phillip - there are many laws in deuteronomy. About medical, legal, social laws. Things like what to do if someone is sick, gives details of the rash and how to get rid of it etc, if someone kills a neighbours oxen, rape, unlawful killing. Details the sacrifices to be made, how to judge people or the recompense to be given to the victim .
Abu - yes, that was a way I thought of it for a while too. That God had got it wrong, so came out with plan "B". After reading the whole story though, the entirety of it makes sense. The "Laws" were correct. That people sinned and this removed them from God, does not prove the laws wrong. It means the people are wrong. eg, suppose I chronically speed in my car and repeatedly get caught and finally thrown in jail. It was my speeding that caused that, not the laws on speed limits.
You are right, the word judaism is not mentioned in the bible (from my memory.) The religion in the OT is given for jews, or those who want to join and was known as the law. I guess later on the word Judaism was coined. It always existed, that's what the OT was about.