Amadd wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2008 at 11:20pm:
Quote:So, the philosophy of many,
..."Eat, drink, and be merry. For tomorrow we die!"
It's not a bad philosophy if used in the right context. I believe that all major religions have plenty of good philiosophy if used properly. No doubt you'd agree that non-religious philosophy has it's good points too.
Quote:Look at this world, look at the place where the hearts of men [living such lives as you seem to endorse], have brought us.
Well the obvious reply is, look at the misery and suffering perpitrated in the name of God.
My God never endorsed any of that, did yours? Amadd,
My God, as i perceive him, has created an 'environment'
where we reveal ourselves.
My God, as i perceive him, is
truly just and merciful.
We place too much emphasis on what God has 'done' [i.e. what he 'allows'], but we miss the obvious.
This current world is what we [mankind] have created through our choices.
Does God allow this?
Yes. [from my perspective]
Is God
unjust to allow us to commit evil?
Better to make our 'mistakes' here, than in the spirit world.
We are
all spiritual beings [i believe], and we come to this physical existence specifically [i believe], to exercise the 'power' of choice [given to each of us, by God], this physical existence.
And in this life, by our choices, we have an 'opportunity' to demonstrate, that we understand the consequences of our choices.
Choice is a mental power, a thought power,
....a spiritual power.
Here, in this 'reality', here on this little planet, our
choices have no form, until we express them, physically.
We are 'going to school' here [i believe].
And [i believe that] we come here, to learn, and to come to understand
the consequences of 'expressing' our choices.
Quote:Muso has a tag about common sense being a religion, and that makes sense to me.
A religion of common sense would be nice.
The God I see there is the all powerful great unknown creative force of everything that ever has been or ever will be.
This God would see religions per se' as being ridiculous because the only ones who would assume themselves to be so self-righteous as to think they have a more valid understanding than anybody else would in fact be further away from the truth.
That is a good point, with which i agree.
Personally, i believe that our purpose in being here, is one of learning about ourselves, and learning about our nature.
Self knowledge is a high aim, which we should seek.
....but not vainly.
We should aspire to know ourselves.
Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:.....
Quote:This God would send anybody who thinks it's OK to kill or cause suffering in it's name back to kindergarten to learn the very basics of social interactions.
This God would have all scrptures destroyed which include it as being the author.
You may not believe it [i know many cannot], but the Bible will reveal the spirit of God to us, if we read it.
I promise you, this is the TRUTH.
The contents, the stories, and the knowledge which the Bible contains, is somehow intrinsically 'joined' with mankind.
Somehow, the Bible can speak to the heart of a man.
....or rather, it is the spirit of God, which will speak to your heart.
Quote:This God would tell people to use their own common sense to decifer the difference between right and wrong. It's not that hard really.
Man is too vain, too greedy, to ruthless, when left to his own 'devices'.
Man must seek himself, in God, if he will succeed, in achieving his potential.
If you don't believe this, just look at man in this world.
Quote:What I'm trying to say Yadda, is that I think it's ridiculous for anybody to pretend to be spouting God's word. If anybody pretends to know God's intention, then I want some proof.
I assure you i don't know anything special.
I'm just like you, like others.
I'm seeking truth.
You say you, "...want some proof."
I can't
prove anything, to anyone.
Only our own
experience in this life, can be our 'proof'.
You have to seek God [TRUTH], yourself.
But most ppl believe in the god of 'common sense'.
....i.e. they continue to eat from the tree [of good and evil] in the garden.
Relying on their own wisdom, and vanity.
And IMO, it's also not correct to be using words like "intention", because that's a human characteristic.
"God's truth" may be a better way of putting it.
Then the question would be, do you embrace the truth, or do you try to hide it for personal reasons?
IMO there's no such thing as a book of total truth, just books of opiions.
Common sense will eventually sort the wheat from the chaff.
Believe that if you will.
I believe that you are mistaken.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Psalms 118:8
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Psalms 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
5 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God: