Sprintcyclist wrote on Oct 29
th, 2008 at 3:09pm:
That's an incredibly pathetic reply
Abu would be proud of it.
do you really need me to break down for you the reasons why taking 3 people as representative of millions is pathetic?
do you really need me to point out that when someone is constantly attacked and denigrated and their religion disrespected and the rules of their forum broken that it is only logical that they will not at all times portray saint like qualities? and that broken rules end up in the punishments already set out, such as moddings, deletions, warnings and eventually bannings?
do you really need me to explain to you that even if someone claims to be representative of the people of their religion or the religion itself that that does not automatically mean that they will be a good representation of those things? so even if you interpret abu as being a bad representation that this does not determine the nature of Islam or other muslims?
certainly we all have faults sprint- but it seems to me that the continual attack upon abu's character and modding behaviour stems more from basic bigotry, a sense of pride, arrogance, and self-importance than any actual breach of human rights. people cannot seem to deal with their words being deleted because they view themselves and their views as so precious that to delete them is some sort of affront to the basic principles of free speech. rather than it being a direct consequence of a lack of respect for other people, for Islam and for the rules of the forum.
people seem to view any form of vitriole and abuse being tolerated as an exemplary form of the virtues of free speech, completely ignoring the fact that there is such a thing as an abuse of rights which does not necessarily equate to an oppression of them- rather an exploitation.
perhaps if people concerned themselves more with their own behaviour and their own attitudes they would see an improvement in the behaviour of those around them.