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Is Atheism just another religion ? (Read 27964 times)
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #165 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:36pm
locutius wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:32am:
OK Guys. How big is the room and how small is the elephant? Cheesy Cheesy

No but really, I think you are both on the right track. I do agree with muso that there is a subtle difference between believing something is NOT as oppossed to not holding a belief that something IS.

I have for want of convenience and convention called myself an agnostic when I was still searching and an athiest once I have decided that there was nothing ie. God, out there. To me it seemed the natural step and label to apply.

The new label I will apply while I spend some more time thinking about it is "Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist", of course just because I find statements and values applied to God/s to be ultimately meaningless, does not mean that I don't find them fun.

As Wittgenstein said "Of that which we cannot speak we must remain silent". By silent I think he means not talking with authority. It's why the word pontification has such a strong negative connotation to me. I usually use it as an insult.

"Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist"... Let's hear you say that after half a bottle of Scotch! Cheesy

It's true that there is a difference to actively believe something is NOT as oppossed to not holding a belief that something IS. My point unfortunately was subtler which was that a thought or idea cannot exist in reality outside a mind that is thinking it. If no mind is thinking it, then the idea cannot be said to exist or not exist. In retrospect all you can say is had I thought about X anytime in the past, in principle I would very likely have held Y opinion about it. I was responding to the proposition that I could hold a belief about X prior to my having ever thought about it.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #166 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 1:00pm
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:36pm:
It's true that there is a difference to actively believe something is NOT as oppossed to not holding a belief that something IS. My point unfortunately was subtler which was that a thought or idea cannot exist in reality outside a mind that is thinking it. If no mind is thinking it, then the idea cannot be said to exist or not exist. In retrospect all you can say is had I thought about X anytime in the past, in principle I would very likely have held Y opinion about it. I was responding to the proposition that I could hold a belief about X prior to my having ever thought about it.


There is some logic in your words.

Its like those pre-Columbus Europeans....

Prior to Columbus discovering the Americas [well, central America anyway] the American continents did not exist, well not for Europeans.

They had no 'conception', of anything outside of their experience [or outside the experience of their fellow travellers, like Marco Polo, who confirmed that, "Yes! China is there!"].

And what is that saying?
....."I think, therefore i am!"

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #167 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 8:44am
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:36pm:
"Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist"... Let's hear you say that after half a bottle of Scotch! Cheesy

Why do you think I don't drink? Grin
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #168 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 9:47am
locutius wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:32am:
I have for want of convenience and convention called myself an agnostic when I was still searching and an athiest once I have decided that there was nothing ie. God, out there. To me it seemed the natural step and label to apply.

I think if we're all honest with ourselves, our actual worldview is continuously changing. I don't really like to apply a label to myself, because we're talking about rubbery concepts anyway. If we apply a label, somebody is just going to hijack it and call us something that we're not.

As far as 'God' not being 'out there',  I can actually conceptualise a personality that talks to me and has done all my life. I don't put any religious slant on that.

(OK. A personal question - do you ever have conversations with yourself, or at least an internalised entity? Don't be ashamed about it if you do. It's perfectly natural. It's just when you get to the stage of  wandering around the streets aimlessly, brown bag covered bottle in hand, loudly talking to yourself that it starts to become an issue. At that stage, be ashamed - be very ashamed. )

OK. I'll be first. I talk to myself! (and I also think I'm sane)

I am totally at ease with that, because I think it's just a consequence of having a primitive brain and a somewhat more advanced cerebral cortex. The primitive brain gets a quick and dirty impression of the world, and the cerebral cortex gets the detailed picture a little bit later.  

That's my personal view and I consider the whole process to be totally awesome, but at the same time, I respect and empathise with the views of others.

I believe there's a hob goblin in that room.
No there isn't!
Well there is one way to check -  Let's have a look and see.
- Ha! just as I suspected - a hob goblin.
- That's not a hob goblin - It's a pug.
- This is what I call a hob goblin. It happens to correspond with my internalised concept of the term "hob goblin".  You can call it a pug if you like.

(mutters to self) - You're wrong though: It is a hob goblin.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #169 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 10:19am
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:36pm:
locutius wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:32am:
OK Guys. How big is the room and how small is the elephant? Cheesy Cheesy

No but really, I think you are both on the right track. I do agree with muso that there is a subtle difference between believing something is NOT as oppossed to not holding a belief that something IS.

I have for want of convenience and convention called myself an agnostic when I was still searching and an athiest once I have decided that there was nothing ie. God, out there. To me it seemed the natural step and label to apply.

The new label I will apply while I spend some more time thinking about it is "Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist", of course just because I find statements and values applied to God/s to be ultimately meaningless, does not mean that I don't find them fun.

As Wittgenstein said "Of that which we cannot speak we must remain silent". By silent I think he means not talking with authority. It's why the word pontification has such a strong negative connotation to me. I usually use it as an insult.

"Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist"... Let's hear you say that after half a bottle of Scotch! Cheesy

It's true that there is a difference to actively believe something is NOT as oppossed to not holding a belief that something IS.
My point unfortunately was subtler which was that a thought or idea cannot exist in reality outside a mind that is thinking it. If no mind is thinking it, then the idea cannot be said to exist or not exist.
In retrospect all you can say is had I thought about X anytime in the past, in principle I would very likely have held Y opinion about it. I was responding to the proposition that I could hold a belief about X prior to my having ever thought about it.

Of course it can't be said at all, because in the saying it the exists. I think Plato's form existed independent from subjective thought so they exist as ideas that may or may not be discovered or do they exist only at the moment of creation of the form's imperfect physical reflection. The physical reflection being actually less real than the form itself that is beyond corruption.

"Skeptical Theological Noncognitivist"  SmileyI can barely say this sober.

I do still drink but fairly infrequently. I do love my beer but have never really had a taste for spirits or wine. I think wine is just vinager that has gone bad. Oh love port, especially when camping in winter.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #170 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 11:15am
muso wrote on Dec 12th, 2008 at 9:47am:
locutius wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:32am:
I have for want of convenience and convention called myself an agnostic when I was still searching and an athiest once I have decided that there was nothing ie. God, out there. To me it seemed the natural step and label to apply.

I think if we're all honest with ourselves, our actual worldview is continuously changing. I don't really like to apply a label to myself, because we're talking about rubbery concepts anyway. If we apply a label, somebody is just going to hijack it and call us something that we're not.

As far as 'God' not being 'out there',  I can actually conceptualise a personality that talks to me and has done all my life. I don't put any religious slant on that.

(OK. A personal question - do you ever have conversations with yourself, or at least an internalised entity? Don't be ashamed about it if you do. It's perfectly natural. It's just when you get to the stage of  wandering around the streets aimlessly, brown bag covered bottle in hand, loudly talking to yourself that it starts to become an issue. At that stage, be ashamed - be very ashamed. )

OK. I'll be first. I talk to myself! (and I also think I'm sane)

I am totally at ease with that, because I think it's just a consequence of having a primitive brain and a somewhat more advanced cerebral cortex. The primitive brain gets a quick and dirty impression of the world, and the cerebral cortex gets the detailed picture a little bit later.  

That's my personal view and I consider the whole process to be totally awesome, but at the same time, I respect and empathise with the views of others.

I believe there's a hob goblin in that room.
No there isn't!
Well there is one way to check -  Let's have a look and see.
- Ha! just as I suspected - a hob goblin.
- That's not a hob goblin - It's a pug.
- This is what I call a hob goblin. It happens to correspond with my internalised concept of the term "hob goblin".  You can call it a pug if you like.

(mutters to self) - You're wrong though: It is a hob goblin.

I agree about labels muso, that's why I don't begin a conversation by labeling myself but I do use them not as a badge but as a honest way to possibly clarify were my position lies as part of a conversation with someone. This backfired with FD recently as he decided it was an invitation for a pissweak cheapshot that deliberately misrepresented the label I had applied to myself but probably had his desired effect that I couldn't be bothered continuing the conversation. I can't say leasson learned because I will continue to use labels as a tool for clarification if needed, I'll just use them with people that are sensible or gracess enough to appreciate it.

I can't possibly use one label to describe myself because I am a complicated creature and the label would need to be an amalgamation of decriptive labels that reflect my assortment of beliefs from religion, to economics, to justice, to law and order, to politics, to science etc etc. Everything I think about will have some type of thought pattern and judgement. it's why I find the negative connotation of the word discrimination hilarious. Discrimination is just another word for choice. I discriminate everyday. I just don't have arbitrary discriminations such as that person is black so they must be bad. I will however use the aquired knowledge to be prepared or have expectations. That person is Sudanese, they have well documented high levels of accepted violence and theft, so as a stranger I will be cautious. I also discriminate between jam or bonox on my crumpets etc etc.

Yes mate, I do talk to myself. Very often when I am assembling an item that the instructions have proven useless. But also while pondering something deep and meaningful or a new insight, or asking questions. So far it has always been me answering back, as far as I know. Well nothing I can identify as a Vincent Price type voice anyway. Smiley I do like your explaination about the conflict between base and higher mental activities and have often said to others that this is the fundamental conflict that separates us from becoming true human beings. The ones that do this successfully are so few that they shine though the ages and are given often supernatural status.

Have you ever read Richard Bach's "Illusions" the story of a reluctant Messiah. If you haven't I think you would enjoy it immensly. like Johnathan Livingstone Seagull you could read it in under an hour, but will keep you thinking much longer.
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« Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2008 at 11:25am by locutius »  

I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #171 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 12:40pm
I think the word "Atheist", has been subjected to an attempted hijacking by Theists who are challenged by the idea that everyone cannot accept their accession of their personal god delusions.

I am quite happy with the term, as it is generally understood, to merely be a descriptive noun of those people who choose not to believe in gods, and the plural is appropriate, as their are literally thousands of different deities that people believe in.

The theists attempt to confuse the issue by exploiting the generally more open minded, and fair nature of most atheists, by introducing, quasi existential concepts of god, which they as theists would never entertain, having already fully accepted their own personal fictional sky daddys.

So to clarify the term on a personal level, I will tell these theists, that Atheist just means I don't believe in any god that they do.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #172 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 12:53pm
Well said Mozz. You have made the term your own by forwarding the definition that applies to you and still fits the term.

Can I ask you, even though you do not believe do you consider it appropriate to say that you don't know.

I mean, I don't know for sure if there is a God or not, but I am sure that I do not believe in God/s. Oh and I have started reading The Master and Margarita, did you recommend this? Enjoying it anyway.
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I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #173 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 1:45pm
Can I ask you, even though you do not believe do you consider it appropriate to say that you don't know.

Yes, that is absolutely my position, I do not know, and furthermore, I contend that, at this point of our evolution, no-one else does either.

I have read some very funny, and interesting musings, on possible creators, but all fall into the realm of meaningful, or meaningless conjecture.

Sometimes the mere fact of considering the sheer enormity of the question can be humbling, which of itself is not a bad thing.

No, it was not I who recommended that book, I cannot recall the last time I even read a book good enough to bother recommending, so if you have any suggestions.

I particularly like historical fiction, like the Aubrey-Maturin series (Master and Commander, etc.) by Patrick O'Brian.

I also liked the Flashman series when I was young, I found them terrifically funny, and the historical detail was a definite bonus.

If there is anything deep and philosophical in anything I read now, it is by coincidence, not design.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #174 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 2:13pm
Ah, maybe it was Jordan that recommended it to me.

If there is anything deep and philosophical in anything I read now, it is by coincidence, not design.
I'm a little bit that way with movies these days, not everything has to make me think, I just want 2+ hours of escapism. The last movie deep & meaningful I saw was "The Fountain" with Hugh Jackman. Complete shite. Although the 6th millenium space man stuff was pretty cool.

Funny and good philosophy questions can be had with Terry Pratchett. It is laugh out loud stuff. I still remember him describing the coward wizard Rincewind as coming to the aid of his friend "with all the speed of continental drift". I woke my wife up with the GUFFAW that followed that line.
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I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #175 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 2:47pm
mozzaok wrote on Dec 12th, 2008 at 12:40pm:
I am quite happy with the term, as it is generally understood, to merely be a descriptive noun of those people who choose not to believe in gods, and the plural is appropriate, as their are literally thousands of different deities that people believe in.

There is probably an infinite continuum of gods actually, even within one branch of a religion. We're talking about a phenomenon that we believe to be an internalised concept after all - (I guess I can only  speak for myself).

If you haven't read them already, I can recommend the Neanderthal Parallex Trilogy by the Canadian author Robert J Sawyer. (Neanderthals, Humans and Hydrids) I first came upon it via ebooks, but have since ordered a number of books by this author from a certain online bookstore.  They represent a very interesting perspective on many issues. They represent a kind of social commentary on society attitudes to religion, sexuality, war, privacy, over population and violence from the perspective of an outside civilisation that is not perfect, but has overcome many of the problems that we have.
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« Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2008 at 2:55pm by muso »  

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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #176 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 10:10am
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« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2008 at 1:04pm by NorthOfNorth »  

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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #177 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 10:56am
He seems to very much embrace the christian idea of original sin, Helian.

That extract seemed to have far greater parallels to christian philosophy than any buddhist philosophy I have read.

Many christians focus much more on the "wrathful" god, than the "loving" god.
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #178 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 12:57pm
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 13th, 2008 at 10:10am:
And now a word from Arthur Schopenhauer, one of the world’s most pessimistic philosophers, who rejected the existence of a loving god. Who embraced with zeal the first of Buddhism’s first noble truth that all life is suffering.

Maybe he came to that conclusion after Christmas shopping with his wife. Life is not all suffering. Christmas will be over in less than a month.  Wink
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Re: Is Atheism just another religion ?
Reply #179 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 1:09pm
muso wrote on Dec 13th, 2008 at 12:57pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 13th, 2008 at 10:10am:
And now a word from Arthur Schopenhauer, one of the world’s most pessimistic philosophers, who rejected the existence of a loving god. Who embraced with zeal the first of Buddhism’s first noble truth that all life is suffering.

Maybe he came to that conclusion after Christmas shopping with his wife. Life is not all suffering. Christmas will be over in less than a month.  Wink

Well then, if that was the case, I know how he felt Smiley

But I think that Schopenhauer was too ugly and miserable for marriage.
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« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2008 at 3:30pm by NorthOfNorth »  

Conviction is the art of being certain
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