Quote:Yes, Turkey has been semi-secular for many decades.
Semi-secular? They've been the most militantly secular country in the world since the dismantling of the Ottoman Caliphate. The call to prayer was banned in Arabic, the Fez (Islamic hat) was banned, the hijab is not permitted in any government office or university, the Arabic alphabet was forcibly replaced with Latin alphabet (quite obviously to seperate the people from the Islamic texts), the Arabic holidays were replaced with Western ones. You call this semi-Secular??? This is fanatically secular and outright anti-Islamic, only a loon would contend otherwise.
Quote:But Turkey has recently acquired a new PM,
......who is an avowed ISLAMIST.
Although he was Islamist leaning in his earlier days, he's an avowed secularist now. Go and read any document released by the AK party, and you'll find they all refer to their unflinching commitment to secularism and the principles of the kemalist republic. Erdogan sold out a long time ago, and that's the only reason he's so far survived a military coup.
Quote:And why is it abu, that devout muslims hate democracy, and favour 'mafia' like dictatorships instead?
This is a false dichotomy, either Democracy or dictatorship.
Quote:MEMRI = Middle East news service [translated to English]
No, MEMRI = Two Jews (one of them a former Mossad agent) who decided to make an Arabic translation service, that scours Arabic news services looking for anti-Islamic/Arabic stories, and even mistranslating stories when they can't find any, sometimes even inserting their own words and sentences into the dialogue, in order to make propaganda against Islam/Arabs.
Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for the Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom, commented of MEMRI:
Quote:"My problem with Memri is that it poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation... the stories selected by Memri for translation follow a familiar pattern: either they reflect badly on the character of Arabs or they in some way further the political agenda of Israel."
Besides, most of the Turks who came here, came to Australia long before Erdogan took office, so which religious dictatorship were they fleeing? Also you completely avoided answering about Lebanon, why? These two people alone make up the vast bulk of Australia's Muslim community... Why not just admit you don't know what you're on about, instead of trying to sling more mud?
Quote:i.e. Please tell us all, why does strife and war, and poverty, follow those who are devotees of Allah????
why not ask your government and the US government, who are invading and creating wars in the Muslim countries. As I said, show me any Muslim country that's invaded a Western country since 1600?
Quote:And please, can you point to an ISLAMIC society which is an example of virtue, to us unclean Kuffar???
If I'd made the claim that an Islamic society exists, then you'd be justified in asking this question. However I have not, so you are not.
Quote:....and why are muslims rushing to the countries of the 'dirty', 'filthy', Kuffar?
Prior to the West invading them, how many Muslims were rushing to Western countries? Pretty much none. The past 100 years of colonialism is what's led to the complete destruction of the economies of the Muslim countries. Muslims come to Australia as economic refugees generally, not because they like Big Macs and meat pies. And Australia actually is witnessing record levels of immigrants returning to their former homes. This year 77,000 Australians moved overseas permanently, the bulk of them immigrants returning to their home countries.
Quote:Aren't muslims being very 'hypocritical', in their actions, and pronouncements?
Nope, it's permissible for Muslims to seek refuge in Christian lands, the first Hijrah (migration) of Muslims to a Christian land was to Abyssinia (Ethiopia, formerly a centre of civilisation, before the West took control of Africa and turned it into a famine stricken mess), during the time of Prophet (pbuh), it was deemed permissible.
Quote:of democracy yet want to enjoy the benefits like free housing, education, healthcare, state handouts and free speech.
Most of those things are not peculiar to democracy, in fact they're more commonly associated with socialism. Islam also believes in such concepts, and enacted most of those systems long before the West even wore clothes or built houses.