Kytro wrote on Oct 20
th, 2008 at 3:36pm:
ex-member DonaldTrump wrote on Oct 17
th, 2008 at 7:01pm:
The best remedies for depression IMO are:
1) Meeting new people and forcing yourself into new situations.
2) Exercising.
1 = Way to much stress
2 = Good
Kyrto, thing is, one of the number one causes of depression is
lonliness. Another one is
continuity and consistency.
These are actually quite normal things people go through, but people with depression don't realise this and are usually caught up too much in feeling sorry for themselves to realise the best remedy for this.
Exercise is okay in the short run, but to be truly happy, you really need to go out and put your balls on the line in public situations. Have the guts to embarrass yourself. It may cause stress, but people with depression should do this. Or at least put yourself in a new situation. For example, save up money and travel to Vladivostok or something like that. I GUARANTEE instant results from these experiences. Nothing like constant travel to clear your mind. It takes their mind out of their mind.
The trick to getting over depression is somehow getting out of your own mind. Believe me, there's nothing worse than being trapped in your own head. It's worse than actual pain.
Depression is a little like a tennis match. You may spend the entire game on the base line and you're getting your @ss handed to you. You decide to change your game and volley it instead. You will find it becomes a more interesting and competitive match afterwards. What I'm trying to say, if it doesn't work...
change it.
A philosophy of my own which I've come up with if I'm ever feeling depressed, is to ask myself, what I want to do before I die. Or, tell myself, there's a billion things I need to do before shooting myself in the head, for example, go to Antartica, jump out of a plane, bunjee jumping, kayaking.
Life is too short to worry about being depressed. PEople who take the defeatist attitude (Such as people who don't like immigration and multiculturalism. But they have a fatalistic attitude about it and think there's nothing they can do about it. And that they should learn to 'live with it.') are going to live a long, and sad life. Life is there to be taken and strangled in my opinion.