A KITTEN with two faces that meows out of both mouths at the same time has been born in Perth.
The kitten was delivered in a vet's surgery after its mother had complications with the birth.
The two-faced feline was one of three in a litter and appears to be doing well.
Veterinarian George Huber and nurse Louisa Burgess delivered the kitten.
Ms Burgess said that in her 12-year career she had never seen a two-faced cat.
“I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this,” she said.
“It has a full tummy and it survived the night so that is a good sign. It seems content, it meows and purrs."
The kitten eats out of just one mouth because of a cleft palate, but meows out of both simultaneously.
This year there have been several reports of two-faced kittens in the US. In August a kitten with four eyes, two noses and one mouth was reportedly born in Ohio, but died after five days. Watch the video of the kitten in Ohio here.
Another two-faced kitten was born in a litter of seven in Texas in February.