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two faced kittens (Read 4178 times)
Gold Member

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two faced kittens
Nov 21st, 2008 at 9:58pm


A KITTEN with two faces that meows out of both mouths at the same time has been born in Perth.

The kitten was delivered in a vet's surgery after its mother had complications with the birth.

The two-faced feline was one of three in a litter and appears to be doing well.

Veterinarian George Huber and nurse Louisa Burgess delivered the kitten.

Ms Burgess said that in her 12-year career she had never seen a two-faced cat.

“I have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this,” she said.

“It has a full tummy and it survived the night so that is a good sign. It seems content, it meows and purrs."

The kitten eats out of just one mouth because of a cleft palate, but meows out of both simultaneously.

This year there have been several reports of two-faced kittens in the US. In August a kitten with four eyes, two noses and one mouth was reportedly born in Ohio, but died after five days. Watch the video of the kitten in Ohio here.

Another two-faced kitten was born in a litter of seven in Texas in February.
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Australian Politics

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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #1 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 10:59pm
Ancient Romans believed that this sort of abnormal occurrences herald the great events that are going to change the world.

I wonder what is it going to be this time?
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #2 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 12:30am
The answer is genetically modified products.

No doubt some GM products are in pet food - could be anything - grain, meat.  We don't know what we're eating these days.

This is only the beginning.  The National Food Standards A & NZ approves of GM food and it doesn't have to be labelled as long as it's only part of the finished product.  We have been eating it since 2001.

Their standards make no sense.  When we start having 2 headed babies - they might introduce stricter regulatons.

How do they ensure exactly how much GM content is in the final product?  They can't - they can only go on what they're told by the manufacturer.

Are GM foods being sold in Australia?

Yes.   Some of the packaged foods in supermarkets contain GM ingredients derived from approved GM commodity crops of cotton, corn, canola, soybean, sugar beet and potato. They appear as ingredients in many foods.

Cotton - considered a food because the oil can be consumed - is the only GM food commodity approved to be commercially grown in Australia. The other GM commodities are imported.   No fresh GM vegetables, fruit, meat, fish or other agricultural products are sold in Australia.

Are they safe?

All GM foods intended for sale in Australia and New Zealand must be subjected to a pre-market safety assessment by the independent government food regulator - the Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) - and approved by a council of Australian and New Zealand health ministers. No GM food will be allowed onto the shelves unless it has gone through the safety assessment process.

Some foods containing GM foods from commodity crops have been in the marketplace in Australia for about five years. They have been in the food supply of other countries, such as the United States and Canada, for much longer. In that time, there has been no case reported worldwide of a GM food causing an adverse effect on human health [OECD Conference on the Scientific and Health Aspects of Genetically Modified Foods, February 2000].

Some GM ingredients may be used in the manufacturing process, but do not appear in the final food and these do not need to be labelled.   Some ingredients derived from GM plants - such as sugars, oils and some GM additives and processing aids - may have been refined to the extent that there is no residual genetic material or protein of the source plant in the final product.   Again, no special labelling is required.

Another exemption to the labelling requirements in processed foods are GM flavours, which are allowed to be present up to a level of one part in a thousand in the final food without being identified as GM.

Foods prepared from GM ingredients, additives and processing aids, but sold unlabelled at the point of sale for immediate consumption - e.g. restaurants, hotels and take-aways - are also exempt from labelling requirements.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #3 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 3:13pm
Hi I am new to site.
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Australian Politics

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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #4 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 3:13pm
I am unable to understand what the topic is going on.
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Australian Politics

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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #5 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 3:16pm
The above picture of the cat was wonder, it has to head's. Is it true.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #6 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 1:52am
Canola is GM. It is a genetically modified version of the rape seed.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #7 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 9:26am
The little kitty with the two heads has died.

Canola is GM. It is a genetically modified version of the rape seed.

In the US many more foods are genetically modified - meat, vegetables etc.  When they are imported to Australia and sold through fast food or restaurant outlets - they are not subject to scrutiny and we don't have to know what we're eating.

GM products cause birth defects.  The genetic manipulation of organisms we're seeing now in 2 headed animals is a radical departure from cross-breeding.  It crosses nature's boundaries between species, and even between the biological "kingdom" of plants, animals and micro-organisms.  

Currently the only GM products growing in Australia are canola, carnations and cotton, although cross polination with other crops can occur through bad weather and soil run off.  But we import a lot of GM soybean, canola, corn and potato which are all used in the final product of many cereals, processed meat and obviously vegetables.

Extract from 50 Harmful Effects of GM products on birth defects.

Birth Defects and Shorter Life Spans As we ingest transgenic human/ animal products there is no real telling of the impact on human evolution. We know that rBGh in cows causes a rapid increase in birth defects and shorter life spans.  

Interior Toxins "Pesticidal foods" have genes that produce a toxic pesticide inside the food’s cells. This represents the first time "cell-interior toxicity" is being sold for human consumption. There is little knowledge of the potential long-term health impacts.

Lowered Nutrition A study in the Journal of Medicinal Food (Dr. Marc Lappe, 1999) showed that certain GM foods have lower levels of vital nutrients – especially phytoestrogen compounds thought to protect the body from heart disease and cancer.

In another study of GM Vica Faba, a bean in the same family as soy, there was also an increase in estrogen levels, what raises health issues - especially in infant soy formulas. Milk from cows with rBGH contains substantially higher levels of pus, bacteria, and fat. Monsanto's analysis of glyphosate-resistant soya showed the GM-line contained 28% more Kunitz-trypsin inhibitor, a known anti-nutrient and allergen.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #8 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 10:21am
I don't know much about two headed kittens, but I do know a quack when I see one.

Quack Alert

What unmitigated rubbish. Roll Eyes Of all the possible reasons for mutagenesis, transgenic foods would have to be the least likely. The main culprits would be viral infections (we actually have some viral sequences in our DNA), aromatic hydrocarbons and other mutagenic chemicals, exposure to radiation (ionizing or high frequency electromagnetic) - or just random birth defects - they have been happening since prehistoric times.
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« Last Edit: Nov 23rd, 2008 at 10:38am by muso »  

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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #9 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 11:04am
So you approve of GM foods Muso and believe they are perfectly safe?
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #10 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 11:07am
That kitten was so adorable..

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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #11 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 4:32pm
mantra wrote on Nov 23rd, 2008 at 11:04am:
So you approve of GM foods Muso and believe they are perfectly safe?

Let's put it this way -  There are much bigger risks- All food contains DNA that is foreign to us. The food that we eat has no way of recombining with our DNA - and that's always been the case whether it's recombitant or not.

The main hazard is that GM foods will pollute Organically produced foods and cost people money, because they will no longer be able to sell it as "Organic"

In the case of oilseed or cotton, which are the main GM crops grown in Australia, these can have little or no impact. In fact if you withdrew all the GM cotton, we'd have to use something like 30% more water, more fertilisers and more pesticides to grow the crop.

There are no cases of birth defects or deaths or serious health problems as a result of GM crops anywhere in the world, and we have been growing them for over 15 years.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #12 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 6:14pm
The problem with GM anything is the same as the problem with introduced species, except the risks are greater. You risk unpredictable disaster and massive loss of biological diversity. No-one could have predicted which introduced species would ravage Australia. Yet we now have enough common sense to set up a quarantine. Why do people have such difficulties seeing the same risk in GM? Do people have to actually see the disaster unfold before they can understand it?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #13 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 6:23pm
I agree FD.  There is a lot of deliberate misinformation in regard to GM produce by those promoting it and the Food Authority only relies on the information supplied by the manufacturers - they don't actually analyse any of the products.

From Greenpeace

The industry prefers the term 'biotechnology' to 'genetic engineering', because it sounds friendly and technically sophisticated and of course leaves out the word genetic! The reality is that in the rush to cash in on the products, it's grossly under-researched. The scientific basis of genetic engineering is still little understood and relies on lengthy hit-and-miss tests to get results.

This is a whole new ball game, cutting out genes and splicing in new genes from totally unrelated species. Scientists are giving birth to their bizarre creations, transferring genes from fish to tomato, human to pig, scorpion to potato, and just about any other unsavoury combination you can imagine.

Already a genetically engineered food supplement, genetically engineered tryptophan, has killed 37 people and disabled 1500 others.

New toxins and allergens in foods. Proof already exists that allergens can be transferred to plants through genetic engineering.

Horizontal gene transfer and recombination, could result in creating new pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

We could waste our defence against disease. The antibiotic resistance gene in genetically engineered maize could be passed to harmful bacteria in the gut of animals fed with it. Ampicillin is one of our most widely used defences against such harmful bacteria. If the resistance gene spreads, Ampicillin could be rendered useless.

Spread of virulence among pathogens across species by horizontal gene transfer and recombination.

BSE demonstrates how little we understand. We assume feed contaminated with animal remains caused it, but organophosphates may be implicated too. There's uncertainty how it's passed on. We don't know how to cure it. We don't even know how to test for it. Now we're creating thousands of transgenic lifeforms, releasing them into the environment, eating them, and we're supposed to believe they can guarantee no disasters. Guesswork and hoping for the best!
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Re: two faced kittens
Reply #14 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 6:54pm
oceanz wrote on Nov 23rd, 2008 at 11:07am:
That kitten was so adorable..

It was a freak.  Sad but poo happens.  Cats don't get to have ultra sounds, they get what they get.  Shocked

You get what you deserve as a human "bean".  Tonguei

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