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A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile (Read 1908 times)
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A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Nov 6th, 2008 at 8:48am
Are you surprised when 13 yo raped victim is stoned to death in Islamic countries?

Don't be, read this:

What about the fact that the "Prophet" Mohamed was actually a paedophile. One of many of his wives ( Aisha ) was only nine years old. As a result of this , in accordance with Koran,
every Muslim is allowed to marry a girl as young as nine. In other words every Muslim is allowed to be a paedophile as well as their "prophet" Mohamed was.
So disgusting and what sort of religion is this that allows people to rape children???

This is from original (translation from Arabic ) Muslim sources
The Prophet's third wife Aishah,
daughter of his dear friend Abu Bakr, was only 6 when she accepted
nikah with the Prophet, that she married him physically when she
was around 9, and was around 18 when he died. One can find these
'facts' quoted again and again; moreover, they appear to the based
on the most trustworthy of authorities - hadith collections of
Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawod, an-Nasa'i and Ibh Majah.

Mohammed the Husband
Sura 4:3 says men may have at most four wives, except that in Sura 33:50 Mohammed had an exception for himself. According to the Muslim scholar Ali Dashti, below are Mohammed’s wives and concubines.

1. Khadija b. Khuwailid (died 1st) 13. Asma of Saba

2. Sawda/Sauda bint Zam’a 14. Zaynab of Khozayma

3. ‘Aisha/’A’isha/Aesha 8-9 yrs old.

4. Omm/Umm Salama/Salaim 16. Asma of Noman

5. Hafsa ѕ slaves / concubines ѕ

6. Zaynab/Zainab bint Jahsh 17. Mary the Christian

7. Jowayriya / Juwairiya (captive) 18. Rayhana

8. Omm/Umm Habiba ѕ uncertain relationship

9. Safiya/Saffiya b. Huyai (captive) 19. Omm Sharik

10. Maymuna/Maimuna of Hareth 20. Maimuna

11. Fatima/Fatema (briefly) 21. Zaynab/Zainab 3rd

12. Hend/Hind (widow) 22. Khawla


Muhammad was 52 and Aisha was 9 when they married and sexually consummated their marriage. Muhammad followed an Arab custom in marrying a child who had her first menstrual cycle. This action must be questioned, regardless of it being a cultural norm, because Muhammad's action and teachings on marriage established an Islamic precedent: a girl is judged an adult following her first menstruation, and is eligible for marriage and sexual relations. Thus Muslim men are allowed to marry and have intercourse with young girls who have happened to have an early first menstrual cycle. As will be shown, this leads to physical and psychological damage to the child. INTRODUCTION Muhammad's first wife - Khadija, died a few years before he fled to Medina. Later, he was encouraged to take another wife. At the age of 49 he was betrothed to Aisha, age six. Aisha was his closest friend's, Abu Bakr's, daughter. At that time, she had already been betrothed to another man but by mutual consent the betrothal was dissolved. Three years later, following her first menstrual cycle, he then formally married and sexually consummated his marriage with her. Most Western people know it is not in a 9 year old girl's best interest to engage in marriage and sexual relations with a 52 year old man, regardless of the cultural setting. We know that, in our culture today, a person doing such a thing could possible be sent to prison for sex with a minor, statutory rape, or other related laws. Most of us find it questionable for Muhammad, a self proclaimed prophet of God, to do such a thing. We expect a real prophet to know better, or at least hear from God on the matter. What is more critical than Muhammad's single action with Aisha is that he taught that a girl is considered an adult following her first menstrual cycle. He also taught that his followers were to follow his "sunnah" or lifestyle. Thus today, throughout much of the Mideast, girls as young as nine are often married by men old enough to be their grandfather. But why then do we find it objectionable? After all, Muhammad did not live in our culture or under our law. He lived under a Semitic culture. And this custom of marrying girls after their first menses existed in the Mideast long before Muhammad. What is the basis for rejection of this Semite custom and Muhammad's precedent? Are there any valid reasons to criticize it? Or should it simply be rejected based upon our own cultural bias? I'll address this and other issues in this paper, and a discussion of the consequences of his deed as well. However some fundamental groundwork needs to be laid before moving on. Aisha's actual age is the first point that needs to be established. Within the Islamic world there is division concerning Aisha's age when she sexually consummated her marriage. Many Muslims in the West have a hard time accepting Aisha was only a little girl of 9 when their "prophet" had sex with her.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #1 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 9:25am
They can marry girls at any age, even before nine. But they are 'expected' to look after them, which implies not having sex till they hit puberty. The girl then grows to love the old man over time. She remains faithful to him, or gets stoned to drath for adultery.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #2 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 9:47am

Feedback         Number of comments : 63

Afghanistan      02/11/2008
Down with religious fundamentalism
This is cruel, insane and inhumane at best. Reminds me of the Taliban years and of the fact that these medieval minded mercenaries are a threat that needs to be gotten rid of once and for all. My sympathies go out for the girl, her family and the innocents caught up in Somalia.

Yazid bin Zubair
Pakistan      02/11/2008
This is the Fabricated report based on western media sources, no body stone to death a vitamized girl . This is just all about propganda against Islam run by west since 9/11.

Canada      02/11/2008
So these so called "men' rape a 13 year old child and then she is stoned to death by so called "men" and people say Islam and Shariah is all about love and goodwill and peace? What idiot believes this when this kind of stuff happens? Are these people living in the 1100's? No words can describe such thinking but stone-aged, uncivilized and beasts are a start.

Bangladesh      02/11/2008
Inhuman!! No place in Islam
If it is fact (unless a propaganda by non-Muslim media), being a Muslim I can say this is absolutely unacceptable and this action has no place in Islam neither it has anything to do with Islam rather this is an unscrupulous action of some criminals in the name of Islam. We can consider this action is similar to the Americans are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's shame for those criminals look like human. I am sorry for Aisha, May Allah rest her soul in the Paradize!! Ameen!!

Canada      02/11/2008
justice or sadistic murder
It makes no difference what age she was, we're well aware of how confessions can be obtained by torture, and that the way they treat woman is disgraceful and despicable ( the most mild words of what I really feel and believe). Those who maintain this way of living are worse than animals as one person put it, they deserve nothing better than to be stoned themselves and if I had my way......I'll let your imagination fill in the rest...... (make it slow and aganizing )

Nigeria      02/11/2008
Somali fighters stone rape victims
Aljazeera has proven over and over again that they are in league with those whose goal is to discredit the blessed struggle. I duobt if any single muslim worth the name or anyone with commonn sense would believe this spurious publicity.IT'S SHEER CALUMNY!

Dhoruba Bin-Wahad
Ghana      02/11/2008
To all the idiots who jumped to conclusions there is simple axiom they could try, "no information-no right to speak". People are not fools and seldom readily embrace their own dehumanization - indeed ignorance is not bliss - for those in the west so eager to jump on self-righteous pulpit remember the pyramid of African skulls gathered by Belgium's King Leopold as proof of power, and ask yourself how did Africans wage war before the invasions of European & Arabs - don't scapegoat Islam

Australia      02/11/2008
Insh'Allah Allah gives these cowards the punishment they deserve. In Islam, It is the one who rape's another person whom should get the death penalty. These men are nothing but evil cowards. What a bunch of shayateen.

Andy Dabydeen
Canada      02/11/2008
Where are the Muslims?
The fundamentalists are taking over Islam. Inaction by the vast majority of Muslims who, hopefully, are not fundamentalists, at best, lends support to these animals. If you're Muslim and what is being done in the name of your religion disturbs you stop defending them let your voice be heard. Stop them. If you don't protect your religion, your people, your little girls, there's no hope for you or your religion.

Afghanistan      02/11/2008
"Somali fighters"
What a bunch of losers. They remind me of the KKK in the U.S.: A bunch of frightened and in-bred bigots who are too ashamed of their deeds to let the world see their faces. If that weren't cowardly enough, they then try to use the Creator as cover for their sick behavior. May Allah have mercy on their putrid souls.

Afghanistan      02/11/2008
Now, can you believe people saying "ALJAZEERA" giving fabricated news. Get up people. Understand the reality and not hide it under the bed with a clean sheet. Those people who support and are spectators of such a crime should be stoned too. These people have not experienced peace and love. That's why they are like that. I feel pity for their frustrated life and have nothing to do.

Afghanistan      02/11/2008
Somali fighters stonerape vicim
Terrible..Wot a 'cop-out' in Afganistan.That is precisely how HITLER managed to gas so many in world war two.Get real. I suppose we in in England should disbelieve what's going on in your country!!!! Good Muslims should root out this gind of evil that is done in the name of your religion.

Ireland      02/11/2008
The key sentence in this article is 'A human rights group has said...'. In other words both sides of the story have not been fully fleshed out. Most of these human rights groups are quite content to see lawlessness and adultery spread like wildfire through society. If there are people trying to destroy family values (and I am not saying that the accused was) then there should be appropriate measures. Whats the alternative? Break up of the fam
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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #3 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 10:41am
Most modern cults have a leader who is a pedophile or has some kind of dodgy personal standards.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #4 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:16pm
"I do know that those who had sex with children in the past did not claim to be prophets as he did.
But also in order to follow some basic morals and ethics you don’t need particular religion, only common human sense, and this common sense tells me that is not moral to have sex with nine years old children. Does someone want to convince me that Aisha, nine years old girl, had voluntarily sex with 52 years old man Mohamed. Sorry I don’t believe so. She definitely had to be raped by him. As a result of all this he should, BY ALL MORAL STANDARDS, be considered as a DIRTY OLD PERVERT MAN.
Could such man be a holly profit? I don’t think so.
But the point is that, as I have explained, his followers continue to do the same things as he did. And finally would anyone normal wishes his nine years old daughter to be raped by 52 years old man???"
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #5 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:24pm
athos wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:16pm:
"I do know that those who had sex with children in the past did not claim to be prophets as he did.
But also in order to follow some basic morals and ethics you don’t need particular religion, only common human sense, and this common sense tells me that is not moral to have sex with nine years old children. Does someone want to convince me that Aisha, nine years old girl, had voluntarily sex with 52 years old man Mohamed. Sorry I don’t believe so. She definitely had to be raped by him. As a result of all this he should, BY ALL MORAL STANDARDS, be considered as a DIRTY OLD PERVERT MAN.
Could such man be a holly profit? I don’t think so.
But the point is that, as I have explained, his followers continue to do the same things as he did. And finally would anyone normal wishes his nine years old daughter to be raped by 52 years old man???"

Would it make a difference if he was 12 year old at the time?

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #6 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:28pm
It wouldn't have been as bad, but it would still be wrong. It would be like a grade 7 boy having sex with a grade 4 girl.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #7 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 9:13pm
"Are you surprised when 13 yo raped victim is stoned to death in Islamic countries?"

a few things here, Somalia isn't "islamic countries" its a muslim country, one without a govt for about 20 years.

secondly most people(meaning muslims) can't fathom how they can apply that punishment. Historically the punishment for an unmarried person who had sex outside marriage was stoning, assuming that 4 people were around to watch. So even by the harshest application of Hadud laws the woman would of just got lashed.

thirdly her age is disputed, Somalis have a kind of reputation for changing their ages for variour reasons.

fourthly- The group that did this, is know for their "over enthusiasm". Its kind of the equivalent of the "honorable" Fred Nile being in charge of the laws in Newcastle.

now about your rant....

it is incorrect when you say we are allowed to marry people young as 9. It is actually when a person hits puberty, which happens to be subjective. As for Aisha, her age is intensly debated, some say she was 6 when she was engaged and 9 when she got married and others say she was as old as 16 when she was married. And if you are finished using standards from 2008 to judge someone from the 7th century let me remind you of a saying from the 7th century. "Kids have 7 years to play and grow up, they then have 7 years to be educated and then they have 7 years to make something of themselves. And if by that time they haven't then clean your hands of them" people back then didn't have the luxury to waste time being "teenagers".

So disgusting and what sort of religion is this that allows people to rape children???"
sorry to rain on your parade, but if you can prove someone "raped" another person, the rapist will be facing one form of execution rather quickly.

also the part that that quote from a Christian website didn't mention is that he was married to her was because of her father, it was a marriage for the purposes of consolidation of Abu Bakr into the fold. In fact most of his wives actually were more about tribal diplomacy rather than what we would consider "love".

another thing that site won't mention is that Aisha never had a child. Strange result if as you claim he was a pedo.

There come up with something original next time please. If i was your creative writting teacher i'd only give you 2/10... 2 for trying.

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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #8 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 9:49pm
Welcome to OzPolitic Phillip.

it is incorrect when you say we are allowed to marry people young as 9. It is actually when a person hits puberty,

According to Abu puberty is for sex, but marriage can happen earlier

which happens to be subjective.

Isn't that convenient.

And if you are finished using standards from 2008 to judge someone from the 7th century

Apparently the standards set back then are timeless.

In fact most of his wives actually were more about tribal diplomacy rather than what we would consider "love".

According to Abu Islam is still like that.

another thing that site won't mention is that Aisha never had a child. Strange result if as you claim he was a pedo.

How so? Technically a pedophile is someone who loses interest once the victim hits puberty.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #9 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:19pm
"According to Abu puberty is for sex, but marriage can happen earlier"
nikah can happen before, but its not really a marriage until the honeymoon.

Isn't that convenient."
i don't make the world, i just live in it. Cool

"How so? Technically a pedophile is someone who loses interest once the victim hits puberty. "
yet he stayed with her, and she was his favorite wife.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #10 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:56am
Aren't Muslims supposed to treat all wives equally?
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #11 - Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:46pm
freediver wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:56am:
Aren't Muslims supposed to treat all wives equally?

That refers to materially, not which one you love the most.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #12 - Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:52pm
Phillip wrote on Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:46pm:
freediver wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:56am:
Aren't Muslims supposed to treat all wives equally?

That refers to materially, not which one you love the most.

Thou shalt have no wife but your Wife and your Moolah is her Profit.
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #13 - Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:56pm
Phillip wrote on Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:46pm:
freediver wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:56am:
Aren't Muslims supposed to treat all wives equally?

That refers to materially, not which one you love the most.

You mean in the same way as Jesus Christ 'loved' one of his disciples more than the rest?
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Classic Liberal
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Re: A Religion where the “prophet” is a pedophile
Reply #14 - Nov 15th, 2008 at 7:17pm
muso wrote on Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:56pm:
Phillip wrote on Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:46pm:
[quote author=freediver link=1225925322/0#10 date=1226624201]Aren't Muslims supposed to treat all wives equally?

That refers to materially, not which one you love the most.

You mean in the same way as Jesus Christ 'loved' one of his disciples more than the rest?[/quote]

you are really stretching it there mate
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