Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 10
th, 2008 at 11:48am:
freediver - quite right. I mean they exhibit very similar traits.
abu - I gave the reasons for his deleting.
After the oppresive threatening dominating attitude and actions of the islam thread mods, I decided to not accept yopur intolerance.
I also encourage any spiritual posting and aceept antichristian posts.
Whereas the islamics here show no such freedom of thought/belief.
No you didn't...you liar. My post had no personal insults,and was in topic, and despite the fact that it was the longest post in the thread....you made some pathetically ridiculous statement about my post being to short, only after I requested time and time again an explanation.
Even our pathetic forum owner refused to get this deleted post back for me...so that I could post it on another thread..made some sorry excuse that he could not find the post, despite the fact that I asked him on the very same day that it was deleted.
If you really had any balls you'd re-instate my post, but we both know that you won't, because you are a hypocrite, and you will delete any post that you don't approve of.
So go on...how bout you re-instate my 'favorite Bible Quotes' post....and let others read it and make up their own opinions?
Why don't you show us all how you 'encourage anti-Christian' posts.