Quote:Dr. John Colquhoun[29], former Principal Dental Officer of Auckland, New Zealand, and Dr. Hardy Limeback,[30], Associate Professor and Head, Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto, were formerly in favor of fluoridation and both cite dental fluorosis as a major reason in their opposition to fluoridation.
Quote:In 1986 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for fluoride at a concentration of 4 milligrams per liter (mg/L), which is the legal limit of fluoride allowed in the water. In 2006, a 12-person committee of the US National Research Council (NRC) reviewed the health risks associated with fluoride consumption[38] and unanimously concluded that the maximum contaminant level of 4 mg/L should be lowered.
Quote:Another panel member, Robert Isaacson, stated that "this report should be a wake-up call" and said that the possible effects on the endocrine gland and hormones are "something that I wouldn’t want to happen to me if I had any say in the matter."[49] John Dull, the chair of the panel, stated that "the thyroid changes worry me ... we’ve gone with the status quo regarding fluoride for many years—for too long, really—and now we need to take a fresh look ... I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant".[50] Hardy Limeback, another panel member, stated "the evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data before introducing new fluoridation schemes do so at risk of future litigation".[51]