Quote:I believe you were going to post a link?
You can just type Sam Shamoun (the main guy behind answering-islam.org) into youtube, and you'll get the videos of his debates with Muslims. What I want to know though is why he doesn't publish them on his website? Surely if he's holding the truth and propagating it, then shouldn't he have a big menu on the side for "Lectures" where you could click to see all his debates against Muslims, where he showed them up? Not even a mention that he's engaged in such debates... answering-christianity.org and www.examinethetruth.com have plenty of these videos on their refutation sites. Perhaps you should visit answering-christianity.org because it actually contains refutations of every single article on answering-islam.org Can't hurt to examine the refutation can it? I've looked at both sides.. and I think it's quite obvious who's speaking garbage and who's with the truth. Then again, you're not interested in the truth really are you? You're interested in trashing Islam, only. Your lack of sincerity, is what prevents you from advancing beyond a cut-paste drone.
This is the debate I have watched so far, called "Is Islam a religion of peace":
Shamoun actually ran off from this debate I think.
Quote:Most of the counter-arguments which i have seen presented by muslims, have often seemed very illogical to me.
Have you visited answering-christianity.org ?
If so, can you link to a specific refutation you think is illogical?
Quote:what is out of context, in this next Koran quote?
Nothing, what's wrong with the quote? It's advising Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as trusted protectors over them, and if we look in the world today we can surely see why. Btw it doesn't say 'friends' at all, that's a mistranslation. The word used is awliya, which means guardian or trusted protector, it's never used in the Arabic language as we'd use friend or mate in English.
Quote:Isn't the meaning of this last Koran verse also un-ambiguous, and isn't it actually inciting the hatred of 'unbelievers' ???
Why don't we read the next few verses and see?
Ah!ye are those who love them, but they love you not,- though ye believe in the whole of the Book. When they meet you, they say, "We believe": But when they are alone, they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage. Say: "Perish in you rage; Allah knoweth well all the secrets of the heart."
If aught that is good befalls you, it grieves them; but if some misfortune overtakes you, they rejoice at it. But if ye are constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you; for Allah Compasseth round about all that they do.Also note that these verses are speaking about a very special class of people, not just "All unbelievers". It refers to the Munafiqoon, those who publically professed Islam, but secretly, they used to plot and plan against the Muslims with the idol-worshippers.. That's why it says when they meet you they say "We believe".
Also it states a people whom the Muslims love them... So the idea it's about hating is just ridiculous.