ISLAM is not a religion, in the sense that Westerners understand the word 'religion'.
ISLAM is a ruthless, 'mono-cultural'
political system.
Is Islam a Religion?
Why is it that the Lovers Of Sharia [LOS] will embrace multiculturalism, non-ISLAMIC countries?
BUT, WHY IS IT..... that in ISLAMIC countries, like, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc, LOS always seem to *expunge* all the 'multicultural rights' of all other cultural groups???
And don't let the LOS mislead you,
....this *oppression* of non-LOS, by LOS [in *their own* jurisdictions], is all *sanctioned by Sharia* [their laws], and ISLAMIC religious texts.
LOS are taught by their own 'religion', that all non-LOS people, are inferior to LOS.
And they are taught that it is against Allah's law, and a great sin against LOS, for non-LOS people to govern, and make LOS subject to secular laws.
And i am always amazed that so few Aussies question this reality [the
political realities within Sharia jurisdictions].
And that so few Aussies are prepared to challenge the absolute duplicity, of those LOS who reside in Australia, in *misrepresenting* ISLAM, as a [peaceful] culture.
JAHILIYYA [un-ISLAMIC lifestyle]
ISLAM in its 'religious' doctrines, demands intolerance of 'unbelief', and the Jahiliyya lifestyle.
"It is not the function of Islam to compromise with the concepts of Jahiliyya
which are current in the world
or to co-exist in the same land together with a jahili system........"by SAYYID QUTB"....Jahiliyya is a result of the lack of Sharia law, without which Islam cannot exist;" you get that?
What it means, is that ISLAM has determined, that ISLAM cannot [effectively] exist without muslims having, and imposing the authority of Sharia law - upon all [both muslims, and non-muslims].
All non-muslims must be brought under the authority of muslims, and Sharia.
This is ISLAMIC doctrine.