Mozzoak -
Quote:There is little argument from unbiased people, that Hicks did have his human rights massively abused, but the fact that he was not an "innocent" victim, does mitigate his personal appeal as an advocate for rights, when he was so willing to kill, (the ultimate abuse of rights, the right to live), in the name of Allah, for a named terrorist organisation.
You say on the one hand he had his human rights" massivley abused" - why because he was roughed up a bit in prison for 5 years without charge?
Without charge for what reason tho?
Because they could find nothing to charge him with do you think? Oh well you've convinced me Mozz..he was a mercenary killer and we should believe the whole propaganda media beat up against him as fact hey?...
Dont ever question sources or motive for anything politicians or media say..and that must be because they are beyond reproach and have the rights of all their citizens as the number one priority in mind at all times [yeah right]!!!..I feels so much better now.
IF he was guilty he would still be locked up. If the Govt couldnt pin anything on him and make it stick..why do you still believe he is gulity ? They have much more
evidence at their disposal than you or boof.
Quote:So I know that two wrongs, do not make a right, but we must keep in mind the state of the world, when these abuses occurred, it was post 9/11, we were at war, and we were witnessing Islamic terror on a broad scale.
Yes mostly drummed up by Bush to justify his war plans..and who could say definitively that thats not true?
And? How does this explain away the rights of ONE man..?How does this explain anything at all?
Quote:So while I always supported Hicks' right to a fair trial, I never considered him an innocent victim, or anything but a mixed up(crazy?) individual, who deserved to spend at least some time behind bars, for his mercenary behaviour.
Well as he didnt get his right to a fair trial..So what do we know with any certainty..that hasnt been tainted by Howards twisted agenda to lick Bushs' butt with religious fervor. That was the problem right there.
Anyone who is so publicly condemned and have all of their human right trampled on so cruelly will inevitably become a martyr..
Hicks has nothing to do with it. He is a very shy and traumatised man now..he shuns spotlight.
It was mainly the people who set him free in a crucial election year for Howard..
He asked for very little..mainly because he found himself without a voice..beaten and chained in Guantanomo , kept under very oppresive conditions in ..his every human exchange [with the outside world] controlled and scrutinised for fear he would betray the truth about the place.