Usually I don't do introductions, I make myself well known pretty quickly anywhere I go.
I came here to learn about Australlian politics, and to get a good idea of how Australlians think, and the parties that represent them. I'm American, I don't know poo about anything that doesn't involve my country.. Don't blame the education system, I didn't even go to school. Though that might say something about how bad it is anyway where you wouldn't even notice.
I have a girlfriend who lives in Oz, so Australlia is relevant to my interests. I know it's hot as balls down there, and you got animals straight out of Cthulhu mythos... lol! But I want to learn more. And no, I don't think you're all Crocodile Dundees and Steve Irwins. Infact I'm thinking you're more like British people if the brits had a backbone and a nice butt.
I don't know if alot of Americans post here, I can't claim to speak for Americans much. I'm kind of a maverick. I don't fit in anywhere in American politics. Mostly cause I'm just an angry white dude who hates people treating me like I'm some kind of idiot.
I hope I find what I'm looking for here. And don't regret signing up and getting kicked out because I have some extreme views. They're extreme, but not predictable. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're left, but you can always bet they'll have a hint of cyniscm and sarcasm.. Ofcourse the right/left meter might be different for you guys. So ohwell, will just have to wait and see.
I didn't realize Islam was such a big deal in Australia. Here it isn't. We're just like "durphurp! Iraquis don't know what freedom is!" And most Americans can't tell the difference between Pakistan and Palestine. I suppose if you explain it to them in terms of "It's like calling a Catholic and Mormon" they might get it. But we're also increddibly lazy. lol!
I guess that's it. For the safety of my girl's personal life I'm not going to say her name that way noone can bitch her out for dating this magnificent bastard.