Quote:My argument was intended to emphasise that 'evil' is a subjective word and therefore when it is not defined adequately, anyone can say anything around it and will be valid.
This was my point, rather than 'for example
"We know that Allah (swt) exists because the Qu'ran tells us so. And we know that the Qu'ran is true because it is the word of Allah (swt)."
Obviously there must be choice in order for their to be any value in belief. Given a choice between belief or disbelief, I choose belief and all that follows. I believed the debate in this thread was around 'evil' as expressed in the title. I intended to express my problems with an argument based around a word so subjective and not defined by the creator of the thread. If we are to debate evil, then how can we do so without being given an understanding of what exactly to the poster 'evil means'.
I am Muslim, I believe in Allah (swt) I have no proof that God exists and do not desire proof, that is not the point. I can argue on the internal validity of Islam under that assumption, I cannot argue upon the assumption itself. I though this was a discussion forum about Islam, not about more broadly the existance of God.
Anything I state about the Deen is coming obviously from the assumption of Shahada: I testify there is no God but God and Mohammed is His final Messenger. My explanation of the idea of Shaitan and choice in my particular Islamic world view was done with this assumption, I am a Muslim after all, how debate should follow is around the internal validity of what I have said, rather than simply saying well 'God doesn't exist and Mohammed (sws) isn't His messenger', as that somewhat defeats the purpose.
Apologies in advance if I am not making myself clear, if I say anything wrong I ask yourself and the Creator for forgiveness, God knows and I know not.