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No wonder islamics are militant (Read 59738 times)
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No wonder islamics are militant
Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:15pm

I'm not surprised islamics are militant and so dislike us infidels.

Look at it through their eyes.

There the islamics are :- praying 5* plus a day, starving for a month (daylight hours only) every year, not wanking, no music, cover their womens whole bodies, memorising the koran word for word, they can't leave by threat of death.

What do us infidels do ??
Some of us go to church when we want, we party, eat bacon, our women walk around 1/2 naked (or better).
And to rub salt into the wound, we on average have a higher standard of living and they are losing numbers !!!!!!!!!

It's VERY unfair
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #1 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:22pm
We also blame them when the topic of Islam takes over our forums.

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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #2 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:39pm
Gotta agree with you on this one sprint. In fact Muhammad (pbuh) confirmed this.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "This world is like a prison for the believer and like paradise for the unbeliever".

And to rub salt into the wound, we on average have a higher standard of living

During the peak of Islamic civilisation, when Muslims ruled most of the known world, and our living standards and wealth far outstripped those of most other people in the world, a scholar was asked how this hadith can possibly be true,to which he replied:

"Compared to the afterlife that awaits the believers, even this prosperity and lifestyle we have is like a prison for us, and compared to the afterlife that awaits the unbelievers, this world is like a paradise for them"

and they are losing numbers !!!!!!!!!

All world statistics disagree with this. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Besides, it's about quality, not quantity. Much better to have 100 people who actually believe in and practise their religion, than 1000 who treat it like a joke, and mock it just to please the atheists. Smiley
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #3 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 5:08pm
Besides, it's about quality, not quantity.

Why do you muslims want everyone to become muslim? Why do you infiltrate our lives with your belief system? Why can't you just let us be? We are quite happy for you to live your deluded little lifestyle. Why are you not happy for us to live our lifestyle?
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"We should always say that I may refrain from publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, but it's because I fear you. Don't for one moment think it's because I respect you." Richard Dawkins
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Classic Liberal
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #4 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 7:52pm
jordan484 wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 5:08pm:
Besides, it's about quality, not quantity.

Why do you muslims want everyone to become muslim? Why do you infiltrate our lives with your belief system? Why can't you just let us be? We are quite happy for you to live your deluded little lifestyle. Why are you not happy for us to live our lifestyle?

look at it like this, if you have had a head ache every day of your life you wouldnt know you had one, u wouldnt think your life was any worse than anyone elses.

If  a person who knew how to cure head aches came along they would naturally ttry their hardest to help you out of simple human love.

same for christians and muslims, they believe they have a cure for your head ache you dont relaise you even have.
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #5 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 9:07pm
Abu - Islam relies on brainwashing, pure and simple.

Pray, however many times a day to make yourself a "good Muslim" , and then you are supposedly happy.

The evil protagonist wants you to disregard all that you are as a human being in order to serve the order of the faith (ie: himself).

Well, go ahead...see what it brings them.

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #6 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 9:59pm
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:39pm:
During the peak of Islamic civilisation, when Muslims ruled most of the known world,

Known world? They ruled what is now the Muslim middle east. Not exactly the 'known world'. Or even an important part of it.

This is not the bazaar, you do not need to make boasting and exageration an permanent feature of exchange with others.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Besides, it's about quality, not quantity. Much better to have 100 people who actually believe in and practise their religion, than 1000 who treat it like a joke, and mock it just to please the atheists. Smiley

Islam is dying. All the mindless killing in its name is a sign of its death throes. It knows it has no basis for beeing confident. It thrashes and slashes and lashes out. It cannot reason, it cannot put its case because reason is alien to it, an enemy like sunlight.
It attracts all the cut-throats, desperados, rabble-rousers and death-loving devinats, and that is its only source of growth. With the communist ideology gone, it is the next great hope fior all the lunatics.

I bet that a great dose of your attraction to it was political rather than spiritual, Mr Hizb ul tahrir.  Intellectually, it is negligable. Spiritually, it is a laughable catalogue of mish-mash and misundertsandings and persoanal pique by Muhammed.

Its only attraction is to marauders, conquerors, those who dream of world domination.
I pity those who were born into it. You do not have that excuse.

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #7 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:32pm
how's about people just try respecting the beliefs of others instead of bitching about them at every opportunity?

muslims are the same as anyone else- some are good, some are bad, some are in between

try taking people as individuals instead as part of a category and see how you go with that
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ex-member DonaldTrump
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #8 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:57pm
Gaybriel wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:32pm:
how's about people just try respecting the beliefs of others instead of bitching about them at every opportunity?

muslims are the same as anyone else- some are good, some are bad, some are in between

try taking people as individuals instead as part of a category and see how you go with that

Welcome to the forum, Gaybriel.
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Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything
&&-- G.K. Chesterton
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #9 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:58pm
yes, good to have you here gaybriel
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #10 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 11:53pm
cheers guys- I didn't actually know if I was sposed to introduce myself somewhere?

I felt rude just randomly posting - but my head is too full of germs and tiredness to figure out if I should intro  Tongue
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #11 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 11:55pm
gaybriel - nah, I liked the way you jumped right in !!!!!!!!!!

good luck with your germs. Sleep well
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #12 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:12am
Known world? They ruled what is now the Muslim middle east. Not exactly the 'known world'. Or even an important part of it.

From Spain to the borders of China (east-west)
From Kazakhstan to Mozambique (north-south)

The Islamic world encompassed most of the known world, Just accept it, it was many centuries ago, so it really shouldn't be all that frightful for you now, in the comfort of the 21st. century.

you do not need to make boasting and exageration an permanent feature of exchange with others

It wasn't out of context, it was quite relevant to the conversation, and it is a simple historical fact, are you still jealous all these centuries later?

Islam is dying. All the mindless killing in its name is a sign of its death throes.

On the contrary, Islam is in a clear state of revival, and that's what's gotten people like you revved up. You're afraid of it's imminent return. If it was as you claim, you'd be treating it as you treat all other extinct civilisations, with reverence and respect. But you don't, quite clearly inidicating you know full well it is a rising challenge. And even if you're in a state of denial, it's quite clear from the actions of the Western leaders that they recognise this.
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #13 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 7:49am
I find it extreme that Muslims do all that you said sprint and also that when they say the word Muhammed they have to follow it with "pbuh", Christians don't follow every Jesus with "pbuh", its stupid in my opinion.

Islam is a religion of the extreme, it suppresses womens human rights to the level that Muslim women think that they want to be covered head to toe and classed as secondary citizens after their "men."
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #14 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 8:37am

it suppresses womens human rights to the level that Muslim women think that they want to be covered head to toe

And you insult their dignity by such statements. Do you think Christian women are also oppressed for thinking they have to cover their breasts?
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