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replacing morals with rules (Read 18590 times)
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #30 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 3:38pm
So this is all about you holding that physical punishments are immoral?

No. I'm saying that Islam replaces morals with rules.

Is Indonesia immoral for executing the Bali bombers?

Many people think so, including families of victims.

Wouldn't be an underlying moral that stealing is wrong, would it? Nah... Islam couldn't be moral could it??

I'm not saying there is no morals behind the rules. But chopping off someone's hand is still wrong.

Since I consider that all the rules of Islam emanate from morals, then yes it is a logical conclusion that you can't replace the morals with the rules, because the rules only exist as an extension of the moral, and therefore can't exist without it.

The claim that rules cannot exist without morals is dubious enough, but it is not logical to conclude from this that you can't replace morals with rules.

If you took away people's 'right' to attack Islam as a whole everytime a Muslim did something wrong, this forum wouldn't even exist.

I seem to be having trouble following your logic.

They represent Christianity as Christians. They regularly attack Islam based on the actions of Muslims, yet if I do the same back, you're going to jump down my throat?? Where's the even hand here?

Only to the extent that those actions reflect on Islamic doctrine. Representing Christianity, and representing the actions of all who claim or have in the past claimed to be Christians are not the same thing. I don't think anyone here tried to associate you personally with 9/11, yet you associated other members with the murder of Jews:

you persecuted and murdered them and considered them to be an absolute abomination

If a member here personally subscribed to a religious ideology that supported the murder of Jews, I would criticise them for it. Likewise if a member here subscribes to a religious ideology that calls for stoning people to death, amputation, whipping, the denial of freedom of religion, democracy and personal choice etc, I would criticise that also. I don't see how that makes my hand uneven.
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #31 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 7:13pm
I do think Christianity or Judaism are better than Islam. This does not mean I represent either. I do think islam is a massive misunderstanding of judaism especially,  and that islam is fuelled by Mohammed's hatred of the jews after his new religion, Islam, was rejected by them.

Mohammed perceiveed that the jews were cohesive and successful and thought that 'borrowing' from them would be beneficial for the pagan rabble that the Arabs were by comparison. Hence his courting of the jews, and hence his turn to murderous resentment when he was not hailed by them. He was laaughed at because to the jews islam was a laughable mish-mash of half-comprehended, half-invented parody of Judaism.

And hence the constant refernce to the jews by Mohammedans. The jews are the eternal thorn in the side of Islam, and until barely two minutes ago in historic terms, of the Christians.

The infinite advantage of Christianity over Islam in this regard is that Jesus was a rabbi. He DID know his onions, unlike
Mohammed.  It is in this regard, by the way, that i think Mohammedan (follower of Mohammed) is a better name that muslim. It also mirrors Christian - follower of Christ. Mohammedan is a reminder of Islam's origins as the interpretation of an Arab of his trances and visions.

I think Christians would be better Christians if they were more like the Jews - after all christianity IS judaism for gentile. And Mohammedans would be infinitely better off if they were a little bit more like the Jews. The palestinian Arabs, for example,  should count their blessings to have the jews on hand to help them and work with them. It is only the monstrous and original resentment that prevents them, as Muslims, to see the luck they have been dealt.

All the Jewish and all the Christian rules are there to remind people of the relationship with god. Same with Islamic rules. And from the fiffereences we can see plainly the differnet conceptions of not only god but man as well.

This goes to the roots of the difficulty, if not impossibility, of reconciling judeo-christian conceepts of god and god-man relationship on the onee hand with the concepts of allah and muslim-allah relationship.
And hence the furphy of the 'three' great monotheisms.i

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #32 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 8:53pm

Mohammed perceiveed that the jews were cohesive and successful and thought that 'borrowing' from them would be beneficial for the pagan rabble that the Arabs were by comparison. Hence his courting of the jews, and hence his turn to murderous resentment when he was not hailed by them.

That might mean something, if it actually had some historical basis. A few historical points that tend to render it nothing but whimsical fantasy follow:

1) There were no Jews in Makkah, where Muhammad (pbuh) preached Islam for the first 13 years of his mission (ie. the vast majority of his time).

2) When Muhammad (pbuh) migrated to Madinah, which had Jews, the leader of the Jews embraced Islam (Abdullah ibn Salam).

3) Even after the Jews had clearly rejected Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings, he still made treaties with them, and let them live peacefully in Madinah. It wasn't until they assisted the invading Makkans in invading Madinah, that he turned against them.

4) For most of Islamic history, Jews were treated just fine. There's no innate hatred for Jews in Islam, this is just nonsense.

The jews are the eternal thorn in the side of Islam

Again historical fact begs to differ. For most of our history, they were our allies and friends. They lived amongst us, they were part of our civilisation, they prospered and were well looked after. Their golden age (self-described) was under Islam.

It is in this regard, by the way, that i think Mohammedan (follower of Mohammed) is a better name that muslim. It also mirrors Christian - follower of Christ.

It is a misnomer. As is "Christian" which is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Jesus (pbuh) never called his followers "Christians". But if you like to persist in fallacy and error, then so be it, who am I to stop you?

I think Christians would be better Christians if they were more like the Jews - after all christianity IS judaism for gentile.

I agree on this one, finally.

And Mohammedans would be infinitely better off if they were a little bit more like the Jews.

We consider both Judaism and Christianity to be corruptions of the original pure message of monotheism, why would be want to turn back to one of those deviated paths, when we have the clear path? I have a feeling you're basing this 'advice' purely on the political/ecnomic situation that exists right now. which would indicate your advice is flawed, and for the 1000 years of Islamic political/economic dominance, you would've been of those advising the Christians and Jews to be more like the Muslims? Doctrines, beliefs and ideologies do not all of a sudden become better/worse, just because the political/economic fortunes of their adherents all of a sudden change.

The palestinian Arabs, for example,  should count their blessings to have the jews on hand to help them and work with them.

Just like you should count your blessings if China ever invades Australia and turfs you into a refugee camp and rolls tanks down your streets and blows your apartment building to pieces... Count those blessings you will, so blessed will you be if that happens.

All the Jewish and all the Christian rules are there to remind people of the relationship with god. Same with Islamic rules.

Same with Islam? Are you sure? Isn't  Islam some bizarre monstrosity that is nothing like Judaism or Christianity?

This goes to the roots of the difficulty, if not impossibility, of reconciling judeo-christian conceepts of god and god-man relationship on the onee hand with the concepts of allah and muslim-allah relationship.

Anybody who objectively studied the 3 religions, as  I did prior to embracing Islam (in fact Messianic Judaism was probably the religion I was most interested in) before I decided on Islam, would quite clearly see that Islam and Judaism have a lot more in common than either do with Christianity. And in fact Christianity probably has more in common with Islam than with Judaism. If you like, we can go through this point by point, and you'll see for yourself the simple facts about this. Your "Judaeo-Christian" myth doesn't really mean much when we examine the 3 religions critiically. That is why I think I found both Messianic Judaism and Islam the most appealing, because of their similarities.

And hence the furphy of the 'three' great monotheisms.

Agreed. it should be 1 great monotheism, 1 corrupted monotheism, and 1 semi-pagan tritheism.
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #33 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 10:18pm
You speak reasonably, with only an underlying tone of the commissar.
There would be much fruit if Mohamedans could discusss such matters without hinting at or resorting to violence (which you have evidently not done,  so I am not bollocking you here)

The Mohammedan doctrine of corrupted jewish and christian texts (to remove references to mohammed and the coming of islam)  are such lame and stupid ideas that it is amazing to hear bearded men uttering them. These ideas are advanced precisely because mohamedans can't bear the notion that islam, to jewish and christian minds,  is just a load of ill-conceived invention by an Arab merchant. Speaking of corrupted texts is th Muslim way of basking in the reflected glory of these very texts

What i mean by muslims and Christians being better by being more 'jewish' is this very thing - an argument, a shouting match even, even with god, BUT with no violence lurking behind the scenes. But that violence is islam's political modus operandi, whether becaause of the current geopolitical  line up or otherwise, i do not know. I am convinced that reasonableneess is not an impossibility for a mohamedan.

Jews living under islam 'just fine' begs the question of 'what about ddhimmitude' but as we both know the answer, I will take 'just fine' as a rhetorical overreach. There is no advantage to you in discussing dhimmitude.

Palestinians - well, call it heroic if you must find a positive. I think they are complete nutters. excitable, self-deluding and most of all self-defeating. It has to be the culture or the religion (you tell me) that makes them so abolutely unable to think beyond the next 30 bloody seconds. They don't even have the excuse of being a country (and so to have an American puppet regime like the rest of the muslim neighbourhood)   yet they had that old drooling old shirtlifter Arafat the Fraud as their representative for 30 years. Who can take them seriously after that?

You choosing between Judaism and Islam -  what can I say? You chose strife with nations over being light to nations. Must have been your temperament and age.

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #34 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:53am
Anybody who objectively studied the 3 religions, as  I did prior to embracing Islam (in fact Messianic Judaism was probably the religion I was most interested in) before I decided on Islam, would quite clearly see that Islam and Judaism have a lot more in common than either do with Christianity. And in fact Christianity probably has more in common with Islam than with Judaism. If you like, we can go through this point by point, and you'll see for yourself the simple facts about this

I'd be interested in seeing that.
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #35 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 1:41pm
abu_rashid wrote on Nov 8th, 2008 at 8:53pm:
Anybody who objectively studied the 3 religions, as  I did prior to embracing Islam (in fact Messianic Judaism was probably the religion I was most interested in) before I decided on Islam, would quite clearly see that Islam and Judaism have a lot more in common than either do with Christianity. And in fact Christianity probably has more in common with Islam than with Judaism.....

Christianity is the blood, the sacrifice, and the atonement of a man's sins.

The ISLAMIC jesus spilt no blood.
The ISLAMIC jesus made no sacrifice.
The ISLAMIC jesus made no atonement for sin.

ISLAM and Christianity are as far apart, liberty and bondage.

[.....the furphy of the 'three' great monotheisms] ...... it should be 1 great monotheism, 1 corrupted monotheism, and 1 semi-pagan tritheism.


You are a good muslim abu.

You have learnt your bondage well.

When muslims are unable to reconcile, or confront a truth, they always redefine what the 'truth' really is, ISLAMIC terms.

ISLAM / muslims always do this.


What is within ISLAM is good.

What is external to ISLAM is bad.

ISLAM, good.
Everyone else, bad.

Israel is redeemed.

Whether this is palatable to ISLAM / muslims, or not....

Psalms 2:1
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Psalms 83:1
Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
2  For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
3  They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

Psalms 135:4
For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.

The TRUTH is.....
....that the truth is very sad for ISLAM / muslims.

Therefore ISLAM redefines truth, and what is good or evil, or anything else, within ISLAMIC terms.



There is no redemption of mankind.
And Israel is cursed by Allah.


Of course these Bible quotes [above] are of no consequence to a muslim.

Because muslims deride all non-ISLAMIC scripture, as in error, and corrupted.

This is yet another example of how,

'When muslims cannot confront a truth, they always redefine what the 'truth' really is, in ISLAMIC terms.'

This is self deception.


ISLAM's approach to the concept of TRUTH....

Does new discovered information external to ISLAM, confirm, or sit beside ISLAMIC knowledge / doctrine, without contention?

If yes, this information will be exploited, and absorbed [exploited], by ISLAM.

If no, this information will be declared false, and as such, redefined [or totally discarded].

This process is like how ISLAM approaches the concept of,

ISLAM is a war faring philosophy.

But peace as a concept, is desirable, virtuous.

So, peace must become part of ISLAM.

ISLAM is not peace[ful], ISLAM redefines 'peace', within the 'boundaries' of its own philosophy.

'Peace' becomes, that 'place' is where Sharia justice has authority.
....[even if the laws of Sharia are unjust, and tyrannical]

.....ISLAM is peace.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #36 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 7:09pm
Taking this one step further, I think that Islam creates followers that are easier to decieve. Rather than a spiritual journey, Islam is a bunch of rules and only those who learn Arabic can read the rules. Muslims are indoctrinated into following rules and rituals. The focus on rules rather than morals creates a culture of obedience. Under Caliphate this works OK because the establishment tells everyone what to think. But once the caliphate is gone, Muslims are cut adrift. All that remains is the culture of blind obedience. Muslims look to the nearest cleric to tell them what the rules are, right down to how to wipe their arse. That may go a long way to explaining why such lunatics seem to keep rising to positions of leadership in the Muslim community. Like the Indonesian cleric who openly married a 12 yo girl, till the authorities caught up with him. Or like the Bali bombers who even in their death are drawing huge crowds of violent supporters, arrogant enough to drive the police off the road.
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #37 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 7:37pm
My sentiments entirely.

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #38 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 8:02pm
Time for some retaliatory cartoons!! That'll teach them to drive the police off the road. Yeah!
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #39 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 8:58pm

You speak reasonably, with only an underlying tone of the commissar.

Couldn't just stop at 'reasonably' could you? Well, I know stubborness is hard to shed, so I'll just let it go.

There would be much fruit if Mohamedans could discusss such matters without hinting at or resorting to violence

Just to make it clear for you, although I'm sure you're fully aware of the correct terminology. We are Muslims (those who've surrendered their will to God). This is our religion, and it was the original form of your religion and of the religion the Hebrews adhered to. They were of those who surrendered to the commands of God, instead of to their own whims and desires, or to idols and pantheons (from 3 to 300 and beyond) of false deities.

Most of the discussion between Muslims and non-Muslims is violent and hostile from the side of the non-Muslims, not the Muslims. Just have a look at all the dialogue on this forum as a quick example. All of the hostility and mindless hate is coming from the side of non-Muslims. You've all given a very poor show, and now you have the audacity to accuse Muslims of the very same thing in which you've failed in here yourselves.

Like when Muslim countries expressed their sympathies for 9/11 and GWB replied with his axis of evil nonsense. This is how the dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims usually plays out. You guys pump out the hate, invade a few countries, kill a few hundred thousand Muslims, then when a few loose canons get sick of it and retaliate you claim Muslims are barbaric and incapable of civilised dialogue. Are you for real soren? I honestly can't believe you're that one sided, I think you really must know this stuff deep down inside you, as you come across as being well informed.

The Mohammedan doctrine of corrupted jewish and christian texts (to remove references to mohammed and the coming of islam)

Where did you get this from? Muslims believe references to Muhammad (pbuh) are still in there. The way I mostly see it as being corrupted is things like claims that prophet Solomon (pbuh) built temples for pagan deities, or that prophet Lot (pbuh) got drunk and had an orgy with his two daughters... this kind of stuff. Strangely enough, Lot (pbuh) was the ancestor of some of the Israelites political rivals, and Solomon (pbuh) was also a rival to the ruling family that prevailed amongst the Israelites...

Besides the Bible itself testifies to it's own corruption:

Jer 8:8 "'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the Lord," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?

are such lame and stupid ideas that it is amazing to hear bearded men uttering them

It would be less amazing if it came from clean shaven men? Smiley

the notion that islam, to jewish and christian minds,  is just a load of ill-conceived invention by an Arab merchant

Well since a lot of those who embrace Islam were formerly Jews and Christians, apparently it isn't that much of an ill conceived invention. And not just laymen, but Rabbis, Pastors, Priests, and Scholars of the "Judaeo-Christian" tradition.

Speaking of corrupted texts is th Muslim way of basking in the reflected glory of these very texts

Nope it's just a simple, yet sad, fact. Which as noted above, your own texts themselves corroborate.

an argument, a shouting match even, even with god,

This is where our concept of God departs quite sharply. To you, God is just 'another bloke', who has a boy that is a 'chip off the old block' and who you can have debates and arguments with. To us, He is the maker, the creator of us all, why would we argue with him who fashioned us? Such 'discourse' would be nothing but complete disrespect for the one who brought you into being. As Muslims (and even originally in the Jewish and Christian traditions) we have great respect for our parents, and do not even argue with them, yet you believe it's befitting for the creation to argue with their own Creator? Sorry, but I think I agree with your original statements, that our religions are worlds apart, when it comes to the relationship between man and God.

BUT with no violence lurking behind the scenes. But that violence is islam's political modus operandi, whether becaause of the current geopolitical  line up or otherwise, i do not know.

You keep alluding to this idea of violence-bolstered dialogue, but I really don't see it. You keep trying to link every Muslim's sincere dialogue back to your misconceptions about ahl al-dhimma or jizyah or whatever it is you've got in your mind Islam is all based on. My dialogue, here, now, with you is nothing to do with violence, so why keep alluding to it, as if to discredit my dialogue and the whole concept of Islam? If some Muslims espeouse violent dialogue, that's probably more to do with the hostile circumstances they find themselves under, rather than Islam in and of itself. You need to recognise this, you almost did.. but then you shyed away, as usual.

I am convinced that reasonableneess is not an impossibility for a mohamedan.

Glad to see you're not a complete pessimist, perhaps you should try throwing out an olive branch sometime, instead of just more criticisms and misconstrued ideas about what Islam actually represents. I'm open to listen to what you think is the right ideas/beliefs/whatever, You should try it sometime
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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:04pm by abu_rashid »  
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #40 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:17pm
This is where our concept of God departs quite sharply. To you, God is just 'another bloke', who you has a boy that is a 'chip off the old block' and who you can have debates and arguments with him. To us, He is the maker, the creator of us all, why would we argue with him who fashioned us? Such 'discourse' would be nothing but complete disrespect for the one who brought you into being. As Muslims (and even originally in the Jewish and Christian traditions) we have great respect for our parents, and do not even argue with them, yet you believe it's befitting for the creation to argue with their own Creator? Sorry, but I think I agree with your original statements, that our religions are worlds apart, when it comes to the relationship between man and God.

I think this supports my argument that Islam promotes obedience and thus makes Muslims easier to mislead or take advantage of.

You keep alluding to this idea of violence-bolstered dialogue, but I really don't see it. You keep trying to link every Muslim's sincere dialogue back to your misconceptions about ahl al-dhimma or jizyah or whatever it is you've got in your mind Islam is all based on. My dialogue, here, now, with you is nothing to do with violence, so why keep alluding to it, as if to discredit my dialogue and the whole concept of Islam? If some Muslims espeouse violent dialogue, that's probably more to do with the hostile circumstances they find themselves under, rather than Islam in and of itself. You need to recognise this, you almost did... but then you shyed away, as usual.

Perhaps it's because you think the reigning in of muslim terrorists should be the last step on the path to peace, rather than the first. I find that a bit disturbing. I feel sorry for all the residents of Pakistan who are getting the crap bombed out of them because so many people thought that reigning in terrorists was such a low priority.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #41 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:26pm

I'd be interested in seeing that.

I shall begin another thread about it.

I think that Islam creates followers that are easier to decieve.

Muhammad (pbuh) said "The Muslim should be sharp, he never gets bitten from the same place twice"

Also the Islamic texts constantly implore the Muslims to seek knowledge, and to gain education, that really doesn't fit in with the 'easier to deceive' blind followers you seem to envisage. Doesn't mean some people don't exist like that, no doubt they do, as they do in all religions, that's just part of human nature, some are leaders, some are followers.

Islam is a bunch of rules and only those who learn Arabic can read the rules

This fallacy has been disproven for you before. You only need to read Arabic to actually give rulings about the texts, not to read and follow them. Just as you'd expect a lawyer to read the language the laws of the country were written in i he were to represent you in a court of law. Doesn't mean you need to read that language to be a good law abiding citizen. But you certainly couldn't go representing people in court if you didn't read the language...

Likewise scholars of all religions must be able to read the language of the original texts to actually study them properly, this goes without saying. Again, you try to claim this is something exclusively Islamic, and attempt to make Islam the 'pariah religion' over this poor perception of yours about the way Islam functions.

Muslims are indoctrinated into following rules and rituals.

Again, all religions have rituals. Stop trying to claim Islam alone does such and such, when they're things common to all religions. If you want to debate these points, I'm not really against it, but at least make it quite clear that you recognise most, if not all, other religions have pretty much the same things. You constantly allude to the idea that Islam alone is a bizarre system because it has X characteristic, completely unheard of to the rest of civilised humanity and their religions.

The focus on rules rather than morals creates a culture of obedience

As has been shown above, the moral is what is adhered to, as it's still adhered to even when the law/rules are not implemented.

Under Caliphate this works OK because the establishment tells everyone what to think. But once the caliphate is gone, Muslims are cut adrift

This is a valid point, but not one that hasn't been addressed by Islamic scholars already anyway. And common sense would prevail in most cases. The Muslim has 3 'relationship areas' which Islam guides him in. The first is the relationship with his Creator (ie. the moral realm, worship etc.) and this functions perfectly regardless of a Caliphate. The second is his relationship with himself (ie. personal conduct) and this again is not dependant upon the Caliphate. The third is his relationship with other human beings (ie. societal transactions) and this area is quite obviously dependant largely on the Caliphate, and therefore a lot of it cannot be implemented. But most of it is not implemented on an individual basis anyway. For instance, cutting the hand of a thief has absolutely nothing to do with the average Muslim. It is the role of the state, same with collecting taxes or organising a state treasury, since there's no state, there's no necessity for them anyway.

Again, you're trying to claim that Muslims are some exotic and strange cult, that are lemming like, who'll just march off cliffs without a Caliphate to guide them. It's just nonsense. Like with other religions that have lost their state component, they still function, and Islam is no different, contrary to your wild claims.

Muslims look to the nearest cleric to tell them what the rules are, right down to how to wipe their arse

As  I've told you previously, I don't have one of these so called 'clerics', so please apply your undertsanding to me...

Personal hygiene and the best way to carry it out was already spoken about 1400 years ago, there's no 'cleric' running around today telling people how to maintain it. And since the majority of non-Muslims (and sadly some ignorant Muslims) today still don't even wash their hands after going to toilet (let alone actually washing the filth from the places of excretion), it's quite obvious this stuff still needs to be taught.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #42 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:38pm

I think this supports my argument that Islam promotes obedience and thus makes Muslims easier to mislead or take advantage of.

If this is, as I suspect, doublespeak for "Muslims *actually* believe sincerely in their religion and practise it with diligence and unswerving conviction" then yes I'd have to agree with you. However, I think you really need to get past this nonsense about Muslims being easier to mislead and take advantage of. Most Muslims are a lot sharper, and a lot more aware of what's going on in the world  than most non-Muslims. They might not be coping with it as well as non-Muslims in the world at the moment, but that's a different issue altogether.

Again, this all seems to stem back to your misconceptions about "the war on terrorism". I sincerely advise you to have a read of the book I posted about "Imperial Hubris", as I think you'll never look at the conflict the same after doing so. You have quite a few hurdles to get over before you can actually look at the situation clearly. You're just looking at it through GWB-tinted glasses at present, and there's little point discussing it, or anything that depends upon your view of the WOT.

Perhaps it's because you think the reigning in of muslim terrorists should be the last step on the path to peace, rather than the first

Well if it comes down to a war of wills, and you recognise Muslims are so stubborn and uncompromising in their belief in, and commitment to, their religion, then you should just give up now Smiley
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Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #43 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:01pm
Also the Islamic texts constantly implore the Muslims to seek knowledge, and to gain education, that really doesn't fit in with the 'easier to deceive' blind followers you seem to envisage.

Seeking knowledge and gaining an education in the Islamic sense may be slightly different to the regular interpretation of those terms. Doesn't it centre around making the mind more obedient to God's will?

Doesn't mean some people don't exist like that, no doubt they do, as they do in all religions, that's just part of human nature, some are leaders, some are followers.

But the more a religion focusses on rules, the more these people are validated.

You only need to read Arabic to actually give rulings about the texts, not to read and follow them.

Doesn't this supprt my argument? If you don't read Arabic, there is no interpretation for you, you just do what some other 'scholar' says. Your point is valid with respect to scholars, but with other relgions regular people can still question things and are not expected to blindly follow them. You only need the language issue if it is a question of correct translation.

Again, you're trying to claim that Muslims are some exotic and strange cult, that are lemming like, who'll just march off cliffs without a Caliphate to guide them. It's just nonsense.

So why was there such a large crowd of people supporting Amrozi? I think you'd have trouble finding a similar response to a convicted criminal from any other religion who claimed that deliberate mass murder of innocent civilians was God's work.

If this is, as I suspect, doublespeak for "Muslims *actually* believe sincerely in their religion and practise it with diligence and unswerving conviction" then yes I'd have to agree with you.

I don't see them as being any more sincere or dilligent than other religious people. It's the nature of the ideology they subscribe to that differs.

Most Muslims are a lot sharper, and a lot more aware of what's going on in the world  than most non-Muslims. They might not be coping with it as well as non-Muslims in the world at the moment, but that's a different issue altogether.

Could you elaborate on this please?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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A cat with a view
Re: replacing morals with rules
Reply #44 - Nov 10th, 2008 at 11:40am
abu_rashid wrote on Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:26pm:
freediver said,
I think that Islam creates followers that are easier to decieve.

.....Also the Islamic texts constantly implore the Muslims to seek knowledge, and to gain education.....


You neglect the whole story' about encouraging education / learning.

All knowledge must be defined within ISLAMIC terms.

What is within ISLAM is good.

What is external to ISLAM is bad.

ISLAM, good.
Everyone else, bad.

And when it is ever revealed that 'muslims' are perceived as stifling education, these ppl are not rightly guided muslims.

Of course.
/sarc off

Deception and lies, deception and lies, deception and lies, deception and lies.

Disembowelled and murdered for teaching girls
Thursday November 30, 2006
By Kim Sengupta
GHAZNI - The gunmen came at night to drag Mohammed Halim away from his home, in front of his crying children and his wife begging for mercy.
The 46-year-old schoolteacher tried to reassure his family that he would return safely.
But his life was over.
He was partly disembowelled and then torn apart with his arms and legs tied to motorbikes. The remains were put on display as a warning to others against defying Taleban orders to stop educating girls.

20 February, 2004
Ninth Pakistani school destroyed
Police in Pakistan's remote Northern Areas said on Friday that a ninth school in five days had been attacked and destroyed.
Local officials have blamed hardline Islamists opposed to female education.
.....The schools attacked were mostly set up by non-governmental organisations with foreign assistance.


July 29, 2008
Indonesia: Muslims storm Christian school, injuring 265 students
While trying to chase a mouse into the street, a Christian student threw a slipper against a house owned by a local Muslim. The Muslim homeowner, enraged, kicked and punched the student. A crowd gathered. Rumors flew. Many students suffered various injuries to the head. Others were burnt by Molotov cocktails.
"Muslims storm Protestant school in Jakarta, injuring 265 students,"


Indonesian attack condemned
14th March 2007
A CHRISTIAN pressure group has condemned an attack on a theological college in Indonesia by a group of Islamic militants.
Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology (SETIA) in East Jakarta was attacked by a group of militant Islamists in the evening on Thursday 8 March.
The following Saturday more than 200 militants besieged the school for three hours, shouting threats and demanding the closure of the school.

August 4, 2008
Indonesia: Urged on over mosque loudspeakers, Muslims go on rampage against students of Christian theological school to "drive out the unwanted neighbor"
"Key among motives for the attack, according to a member of the village assembly, was that area Muslims felt 'disturbed' by the presence of the Christian college."
In an update on this story, it becomes all the more apparent that many locals already had their minds made up, and only needed an excuse -- however ridiculous -- to attack. And it wasn't the first time this school has been targeted.


This story from Indonesia, what would muslims think, if Christians in Australia behaved like this, towards muslims, and muslim schools in Australia?
i.e. with rioting, and violence.



Of course, the ppl [claiming to be muslims] in these violent incidents were not rightly guided muslims.

Therefore these ppl were only NON-muslims, who were bringing ISLAM into disrepute.
/sarc off




From Koran,


"O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger," [i.e. obey the clerics]

"O ye who believe! ASK NOT QUESTIONS about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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