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Was Hitler a Christian? (Read 8401 times)
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Re: Is atheism a religious belief?
Reply #30 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 10:59am
muso wrote on Oct 24th, 2008 at 10:39am:
tallowood wrote on Oct 24th, 2008 at 10:19am:
Ok. I know because of empirical data from my observation of atheists religious ferver. Also I can make the prediction based on my theory and it will come true, you know like in math "take 1 then add 2 and result will be 3".

Observe this:  I'm not interested in religion. Believe what you want.

As I said before "I know", you said yourself that you are not an atheist.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Is atheism a religious belief?
Reply #31 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 11:08am
The real reason he exterminated so many Jews was because somewhere within his insane mind, he had Christian belefs. Why otherwise would he focus on the Jews?

Could it be because he was powerful to destroy the jews, but not yet powerful enough to take on the church?
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Reply #32 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 11:23am
NorthOfNorth wrote on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 5:05pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 2:14pm:
Historian Paul Johnson wrote that Hitler hated Christianity with a passion, adding that shortly after assuming power in 1933, Hitler told Hermann Rauschnig that he intended "to stamp out Christianity root and branch."

As Hitler grew in power, he made other anti-Christian statements. For example, he was quoted in Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, by Allan Bullock, as saying: "I'll make these damned parsons feel the power of the state in a way they would have never believed possible. For the moment, I am just keeping my eye upon them: if I ever have the slightest suspicion that they are getting dangerous, I will shoot the lot of them. This filthy reptile raises its head whenever there is a sign of weakness in the State, and therefore it must be stamped on. We have no sort of use for a fairy story invented by the Jews."

Never mind the Concordat (the Reichskonkordat) signed by Hitler and Cardinal Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII) on behalf of the Vatican which granted the Catholic Church (among other things) protection of its property and the right to practise Catholicism within the Reich in return for the Vatican staying out of German politics.

that statement is one riddled with ignorance.

the pope only signed it so that their workings could fly under the radar. thousands of jews were hidden and evacuated out of europe trhough the workings of the vatican, which was able to do so due to its autonomy.

The pope was clever, what could have a 5 minute stand against hitler achieved? by signing the pope saved many people.

hitler ofcourse liked the idea because he felt ligitimised.
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Re: Is atheism a religious belief?
Reply #33 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 11:24am
freediver wrote on Oct 24th, 2008 at 11:08am:
The real reason he exterminated so many Jews was because somewhere within his insane mind, he had Christian belefs. Why otherwise would he focus on the Jews?

Could it be because he was powerful to destroy the jews, but not yet powerful enough to take on the church?

also most insane rulers tend to enjoy killing jews
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #34 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 12:57pm
Well I think Hitler had a negative reaction towards the jews, because of the depression, do not think of it as comparable to anything you have experienced, it was a nightmare, where people were dying from starvation, because of the world's economic crisis.
Hitler blamed the Jews, for manufacturing the crisis to exploit the situation, and profit from it.
He was not alone in holding such beliefs, but he was wrong in oversimplifying a world crisis into a single ethnic issue, and then obsessing over it.

Hitler, almost certainly lost his mind, over the course of the war, many think around the end of 41, start of 42 period, that he really went loopy, so to try and determine if his actions after that point, was defined by his catholic upbringing, or his mental illness, is really unanswerable.

I just know one thing, if he was Christian, he was a very bad one, and I don't accept that his religious beliefs were necessarily causal to his genocidal aspirations.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #35 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 3:52pm
Are you obsessed with the Nazis or what, FD?

I think Adolf Hitler was a Pagan and he had all sorts of beliefs.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #36 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 3:58pm
Hitler was an occultist/mystic. All real Nazis are.

Go find a REAL Nazi, not some skinhead goose stepping fool, and have a chat about spirituality with them. They are in to rituals and the like.

However, REAL Nazi's are not going to admit to hardly anyone they are Nazi's or interested in occult practices.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #37 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 4:05pm
easel wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 3:58pm:
Hitler was an occultist/mystic. All real Nazis are.

Go find a REAL Nazi, not some skinhead goose stepping fool, and have a chat about spirituality with them. They are in to rituals and the like.

However, REAL Nazi's are not going to admit to hardly anyone they are Nazi's or interested in occult practices.

'Real' Nazis? What's a 'real' Nazi? Do they have a special classification now, Easel?

What's an occult/mystic religion?
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Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #38 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Real Nazi's are generally old men who are highly educated who do not publicise their beliefs, work in important jobs and have a political ideology which they are trying to introduce, slowly but surely, perhaps not in their own lifetimes even.

Occult/mystic religions trace their roots back to places like ancient Egypt. They do things like spells and magic, which generally consist of such things as chanting, hypnosis and drugs, which they convince themselves are magic and spirits when they ruin someones mind rather than just arseholes playing mindgames with weak, suggestible individuals.
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Reply #39 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 5:06pm
Classic Liberal wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 11:23am:

that statement is one riddled with ignorance.

the pope only signed it so that their workings could fly under the radar. thousands of jews were hidden and evacuated out of europe trhough the workings of the vatican, which was able to do so due to its autonomy.

The pope was clever, what could have a 5 minute stand against hitler achieved? by signing the pope saved many people.

hitler ofcourse liked the idea because he felt ligitimised.

The pope absolutely did not sign the concordat to ‘fly under the radar’, he began negotiations with Hitler on the concordat (as Cardinal Pacelli) for Pope Pius XI from 1933. He signed the concordat to ensure the survival of the Catholic Church in Germany and the freedom for all German Catholics to practise the faith.

However Pacelli was not a Nazi sympathiser.

As Dr. Paul O'Shea said in an interview to promote his book, 'A Cross Too Heavy - Eugenio Pacelli, Politics and the Jews of Europe 1917-1943', “[Pius XII] is not the rabid anti-Semite that [John Cornwell (Hitler’s Pope)] paints him to be, he's not the lamb without stain that his hagiographers would have us believe, he is, as most of us are, somewhere in the middle. He was human, he made mistakes, I think that his mistakes were pretty grave, and he needs to be held accountable for that. But we can't make a demon out of him because he wasn't.”

O’Shea argues that Pacelli was not a racial anti-Semite, although, like most Catholics of the time, he was anti-Jewish in that he believed the religion had been superseded. He was no friend of Hitler nor was he a supporter or sympathiser of National Socialism. The fact is Hitler and Pacelli despised each other.

But Pius XII was so abstruse in his condemnation of Jewish persecution (in an effort to protect the Vatican’s neutrality or a backlash against Catholics in Germany and Nazi occupied Europe) that only the most attentive to his addresses could intuit any form of condemnation at all. As O’Shea says of Pius XII’s Christmas address of 1942 where “in the course of several tens of thousands of words, he speaks seven words on what could be interpreted as a condemnation of the Holocaust”.

While O’Shea believes that Pius XII is probably the most defamed world leader of the 20th century, his book tries to answer the question “how did it reach the point that the man who was venerated by millions as the visible head of Christ's church on earth, a saintly man [as many would have us believe], end up being vilified to the point that he was called 'Hitler's Pope'?”.
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« Last Edit: Oct 26th, 2008 at 9:22am by NorthOfNorth »  

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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #40 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:38pm
Hitler was never excommunicated. As far as his crazy ideas were concerned, Hitler was psychotic. If you have to look inside the mind of Hitler to find out of he was a Christian or not, you'd probably have to examine every single Christian to determine the same.

Many politicians are psychotic by nature. Boris Yeltsin was a classic. Kevin Rudd is probably psychotic too. G W Bush probably isn't. John Howard probably wasn't either. Psychotics will basically say, do and believe whatever is necessary in order to achieve their personal aims. If you say that Hitler was not a Christian, you'd have to include all psychotic politicians in that statement. They are Christians only so far as it benefits their personal cause.

Hitler's personal aim was to create an empire. Kevin Rudd's personal aim is to become Secretary General of the UN. He'll basically lie, swindle, attend church and do everything else in his power to achieve that personal aim, probably without being found out.  15 years from now - just watch this space. You heard it here first.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #41 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:53pm
muso wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:38pm:
Hitler was never excommunicated. As far as his crazy ideas were concerned, Hitler was psychotic. If you have to look inside the mind of Hitler to find out of he was a Christian or not, you'd probably have to examine every single Christian to determine the same.

Many politicians are psychotic by nature. Boris Yeltsin was a classic. Kevin Rudd is probably psychotic too. G W Bush probably isn't. John Howard probably wasn't either. Psychotics will basically say, do and believe whatever is necessary in order to achieve their personal aims. If you say that Hitler was not a Christian, you'd have to include all psychotic politicians in that statement. They are Christians only so far as it benefits their personal cause.

Hitler's personal aim was to create an empire. Kevin Rudd's personal aim is to become Secretary General of the UN. He'll basically lie, swindle, attend church and do everything else in his power to achieve that personal aim, probably without being found out.  15 years from now - just watch this space. You heard it here first.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Psychosis is not the same as being weird or eccentric, they are completely different kettles of fish. Megalomania is not psychosis.

George Bush said that God spoke to him and told him to invade Iraq. If I went to a psychiatrist and said God told me attack a Mosque because Islamic extremists are a very real threat, I would have the cops called on me, taken to hospital and scheduled under the mental health act and be put straight on anti psychotic medication.

Yet, you say Georgie is not psychotic. He might not be, he might just be a sly manipulator.

Liars and narcissists are not necessarily psychotic.

You have no idea what psychosis is. Psychosis is extremely obvious, and someone who was clearly psychotic would not be given authority to rule because they would not be able to present in public. Psychosis is such things as extreme manic episodes of bipolar, schizophrenia and excess drug consumption. Psychosis is generally characterised by excess dopamine in the brain. If these people you claim to be psychotic are, they would be hearing voices, unable to sleep, extremely energetic, rapid speech, flight of ideas etc etc. They would not be able to show any signs of calm or collectiveness.

Don't throw words around when you don't know what they mean.

Weird is not psychosis. Odd is not psychosis. Eccentric is not psychosis. Ambition is not psychosis. Ideology is not psychosis. Lying is not psychosis. Psychosis is psychosis.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #42 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:06pm
easel wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:53pm:
muso wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:38pm:
Hitler was never excommunicated. As far as his crazy ideas were concerned, Hitler was psychotic. If you have to look inside the mind of Hitler to find out of he was a Christian or not, you'd probably have to examine every single Christian to determine the same.

Many politicians are psychotic by nature. Boris Yeltsin was a classic. Kevin Rudd is probably psychotic too. G W Bush probably isn't. John Howard probably wasn't either. Psychotics will basically say, do and believe whatever is necessary in order to achieve their personal aims. If you say that Hitler was not a Christian, you'd have to include all psychotic politicians in that statement. They are Christians only so far as it benefits their personal cause.

Hitler's personal aim was to create an empire. Kevin Rudd's personal aim is to become Secretary General of the UN. He'll basically lie, swindle, attend church and do everything else in his power to achieve that personal aim, probably without being found out.  15 years from now - just watch this space. You heard it here first.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Psychosis is not the same as being weird or eccentric, they are completely different kettles of fish. Megalomania is not psychosis.

George Bush said that God spoke to him and told him to invade Iraq. If I went to a psychiatrist and said God told me attack a Mosque because Islamic extremists are a very real threat, I would have the cops called on me, taken to hospital and scheduled under the mental health act and be put straight on anti psychotic medication.

Yet, you say Georgie is not psychotic. He might not be, he might just be a sly manipulator.

Liars and narcissists are not necessarily psychotic.

You have no idea what psychosis is. Psychosis is extremely obvious, and someone who was clearly psychotic would not be given authority to rule because they would not be able to present in public. Psychosis is such things as extreme manic episodes of bipolar, schizophrenia and excess drug consumption. Psychosis is generally characterised by excess dopamine in the brain. If these people you claim to be psychotic are, they would be hearing voices, unable to sleep, extremely energetic, rapid speech, flight of ideas etc etc. They would not be able to show any signs of calm or collectiveness.

Don't throw words around when you don't know what they mean.

Weird is not psychosis. Odd is not psychosis. Eccentric is not psychosis. Ambition is not psychosis. Ideology is not psychosis. Lying is not psychosis. Psychosis is psychosis.

Hello easel, are you setting yourself now as a psychotic expert?

OR did Hitler parachuted from a UFO?

OR was he a victim of drugs, hypnosis and mind play by Bavarian Illuminaty?

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #43 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:12pm
tallowood wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:06pm:
Hello easel, are you setting yourself now as a psychotic expert?

OR did Hitler parachuted from a UFO?

OR was he a victim of drugs, hypnosis and mind play by Bavarian Illuminaty?

Hello arsebandit,

I, in the past, received a diagnosis of bipolar type 1. I have experienced psychosis. I have also spent many hours researching mental illness.

I feel I am more than qualified to comment on psychosis.

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I am from a foreign government. This is not a joke. I am authorised to investigate state and federal bodies including ASIO.
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Re: Was Hitler a Christian?
Reply #44 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:16pm
easel wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:12pm:
tallowood wrote on Oct 25th, 2008 at 8:06pm:
Hello easel, are you setting yourself now as a psychotic expert?

OR did Hitler parachuted from a UFO?

OR was he a victim of drugs, hypnosis and mind play by Bavarian Illuminaty?

Hello arsebandit,

I, in the past, received a diagnosis of bipolar type 1. I have experienced psychosis. I have also spent many hours researching mental illness.

I feel I am more than qualified to comment on psychosis.

Hahaha, you blew it in your own face mr psychotic expert  Grin Grin Grin

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