NorthOfNorth wrote on Dec 6
th, 2008 at 4:45pm:
I assume you are referring to the dialogue I quoted above. Islam is that which you believe to be evil, the child is the innocent. If that is so, then you’re begging the question, so I will leave that one for you to answer the only way the premises will allow.
My point about the dialogue is that the most sincere practise of religion is extremely difficult.
The true practice of a philosophy or theology of compassion requires that you be prepared to abnegate your instinct towards revenge or wrong action even if it is easier or ‘feels more right’ to act according to other drives.
A theology of compassion requires that you surrender the will to seek revenge and the impulse to diminish the lives of others you despise to satisfy one’s ego. It demands that you empathise with the suffering of others and seek to relieve it whenever you can. It demands that you uphold the dignity of the other (hence Ghandi’s suggestion that the devout Hindu raise the child in the faith that was his birthright).
That you seek common ground with your enemies by ‘building bridges and not walls’.
That the practice of compassion leads to self-respect which will lead to the revelation that all respect is self-respect.
Thank you for your considered reply.
Does TRUTH have an equal place, alongside compassion?
Considering the example from the movie again,
Let me put it another way,A man [the Hindu] says,
"I've done a terrible thing, i've killed a child. I'm going to Hell."In response, the movie 'Ghandi' says,
"You have done done a terrible thing. But atonement for the evil you have done is available." raising a child in a hateful philosophy, to believe that he can kill people, if they refuse to worship, or submit to, his god.
Of the two men above, who is the man further along the path to enlightenment?
Is it the one who [repenting,] acknowledges that he has done a terrible thing, and acknowledges that he
deserves to go to hell for his sin?
Or is it the one who counsels, that though a person has done a terrible thing, he will not go to hell, if he will atone for his own sins?
.....And atonement takes the form of teaching a child a hateful philosophy, which condones the murder of those who will not submit, to that philosophy.
.....[can you imagine, that Ghandi, a man on the path, didn't know what ISLAM teaches / promotes among its adherent's? I find that difficult to believe.]
But perhaps Ghandi's ignorance of ISLAM is not so far fetched???
Dalai Lama Defends Islam As Peaceful Religion
13 July, 2008 on first blink, you really, really, believe this assertion, from noble and wise Buddhist, the Dalai Lama, up on the history of Buddhism in Afghanistan,
"Buddhism in Afghanistan has a long history. Many monuments, such as the famous Buddhas of Bamyan, testify to the Buddhist culture in Afghanistan. It was during Ashoka's reign that Buddhism was introduced to what later became Afghanistan.....Many of the Iranian forebearers of the Pashtuns, including the Scythians followed Buddhism UNTIL THE ARRIVAL OF ISLAM. Currently, there are a few Buddhists in Afghanistan, PROBABLY NUMBERING 0.3% OF THIS ISLAMIC COUNTRY.",
Buddhism afghanistan true religion, is the [a] search for TRUTH....And if Buddhism is a religion based on TRUTH....
If the Dalai Lama then comes out, and asserts ISLAM is a peaceful religion, then i would suggest, that for the Dalai Lama to make such a statement [in the face of irrefutable facts to the contrary],
the Dalai Lama is clearly telling an un-truth.
And this circumstance [the 'broadcasting' of this un-truth to the world], i would suggest, is probably because the Dalai Lama HAS AN AGENDA, which is not being revealed.
Why not???
And what is that agenda???
And, are these at all improper questions, which i pose???And i ask, that if the Dalai Lama is portrayed as a wise, truth speaker, why would such a man promote such an obvious falsehood to the world?
It seems that once again [in our PC dominated world],
UP IS DOWN, AND DOWN IS UP.Where will all of these lies, all end up?
Where will they take us?
For a possible answer to that Q.,
.....look at Afghanistan today.
"And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good - need we ask anyone to tell us these things?"
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert M Pirsig