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No wonder islamics are militant (Read 59714 times)
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #60 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 1:51pm
what is the deal with people saying islamists instead of muslims?

is it actually a valid term??

yadda- gees man, your posts are so confusing to read. and why do you always capitalise Islam? are you afraid people will miss the word?
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #61 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Islamists pursue political goals under the guise of religion.
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #62 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 3:33pm
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:32pm:
Also you completely avoided answering about Lebanon, why?

Not so very long ago Lebanon was a mostly stable, and predominantly Christian country.

Not so today.


May i suggest the recent influence of muslims / ISLAM there.

And learn about how Christians are persecuting muslims in Lebanon.

Christians persecute muslims Lebanon

oooops, again!

Wherever you go in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, why are there so many instances of muslim violence and intolerance, against non-muslims, when the proponents of ISLAM loudly proclaim to non-muslims, that ISLAM is a peaceful faith?

And doesn't that [the reality, the facts] give the lie, to such claims by the proponents of ISLAM?

And why is such violence, and intolerance, and strife, always portrayed by muslims, as the fault of others?

A few news items....

Rise in radical Islam last straw for Lebanon's Christians
Christians are fleeing Lebanon to escape political and economic crises and signs that radical Islam is on the rise in the country.

January 18, 2006
Christians are Leaving the Middle East
Some observers say Christians in the Middle East have fared better under secular governments. Jonathan Adelman, professor of political science at the University of Denver, Colorado, says the rise of fundamentalist Islam is a concern.
"When they hear that Sharia law needs to be introduced, which basically means that Christians cannot testify in court as equals, that they are inferior - this is something that is very hard for any minority in the world, does not matter if they are Christians or not - very hard to understand or to accept in the 21st century, which is about tolerance and is about modernity."

22 May 2007
The Lebanese crisis explained
By Roger Hardy
BBC Middle East analyst
Lebanon is the most politically complex and religiously divided country in the Middle East, which is what makes it such a potentially explosive factor in an unstable region.
Tiny Lebanon baffles outsiders. Even people in the Middle East find its politics confusing.
Set up by France after World War I as a predominantly Christian state, Lebanon is now about 60% Muslim, 40% Christian.

Clearly, Lebanon is just another 'outpost' in the 'struggle' against the 'unbelievers'. least ISLAM is consistent.

Wherever it goes, ISLAMIC communities impose upon other ppl, injustice, violence, strife, and poverty.
....this is colloquially referred to, by muslims as,
'The Peace of ISLAM'.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #63 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 3:45pm
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:32pm:
These two people alone [Turkey, Lebanon] make up the vast bulk of Australia's Muslim community... Why not just admit you don't know what you're on about, instead of trying to sling more mud?

Abu, it is not my intent [as you have suggested] to sling mud - as such.

But i do want to expose the lies, and falsehoods, of the apologists for ISLAM.

And while i do concede, there are many faults with what we term the 'West', their government processes, and with so-called Democracy itself,
the form of Democracy we 'suffer' today in the West, is much to be preferred, to the injustice, the violence, and strife, and poverty, which ISLAM fosters upon ppl, wherever it goes.

Yet muslims will not confront this responsibility [for the strife they bring with them, in their 'just' 'faith' ].

And will always insist that the fault lays with others, with non-muslims, who are always supposedly fostering strife with muslims, and their communities.


'ISLAM is peace', is the pronouncement by muslims.

Are these muslims reading the same Koran that i am????

In my opinion, ISLAM is a cancer, and a curse upon mankind.

And the world today bears this out.

Everywhere ISLAM is, where muslim communities are, a heightened level of strife.
....even in Australia, brawling and strife among muslims.

EXAMPLES from Australia,

News items,

Mosque violence Tensions boil over after move to replace imam
A BITTER factional feud within Canberra's Islamic community has erupted into violence with a leading member being punched repeatedly in the grounds of the mosque at Yarralumla.

Outspoken Muslim seeks police protection
March 22, 2007
One of Australia's most important Muslim leaders has sought police protection......
Tom Zreika, president of the Lebanese Muslim Association - and Sheikh Hilali's employer - said he received non-stop phone threats yesterday after he released a document urging greater integration and for Muslims to "mend their ways".

And the source of this strife?

ISLAMIC texts.

Just study the Koran and Hadith verses, to confirm this for yourself.


Jews & Christians are peoples who are cursed by Allah.

"Unbelievers are unto you open enemies."

"Fighting [against unbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

"And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter.....slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith."

".....Such is the reward of those who suppress faith."


"Allah 's Apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' ...."
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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #64 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:01pm
Soren wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:28pm:
Yadda, you do not seem to appreciate that there has been a massive Zionist western conpiracy againts muslims is partly your fault and mine and everybody else's except the true muslims'. And anyway, many muslims were born here, why shouldn't they be here,you western oppressor, you?

Or something like that. (Unfortunmately I can't do the Pizza accent.)

Yes Soren, those poor victimised muslims, suffering again [according to themselves].

They are always victims, and always being persecuted [by 'hateful' unbelievers], just for being muslims.

Example #1 - UK

25 May 2007
Muslim cleric Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal, who has been deported from the UK....
"......Al-Faisal spent years travelling the UK preaching racial hatred urging his audience to kill Jews, Hindus and Westerners.
......he argued his talks came from the Koran and if he was on trial so was the holy text."

What an indignity! This devout muslim suffered, being expelled from the UK just for exercising his religious freedom [.......i.e. for urging muslims to kill the 'enemies' of Allah].

Example #2 - Turkey

20 Dec 2005
Jihad is 'Muslim obligation'
A lawyer defending al Qaida-linked suspects standing trial for the 2003 suicide bombings in Istanbul told a court that jihad, or holy war, was an obligation for Muslims and his clients should not be prosecuted.
"If you punish them for this, tomorrow, will you punish them for fasting or for praying?"
.....The November 2003 blasts targeted two synagogues, the British Consulate and the local headquarters of the London-based HSBC bank, killing 58 people.

What indignities devout muslims suffer, and just for exercising their religious freedoms [.......i.e. in killing those 'enemies' of Allah, for 'invading' in a muslim land].

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #65 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:09pm


Looks like we have another wiki-scholar on our hands. Are you sure you're not related to soren?

Not so very long ago Lebanon was a mostly stable, and predominantly Christian country.

There's never even been a country called Lebanon until very recently. It's just a little piece of Bilad ash-Sham the French during the Sykes-Picot agreement decided they'd try and form into a Christian majority area. It was for the past 1200 years an Islamic country, as the Sanjack of Beirut, under Shari'ah law and predominantly Muslim. Although they tried to draw the borders so it was majority Christian, it didn't last for long and even prior to France declaring it an independant country it was already majority Muslim. The simple fact is that the capital, Beirut and the 2nd. largest city Tripoli have always been Muslim majority cities, the Christians were only ever a majority in the mountain regions (Mount Lebanon, for which the country was named by the French), the French knew they couldn't make a country without a decent sized city, so they extended the autonomous Christian region to encompass the Muslim cities.

Either way, all this is irrelevant to your original, and false, claim that Muslims come here fleeing religious dictatorships. Lebanon is not a religious dictatorship, and it's head of state is not even a Muslim, he's a Christian. Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about, and move along.

May i suggest the recent influence of muslims / ISLAM there.

As pointed out above, Islamic influence is not new there, in fact if anything, recent times have only seen the complete waning of Islamic influence there. The Islamic Caliphate ruled over what is now Lebanon for the past 1200 years, by Shari'ah law, it's only in the past 80-100 years that situation ceased, and Islamic influence was replaced by French and Maronite influence. Please get your facts straight. If anything the situation is completely upside down to what you suggest. With the decline in Islamic influence, the country has become unstable and people have fled.

And learn about how Christians are persecuting muslims in Lebanon.

Yeh like how the Falanj used to tie Muslims behind their cars and drag them through the streets in predominantly Christian areas... Didn't find that one in your search?

Wherever you go in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, why are there so many instances of muslim violence and intolerance, against non-muslims

Since this has only really happened since the colonial period, why don't you ask the colonialists who've setup the political landscape there? And who till this very second in time fund most of the dictators there to the tune of billions a year. I can answer you regarding atrocities committed when Islam ruled (ie. pre-1924) but since Islam no longer rules, and it's Western-backed dictators who are doing this kind of stuff, I'm sorry but I'm not in a position to answer for them, as I consider them illegitimate. So ask those who consider them legitimate rulers, and who buy them their weapons and who send them civilians to be tortured...

Christians are fleeing Lebanon to escape political and economic crises and signs that radical Islam is on the rise in the country.

During 1200 years of Islamic Shari'ah rule they didn't flee. After only 80-100 years of Western-colonial and neo-colonial rule, they're fleeing.. And you wanna blame it on Islam? Get real.

"When they hear that Sharia law needs to be introduced

What a load of garbage, did they not 'hear' it was introduced 1200 years ago? And was actually abolished 80 years ago?

Clearly, Lebanon is just another 'outpost' in the 'struggle' against the 'unbelievers'.

Last time I checked, outpost means something which is 'outside' not inside your own countries.
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #66 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 5:19pm
It's good to see that you remain unable to engage with the substance of critical posts.

The land that is now Lebanon was not muslim for a very long time. Like the rest of muslim territory outside Araby, it was overrun and forcibly islamised and Arabised by Mohammedan marauders.

Wikipedia is not an in-depth reference source, we all know it. But it is not or either. It is open which means that if it has errors, people can correct theem. It is not biased, it is not partisan. So it is not a bad pointer for arguments on forums like this. It is not an organ (ahem) of Hizb ul tahrir like you are.
(Repeat after me with a Yorkshire accent - Ummah, Ummah, stick it up your jumpahr)

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« Last Edit: Oct 11th, 2008 at 5:37pm by Soren »  
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #67 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 5:23pm
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:09pm:
Clearly, Lebanon is just another 'outpost' in the 'struggle' against the 'unbelievers'.

Last time I checked, outpost means something which is 'outside' not inside your own countries.

Lebanon is merely war booty.

So rightfully, Lebanon should be 'outside' of ISLAMIC influence.

Admit it abu, all lands outside the Saudi peninsula, were all captured war 'booty' lands, converted to ISLAM under the sword of ISLAM, not by persuasion, not by any willingness of their natives, or because of any merit in that faith, called ISLAM.

If ISLAM was a meritorious faith, ISLAM would not need to threaten violence, and death, upon those who, being repulsed by it, flee ISLAM.

But ISLAM does do this.

From ISLAMIC law texts....

Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them BECOMES AN UNBELIEVER and HIS BLOOD MAY LEGALLY BE SPILLED. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."....

From Hadith.....

"...If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."

[....or peaceful]

abu, why is it that muslims never mention, completely passover, that centuries before the Christian Crusades, that ISLAMIC 'missionaries' overran the Christian Holy lands in the 700's, with the sword, and their own crusade for Allah?

And i say it again, *with the sword*.

And then, those ISLAMIC 'missionaries' continued their ISLAMIC 'Crusade' into North Africa, then Spain, and some of southern Europe.

All at the point of a sword.

Google....  "Charles Martel"

Charles Martel halted ISLAM's advance into Europe, in 732.

And this ISLAMIC aggression, all happened CENTURIES before the 'evil' Christians attacked ISLAM in 1100's, in their own 'Crusade'
.....aggression against muslims which was provoked by muslims, because Christian pilgrims travelling to the 'holy lands' were being mistreated, and killed by muslims.

And lets not fail to mention the later, glorious expansion of ISLAM eastward, into the Indian subcontinent, where tens of millions of 'polytheists' were 'justly' put to the sword by ISLAM.

There is no peaceful ISLAM.

But only bloodthirsty, booty lusting ISLAM.

abu, instead of rejecting these facts, why don't you acknowledge these occurrences as fact?
....and admit that ISLAM, is not at all peaceful.
....but that ISLAM is an expansionist, violent, political, supremacist philosophy.

Accusing others of oppression today, muslims should take a look in the mirror.

But its too difficult for muslims to face their own shame, isn't it abu?

Much easier to blame-shift onto the 'enemies' of Allah, the Kuffar...

"Those 'guilty' Kuffar are persecuting, us 'peace-loving' muslims!"

Why is it abu, that muslims are never willing to face their shame?
The excuse is always,
.....'Some one else is at fault, true muslims don't do such things'.

Because muslims can't admit their mistakes [to, and against Kuffar].
ISLAM tells all muslims that they are better than Kuffar.
And muslim actions are always 'just', in their actions against the 'guilty' Kuffar [supposedly].

ISLAM / muslims hate TRUTH.
....that is why they hate freedom of speech.

The image [below] of a muslim going against his own ISLAMIC morality,
and is perpetrating an oxymoron upon the sign in the background....

"Freedom of expression GO TO HELL!" [London]

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #68 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Somewhat inexplicably you identify in Islam many of the markers of fascism, Yadda, as identified by Umbeerto Eco and as presented on this forum under thee extremism exposed section.

Shurely shome mishtake.

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #69 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 6:31pm
Soren wrote on Oct 11th, 2008 at 5:59pm:
Somewhat inexplicably you identify in Islam many of the markers of fascism, Yadda, as identified by Umbeerto Eco and as presented on this forum under thee extremism exposed section.
Shurely shome mishtake.

".....In an article in the 1932 Encyclopedia Italiana, written by Giovanni Gentile and attributed to Benito Mussolini, Fascism is described as a system, founded by Benito Mussolini on March 23, 1919, in which
"The State not only is the authority which governs and molds individual wills with laws and values of spiritual life, but it is also the power which makes its will prevail abroad.... For the Fascist, everything is within the State and . . . neither individuals nor groups are outside the State....
For Fascism, the State is an absolute, before which individuals or groups are only relative...."....."

"For the Fascist, everything is within the State"



If it walks like a duck, and if it quacks like a duck......

You may call it fascism, and some may call it ISLAM [....'with fascist characteristics'].

Are either wrong?

It would seem not.

The problem is Soren, how to lift the veil?
....Jane & Joe citizen Australians [and Westerners generally], seem very naive and trusting, for the most part.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #70 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 7:51pm
political islam does display many characteristics of fascism, whether by Eco's reckoning or otherwise.

Political islam is avowedly anti-democratic. It has some elements of socialist ideology and many more elements of fascism. The few socialist elements are (mostly) expression of concern for the wellbeing of the people, the many more elements that resemble fascism are expressions of the stance against the rest of the world. Political islam abound in resentment and consequent antagonism towards the rest of the world.
This, the fascist elemeent, is one of the reasons why Abu Rashid's Hizb ul tahrir is banned in many European countries, most notably in Germany, a country more sensitive to fascist ideology than most.
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #71 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:21pm
Yada....what you fail to mention is that under Islam, Christianity/Judism prospered, even flourished.

Jews describe there 'Golden age' as that which was under Al-Andalus, where Christians/jews excelled under Islamic rule.

Egypt remained a predominantly Christian country 3 centuries after it was conquered by Amr Ibn Al-Aas. This shows that no one was forced to convert....people were allowed to live in peace, practising their own religon...and they did.

Now I don't expect you to believe me...but unfortunately for you, the evidence is there for all to see. Jews lived in peace under arab rule for hundreds of year, there are thousands of churches which remain in arab lands, after hundreds of years of Islamic rule.

If muslims were as bad as you say, then there would be no Christian churches, no Synagogues, no minority religons surving today in lands ruled by Islam. Alas...the evidence suggests otherwise.

On the other hand, if we take a look at Christianity...not one religon has survived the purge of Catholicism...that is, in every place where Christianity spread, it completely destroyed the indigenous beliefs which existed in these lands. Even Judism...from which Christianity was derived, was almost destroyed to the point where jews welcomed the muslim liberators in Al-Andalus. Even rivals sects (arians) were almost wiped out and made a plea to the muslims to come and help (the visigoths).

The saxons, the lombards, the goths, the picts, the celts, the Cathars and the Albigensian, every single pre-Catholic religon was complete obliterated by the catholic purge.

Ever heard of Clovis? Ever heard of Charlemagne? Considered great 'Christian' leaders...yet there lasting legacy was the complete genocide of the saxons (the saxon wars) and the Goths/Lombards. The catholics church's rule over Europe began when these 'Saints' wiped out anyone who was not Catholic, this included pagans/arians and anyone else who slightly deviated from the Nicea doctrine.

When muslims conquered Spain, it marked the beginning of centuries of tolerance, co-operation and peace between muslims, Christians and jews. When the Christians conquered Spain, it marked the beginning of the inquisition, where hundreds of thousands of muslims/jews were given two choices, convert or die. So successful was this genocide that no muslims survived in Spain.

When Jerusalem was conquered by Omar Ibn Khattab, the city was captured with little bloodshed, and even the Patriarch of Jerusalem opened the gates of the city, under the condition that the Caliph himself came to the gates...such was the Caliph's standing in even the Christian world.

Alternatively, when the crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, muslims, jews, and amazingly even fellow Christians were slaughtered in their thousands by the crusaders.

Then when Salah Al-Din re-captured Jerusalem from the crusaders...all the Christians were allowed to leave with their lives.

Even in South America, when the Conquisitors spread Christianity by the sword...they wiped out whole civilisations. Aztecs, Omnecs, Maya's...all great civilisations which today no longer exist except in the history books.

Are you noticing a pattern here. Whenever muslims conquered lands...there was peace, tolerance, and co-existance. Whenever Christianity conquered lands, there was suffering, death, and persecution.

Christianity, Judism, Hindus, Buddhists...all religons that survived the Islamic revolution...and without fail, all these religons and their cultures actually benefited from Islamic rule.

I challenge you to name one...just one religon that survived the catholic purge.

And the biggest victims of catholicism...was ironically Europe and Catholics themselves, who lived more then a millenia under the tyranny of the pope and his bishops, and only when Europe managed to wrestle itself from this tyranical rule (ironically with help from the muslims via Al-Andalus)...did the reformation begin.

When Islam was at its strongest, muslim countries were at the peak of there civilisation, and minority religons flourished and allowed to practise there religons.

When catholicism was at its strongest, Christian countries were living in huts by rivers bathing in their own poo, and all existing religons were literally wiped out.

When Islam declined, muslim nations declined.

When catholicsm declined...Christian nations rose. Really says it all doesn't it.
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« Last Edit: Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:29pm by Lestat »  
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #72 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:38pm
Lestat wrote on Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:21pm:
When Islam declined, muslim nations declined.

When catholicsm declined...Christian nations rose. Really says it all doesn't it.

Some nations declined while others rose and that goes for both Muslim and Christian nations. However it is interesting to notice that decline of political influence of Catholicism coincided with decline of political influence of Islam. I think it was just a coincidence but it tells how coincidental the world is.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #73 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:44pm
The land that is now Lebanon was not muslim for a very long time.

I guess in the grand scale of things, 1200 years is not that long, but compared to how long it was Christian, it's more than double. Yet you have no problem claiming it's a Christian land. Just another example of your hypocritical double standards.

Like the rest of muslim territory outside Araby, it was overrun and forcibly islamised and Arabised by Mohammedan marauders.

Right... not like the Christian lands, where the pagans and barbarians just ran stupidly under the swords of the Christian conquerors.. ahem I mean proselytisers, and therefore their genocide was their own fault. And of course the Christians tried everything in their power to stop those stupid pagans running into their swords didn't they? Or were their warriors all hiding behind them? Early occurence of 'collateral damage' and 'human shields' was it?

Wikipedia is not an in-depth reference source, we all know it

No doubt it's a valuable supplementary source, but if it's your primary/sole source, then arguing with you gets a little boring, to say the least.


So rightfully, Lebanon should be 'outside' of ISLAMIC influence.

It has been a Muslim land for more than twice as long as it was ever a Christian land. Perhaps it's a Phoenician land? Perhaps we can bring the Punic descendants of the Phoenicians from Tunisia, and they can take it back?

Admit it abu, all lands outside the Saudi peninsula, were all captured war 'booty' lands

If you'd like to admit all Christian lands outside of Palestine are 'captured war booty' also, as that's where Christianity originated from. and it's well known historical fact that the Christian conquests of Europe and the New World were the bloodiest religious conquests in the history of mankind. Lestat already detailed some of them, and I've already written entire posts before detailing them for the benefit of soren (not that it actually did benefit him).

If ISLAM was a meritorious faith, ISLAM would not need to threaten violence, and death

Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, became Muslim quite peacefully, through the influence of trade.

abu, why is it that muslims never mention, completely passover, that centuries before the Christian Crusades, that ISLAMIC 'missionaries' overran the Christian Holy lands in the 700's, with the sword, and their own crusade for Allah?

Actually the Byzantine armies marched towards Arabia, the Islamic move into the Levant was purely defensive. The tiny little defenseless desert state had no choice but to try and defend itself, and miraculously it conquered two superpowers of the world within a very short period.

Charles Martel halted ISLAM's advance into Europe, in 732.

You'd like to believe that. The Islamic liberation of Europe was halted by the misjudgement and suspicions of the Caliph who called the two leading commanders of the Muslim liberation force (Tariq Bin Ziyad, and Musa Bin Nusayr (May God be well pleased with them)) back to the capital in Damascus. If not for this error in judgement, you'd be Muslim today Smiley so thank Suleyman Bin Abdul Malik, not Charles Bartel.

because Christian pilgrims travelling to the 'holy lands' were being mistreated, and killed by muslims.

At least Christians were actually permitted to be there in the first place to be able to be mistreated. Any 'Saracen' caught inside the Christian lands of Europe was instantly murdered. That's why Europeans never mistreated Muslims, they couldn't keep them alive long enough within their borders to get time to mistreat them!!
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Re: No wonder islamics are militant
Reply #74 - Oct 12th, 2008 at 4:01pm
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:44pm:
Charles Martel halted ISLAM's advance into Europe, in 732.

You'd like to believe that. The Islamic liberation of Europe was halted by the misjudgement and suspicions of the Caliph who called the two leading commanders of the Muslim liberation force (Tariq Bin Ziyad, and Musa Bin Nusayr (May God be well pleased with them)) back to the capital in Damascus. If not for this error in judgement, you'd be Muslim today Smiley so thank Suleyman Bin Abdul Malik, not Charles Bartel.

On October 10th, 732, the Christian forces of Charles Martel defeated the Sunni Umayyad Muslim forces of Abdul Rahman al Ghafiqi in France at the Battle of Tours, ending Muslim attempts to conquer Europe.

Muslim invaders had conquered and destroyed the cities of Narbonne, Toulouse, and Bordeaux in France, in the 700's AD.  This was only decades after the death of Mohammad, and 360 years before the First Crusade.  Muslims fought an offensive war with the religious goal of overrunning the Christian stronghold of Europe.  

Charles got the nickname "Martel" (the hammer) for his victory over the Muslims at the Battle of Tours (also known as the Battle of Poitiers), and for his subsequent victories that expelled the Muslims from France.  The keys to his victory at Tours were:

-Waiting until his forces could be gathered and treaties made, uniting the French and the Germanic tribes against the Muslim invaders.  The delayed response caused the Muslims to become over-confident.
-By staying off the main roads, Martel was able to use stealth to move his forces into place.
-Martel carefully chose the time and place of battle, positioning his troops at the top of an incline, with trees providing cover from Muslim calvary charges.
-The Christian troops were well trained, well disciplined, and well equipped.  They were among the first infantry to be able to withstand a calvary charge.

This is what historians had to say about the Battle of Tours before the advent of PC:

"[The Battle of Tours] must ever remain one of the great events in the history of the world, as upon its issue depended whether Christian Civilization should continue or Islam prevail throughout Europe." - Godefroid Kurth

"[T]he arm of Charles Martel saved and delivered the Christian nations of the West from the deadly grasp of all-destroying Islam." - Friedrich Schlegel

"[I]t was a struggle between East and West, South and North, Asia and Europe, the Gospel and the Koran; and we now say, on a general  consideration of events, peoples, and ages, that the civilization of the world depended on it." - M. Guizot and Mme. Guizot de Witt

"[T]here was no more important battle in the history of the world." - Hans Delbruck

“[The Battle of Tours] decided that Christians, and not Muslims, should be the ruling power in Europe.” - John Henry Haaren

"The victory gained was decisive and final, The torrent of Arab conquest was rolled back and Europe was rescued from the threatened yoke of the Saracens." - Louis Gustave and Charles Strauss

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