AFP have lifted all restrictions on David Hicks. He is a free man.
He is speaking of releasing a book soon.
FORMER Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks is considering writing a book after he is released from his control order this Christmas, but is content for now to continue his job of potting plants in a Sydney nursery.
David Hicks breaks silence .After Australian Federal Police confirmed last night they would not apply for an extension of the control order on Mr Hicks, which includes a strict curfew and bans him from using the internet or a public telephone, he described the decision last night as "a great relief for my family and me".
"I owe the Australian people a lot," he said. "The decision not to renew my control order will allow me ... to move on with my life. Thank you."
The AFP confirmed late yesterday it would not renew the order, just hours after Mr Hicks launched a video appeal for it to be lifted.
Speaking of his years of solitary confinement in what he called the hell of Guantanamo Bay, Mr Hicks said: "Because I'm still recovering from that ordeal I'm not yet ready to fully explain what happened or why."
In the video, released by the political activist group Get Up, he said: "I don't know what the future holds for me. The only thing I do know is that until the control order is lifted I will not be able to get on with my life."
His father, Terry Hicks, said last night his son was still "pretty stressed" but looking forward to moving on and was considering writing a book with him.
State and federal law will prohibit him or his family profiting from any publishing deal.
"It will mean a lot to David," his father said.
"I think he will be a little lost for a while because he's so used to reporting to different people.
"Once these control orders are lifted, it depends where the opportunities lie with the treatments he's getting, but that's up to David. There's nothing to stop David Hicks writing a book, or for films being made; it's just he can't make any money out of it."
Mr Hicks's lawyer, David McLeod, said he believed his client had made a decision to tell his story, the only question being when and how.
"He's aware the public wants to know and has a right to know," Mr McLeod said. "I suspect he will, in the fullness of time, tell his story, but just how and when and in what circumstances remains to be seen."
Mr McLeod congratulated the AFP for making a rational decision on the control order.
Former attorney-general Philip Ruddock - the man many hold responsible for Mr Hicks's long incarceration at Guantanamo Bay - said he accepted the decision not to renew the control order. "I'd have no problem with him living in my street," Mr Ruddock told Sky News.
The Australian has learned that Mr Hicks, who attended training camps run by al-Qa'ida and met Osama bin Laden, has been working as a gardener in a Sydney nursery and has a "good job and a steady relationship", according to supporters.
"In my mind, he's proved himself in the time he's been with us," said his boss, Patrick. "He genuinely wants to get a start and we want to give him a start. Some people may think poorly of us for giving him a start, but so be it.
"We didn't employ him to seek publicity, but the guy is agentleman and everyone in my company is happy to work withhim.
"He's genuinely interested in horticulture and he wants to go back and start his own business in Adelaide."
Another Hicks supporter, entrepreneur Dick Smith, yesterday urged him to write a book, and welcomed the decision not to extend the control order.
"It seems to be a waste of police resources to have the control order," Mr Smith said.
"He's trying to be a proper member of society. He's got a steady relationship and a good job. I understand he's been taking his kids out fishing."
It seems phillip Ruddock has had a change of heart about just how dangerous the much maligned " terrorist", David Hicks is/was.
I kind of suspect this indicates Ruddock was merely mouthing Liberal party line on this all those years he [ Hicks ] was locked up .
Now he doesnt have to tow the party line..he is free to give a glimpse of his own feeling on Hicks.. If Hicks was truly ever considered dangerous ..why are they now lifting all restrictions ?