance of history does not disprove this, merely proves, that as a man, who is supposedly more intelligent, that you are ill equiped intellectually for this debate.

I imagine then, that you do not represent one of those more intelligent men you speak of.

Rather, you capacity for interlect is looking to be lesser than mine... and I'm a woman.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #24 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 12:29am
I replied to something like this in another forum when some guy said all the greatest philosophers and cooks are men. I can't be bothered to re-hash, so here is a cut and paste job...

yeah good one man. did you ever consider that the reason the greatest philosophers etc have been men is because of the lack of education of women? because women have been socially disadvantaged and actively held back from advancing into the upper ranks of society whether it be in business or otherwise?

as for men being the greatest cooks:

1. you obviously haven't met my mum

2. if that's what you believe then get back in the damn kitchen and make me some dinner

of course violence is not the SOLE reason for women not being present in certain areas. the fact is that it was not socially acceptable for women to exceed their domestic spheres. how are you supposed to get a job in the business world if noone will hire you? how are you supposed to work your way up the ladder if noone will promote you? how are you supposed to get a job if your husband says you can't? how are you supposed to formulate grand theories and philosophies when 1- you're told you shouldn't and can't 2- you're too busy taking care of the children and doing domestic chores because that's supposed to be your only role in life? how are you supposed to argue against the system when the system is made entirely of men and all you'll get is a patronising pat on the head and amused chuckle from those in charge? how are you supposed to prove you are capable when so called scientists are presenting evidence that women aren't as intelligent than men (claims that have been disproven and discredited since)? how are you supposed to argue such scientific 'evidence' when you are barred access to BE a scientist?

there are many ways that women have been held back. for example: funding. women's universities and other organisations were often denied funding or given less of a priority. it used to be that women have not been allowed into libraries. yes that's right, women were denied information that is supposed to be available to the public. many women were encouraged by their families to leave school early and just try to marry well. women were not given the vote.

men have had a vested interest in keeping women uneducated and in the home, just as the british empire had a vested interest in keeping their 'colonial subjects' AS subjects- ie subjugated. just as america and aust have a vested interest in keeping their citizens ignorant and fearful of the 'other' (muslim other at the moment I might add).

systems of power do not operate off some kind of natural selection or hierarchy- they are created social structures.

I take your point that these things to do evolve from nowhere. Our society used to be one run off the basis of survival and that survival was ensured by the physical strength and superiority of the male. it was physical strength/weakness that determined the pecking order in these societies. this is the main criteria which determined people's positions and responsibilities in life. Now, however, due to technology etc we have moved past this kind of society. Life, our roles and responsibilities are no longer determined via the criteria of who hunts the best or can lift the heaviest thing.

it just so happens our technology has evolved faster than we have- the physical strength/weakness rule in regards to gender still applies but it does not have the same implications as it did before. (which again is also why we still have phobias of spiders, snakes etc- logically speaking we should have phobias of cars etc- things that actually present a danger to us- but again our evolution has not caught up with our technology) we no longer rule by the fist but by the mind. as men have continued in their 'natural' position however it has denied women the same opportunities as men and to some extent still does (although not nearly as much).

if you're going to ask why it is that women are still not representative in the upper eschalons of society as men are then the same rule still applies (and again the analogy can be seen with other races working within white systems)- things do not change instantly. our society changes over time. to a certain extent women may not ever be AS representative as men merely because biologically women are built for giving birth and many will opt for that role instead of a career role (although many opt for both). This does not mean, however, that women are INCAPABLE of obtaining this status. it does not mean that women are unable to achieve as much as men. in fact we are and it has been proven time and time again.

if you see that list of women as nobodies there are many reasons for this - 1. as a man (and one who believes in the inferiority of women) you are less interested in the achievements of women 2. as this is still 'a man's world' the achievements of women are not as widely recognised as those of men- even if they are the equivalent or even the superior of their male counterparts 3. as I've said women are still being forced to play 'catch up' due to their previously held 'inferior' positions (as determined by men)
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #25 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 12:30am
mantra wrote on Aug 22nd, 2008 at 1:04pm:
all the worlds great dicoveries in all sciences, all the arts were made by this day, even on 'new invetions' programmes and competitions 95% are made by males...(100% of the good ones)

women are simple vessels for storing knowledge already discovered by men.....

Sexist trash.  I actually think you're a child judging by your writing style.  Even though you say you're not a Muslim - only a male Muslim would have the stupidity and ignorance to write the sort of rubbish you spruik publicly.

and only an educated bigot would be so stupid and ignorant to say that about Muslim men
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #26 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 6:12am
Sexist trash.  I actually think you're a child judging by your writing style.  Even though you say you're not a Muslim - only a male Muslim would have the stupidity and ignorance to write the sort of rubbish you spruik publicly.

and only an educated bigot would be so stupid and ignorant to say that about Muslim men

OK - I'll go along with the "educated" - but not the bigot.  I think I might have made that statement after this Imperial had bad mouthed some female posters in another thread and supported some posts on Muslims marrying little girls etc.

Yes it was a crass statement and I take it back.  Sorry for offending any Muslim men who read this, although you have to admit some Muslim male views are very sexist.  But I generalised - because sexism is an affliction that both males and females of many races and cultures carry.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #27 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:55am
i fink wimen is moor educyted or moor smartah than men.

i kan wolk and tolk at teh same time 2.

we kan even hav babeez wivout the help ov men now,.

I still liyk men 4 this reezon tho.
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #28 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:56am
mantra wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 6:12am:
Sexist trash.  I actually think you're a child judging by your writing style.  Even though you say you're not a Muslim - only a male Muslim would have the stupidity and ignorance to write the sort of rubbish you spruik publicly.

and only an educated bigot would be so stupid and ignorant to say that about Muslim men

OK - I'll go along with the "educated" - but not the bigot.  I think I might have made that statement after this Imperial had bad mouthed some female posters in another thread and supported some posts on Muslims marrying little girls etc.

Yes it was a crass statement and I take it back.  Sorry for offending any Muslim men who read this, although you have to admit some Muslim male views are very sexist.  But I generalised - because sexism is an affliction that both males and females of many races and cultures carry.

whoops- I meant uneducated. I suck.

coolios mantra  Tongue
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Re: women arent as intelligent as men
Reply #29 - Oct 13th, 2008 at 4:19am
Sexism aside, I really do think men are more intelligent than women. In basic things such as science, math and other assorted subjects like that.

I think women are far more cunning than men though and are better at controlling and manipulating social situations. Women are a lot smarter at some things than men, but when it comes to the 'recognised' or 'official' measures of intelligence (IQ tests etc), it's 'almost' always men who are better. For those that are about to bombard me with 'sexist' insults, let me point out that I said the word 'almost.' I love woman and I'm in no way a chauvinistic or arrogant male. I'm merely telling it how I see it. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a monkeys whether women are more intelligent or not.
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