abu_rashid wrote on Oct 9
th, 2008 at 1:39pm:
During the peak of Islamic civilisation, when Muslims ruled most of the known world,
Known world? They ruled what is now the Muslim middle east. Not exactly the 'known world'. Or even an important part of it.
This is not the bazaar, you do not need to make boasting and exageration an permanent feature of exchange with others.
Quote: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Besides, it's about quality, not quantity. Much better to have 100 people who actually believe in and practise their religion, than 1000 who treat it like a joke, and mock it just to please the atheists.
Islam is dying. All the mindless killing in its name is a sign of its death throes. It knows it has no basis for beeing confident. It thrashes and slashes and lashes out. It cannot reason, it cannot put its case because reason is alien to it, an enemy like sunlight.
It attracts all the cut-throats, desperados, rabble-rousers and death-loving devinats, and that is its only source of growth. With the communist ideology gone, it is the next great hope fior all the lunatics.
I bet that a great dose of your attraction to it was political rather than spiritual, Mr Hizb ul tahrir. Intellectually, it is negligable. Spiritually, it is a laughable catalogue of mish-mash and misundertsandings and persoanal pique by Muhammed.
Its only attraction is to marauders, conquerors, those who dream of world domination.
I pity those who were born into it. You do not have that excuse.