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Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100 (Read 4098 times)
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #15 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 5:01pm
gaybriel - thanks for NOT posting their diversions and denials.

grendel - they don't have excuses for it, they have instructions from the koran.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #16 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 5:21pm
can you post them instead?

that is the only topic I saw on it
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #17 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 11:28pm
It's good to see some muslims coming forward to condemn these types of attacks.
They need to hear the condemnation from their peers, not from non-muslims.

I'm getting the feeling that tolerance has worn pretty thin. Not just on forums like this one, but also in the general (western) public.

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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #19 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 12:03am,9171,178385-3,00.html

"During Friday prayers last week, for instance, the Imam of Mecca condemned terrorism and warned about "the spreading of evil on this earth.""

"Last fall, CAIR launched a national petition drive as part of a campaign by Muslims called 'Not in the Name of Islam.' To date, nearly 700,000 Muslims have signed the petition condemning terrorism committed in the name of Islam, and many newspapers have covered the petition drive. As part of the same campaign, CAIR also created and paid for public service announcements set to air on television stations nationwide....."

"If all that wasn't enough, last Thursday the Fiqh Council of North America issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, against terrorism and extremism. Endorsed by more than 100 U.S. Muslim authorities, the fatwa boldly and unequivocally forbids terrorism and admonishes those who commit terrorist attacks....."

"The lengthy fatwa continues with references to the Qur'an that support the ruling. It may not be enough to dissuade a minority of extremists hellbent on destruction, but it is the right thing to do."

"In the meantime, we will continue to react with the same shock and dismay and, yes, anger, at the misguided people who continue to show no regard for human life. And we'll continue to speak out against terrorism in the hopes that someone is listening."
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #20 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 7:51am
Who was Immam of the terrorists, which mosque did they go to?
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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #21 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 9:26am

Q1/ what book did the terrorists read to encourage this behaviour ?

Q2/ whose example of murder and assassainations did they emulate ??

A1/ koran

A2/ mohammad the murderer

obviously I could not post this in anywhwere gaybriel the deleter deletes
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #22 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:41am
get off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #23 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:43am
btw I posted those because people on here often accuse muslim 'leaders' of being silent and not condemning the attacks- here you can see the opposite
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #24 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 8:21am
Islamic religious leader incited Mumbai killers

THE al-Qa'ida-linked Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists suspected over the Mumbai massacre were trained in Muzaffarabad, capital of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, and were incited by speeches from their leader in Lahore.
They were ordered to "kill until your last breath" and murder up to 5000 people.

They did so after provocative speeches by Hafiz Mohammed Saeed last month in Lahore, capital of the Punjab.

So much for islamic leadership.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #25 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 8:26am

gaybriel,  apart from your offensive abusive reply, what's say you answer my questions ??
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #26 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 9:01am
Gaybriel wrote on Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:41am:
get off the cross honey, somebody needs the wood

Is wood needed to beat deceitful moslem leaders on their thick heads so they started act against moslem terrorist not just pay lip service?
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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #27 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 3:40pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 1st, 2008 at 8:26am:
gaybriel,  apart from your offensive abusive reply, what's say you answer my questions ??

oh please- you can talk. someone who just recently told me they hope that my husband beats me and that I'm a nothing woman. practise what you preach mate.

as to your questions- you already answered them yourself and nothing I say will change your mind, so what is exactly is the point
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Pakistan moves army from terror front to India border
Reply #28 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 5:28pm
This is not a good sign. It would make an escalation of the problem inevitable. Hopefully it is just posturing on the part of Pakistan. Someone needs to bring the lunatics in the hills under control. It needs to come from both sides of the Pakistan/Afghan border. Those hills could end up being a bigger flashpoint than Israel. It was fine when they were happy to remain tribal hills that no-one can control, but the lawlessness will spread as the world gets smaller.,25197,24731282-601,00.html

PAKISTAN is withdrawing troops from the fight against al-Qa'ida and the Taliban to redeploy them to its border with India as tensions between the two nuclear-armed nations escalate over the terrorist massacre in Mumbai.

As the clean-up began after terrorists killed at least 195 people, including two Australians, the only gunman captured provided testimony of the operation's links to a Pakistan-based militant group, intelligence sources said yesterday.

Ajmal Amir Kamal, 21, whose clean-shaven face has become an enduring image of the attacks after he was caught on a CCTV camera wearing a Versace T-shirt, was interrogated in a safe house in Mumbai.

He identified all the attackers as Pakistani citizens and acknowledged that they were trained by Lashkar-e-Toiba, a militant group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, reports said.

He confirmed the militants had come ashore in dinghies launched from a hijacked vessel whose crew had been killed, reports said.

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari urged India not to "overreact" after Indian and US officials suggested the militants could have been from the Pakistan-based LET. The group was behind the deadly 2001 assault on the Indian parliament that pushed New Delhi and Islamabad to the brink of war.

"If something happens (amid the rising tensions with India), the war on terror cannot be our priority," a senior Pakistani official told a media briefing yesterday.

"We'll take everything from the western border (with Afghanistan - the main area of al-Qa'ida and Taliban activity). We won't leave anything there." Indian army sources said forces near Pakistan had been placed on a raised alert before a meeting that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called with security chiefs in New Delhi today. Mr Zardari was meeting Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and his army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, amid fears that the Mumbai crisis had the potential for a replay of the 2001 standoff.

Dr Singh cancelled a meeting with Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in New Delhi over the weekend.

At the same time, Pakistan's army forced the country's civilian Government into an embarrassing about-face after it had earlier agreed to bow to Indian pressure and send the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency to New Delhi to help in the Mumbai investigation.

Mr Zardari and Mr Qureshi denied the assault was launched by terrorists trained and based in Pakistan. Conceding that the confrontation between the two nuclear-armed neighbours was extremely serious, Mr Qureshi called on India to ease the tension. "It is in Pakistan's interests and in India's interests to defuse the situation. Lowering of tension is essential.

"Finger-pointing or coming to hasty conclusions will play into the hands of the common enemy, that is, the terrorists."

India's Home Minister, the Government's most senior security official, last night quit the cabinet, becoming the first major scalp following the intelligence failure that led to the massacre.

The resignation of Shivraj Patil was followed by that of National Security Adviser MK Narayanan. Sources said other heads were expected to roll as the crisis within the Government deepened over what was the worst terrorist attack in India, and one which is being referred to as "India's 9/11".

Mr Patil, a powerful figure because of his closeness to India's supreme political leader, Italian-born Sonia Gandhi, had for months been under fire because of the growing number of terrorist attacks across the country. But until last night he had managed to cling to his position.

Public outrage over the Government's failure to get to grips with the issue of terrorism had, however, become too much for him to withstand.

Political analysts said that while the departure of Mr Patil would be widely welcomed, it was likely to do little to save the Government from severe criticism over its failures on the terrorism front - failures that many believe have the potential to drive it from office at elections due before May.

US President George W. Bush pledged full support to India as it investigated the attacks, saying the killers "will not have the final word". "The killers who struck this week are brutal and violent," Mr Bush said.

"But terror will not have the final word. The people of India are resilient. The people of India are strong. They have built a vibrant, multi-ethnic democracy. They can withstand this trial."
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Terrorist attack on Mumbai kills 100
Reply #29 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 7:27pm
An Indian colleague tells me that for the first time ever, The Pakistani Secret Service are actually sending investigators to India to help investigate the terror attacks on Mumbai.

The latest is that Pakistan will not now be moving troops to the Indian border.

That's second hand information, but at least it sounds like it's progress.
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