Jim Profit
Senior Member
Australian Politics
Posts: 439
I'm sure atleast one of you will know that song lol!
But anyway, I saw your one nation topic. And it's nice to see all this ranting between the different parties, it got me thinking I'd share my knowledge of the differant American parties. Perhaps we are not so different.
Mind you, this is just my perspective. So I'm not going to claim it's all fair and unbiased. But I've been royally screwed all the same, and have eyes in my head. So it's unbiased enough lol! Just figuring you can possibly compare your parties to our's.
Republicans: Republicans are supposedly "the right-wing" of our parties. They supposedly have Christian and socialy conversative values. Yet don't seem to do either. And stand idoly by while ammendments to restrict abortions get ignored, don't propose more regulations on pornography or something, and generally downplay any sheer disgust. The reasoning is simple.. it's not good for votes. Let's face it, the amount of sick bugger /b/tards probably outnumbers per capita the amount of non-internet browsing people who don't know anything about two girls and one cup.. So republicans have to give alot of lip service without actually doing anything too conservative. On that note, they claim to be fiscaly responsible, and capitalists. But don't mind giving money to industries for lackluster reasons. They also love war. They always start the big wars like "the war on communism" or "the war on terror". They're slightly better at brainwashing Americans though. Don't talk smack about our troops, our country, or the president. Regardless of how idiotic any of them have been lately. Or else you'll get a lecture and possibly a bitch slapping.
Democrats: Democrats are supposedly liberal-socialists. Yet do not promote anything for either. Ultimately the only thing liberal about them is Christians are stupid, abortions are wonderful, and sex is fun. They don't really help decriminalize anything such as drugs, they talk about the enviorment but don't try to de-ban hemp so we don't have to chop down trees for paper, they start even more wars then republicans but they're "small wars" nobody hears about. And they call themselves "democrats" but seem to despise democracy and try to cheat every election, yet nobody seems to care. They also tend to have the most abusive and tight securty. The last convention had guys in riot gear, barbed wire, and poo. While talking about freedom and choice, their finger is the on the trigger and the gun's pointed at your head. Democratic voters makeup the largest sum of protests. They protest poo that's already legal. But just to "even out" the opposition. If there's a prolife rally, they put on their smug smiles and protest for choice. They're spiteful.
Green: If you vote green party you'll get laughed right out of the room. Period. Green party does nothing but complain and somehow gets distracted from green causes such as the enviorment and conservationism and somehow starts ranting about women's rights and secular humanism. We already have democrats for that thankyou.
Libertarians: Perhaps the worst party ever created. Thankfully since the two-party system has no intention of a fair and just election process. Third parties are not even allowed in the debates. Libertarians basically equate rights as "property". ALWAYS! People could gut you like a fish cause you were soliciting in their store, they could shoot airplanes flying over their house, they laugh about this poo but yet never deny it. Libertarians don't really care about the economy or our constitution. They really only wish they could be fatcat coporate sleezes, but since they can't. They want to be serial killers who abuse the privacy of their home to get away with meth labs, child rape, and murder.
Constitution Party: The party supposedly is based off the constitution. When infact they act more like the confederate rebels. They want to leave everything up to the states. Why even bother being a country?! And the ones that aren't confederaists are batshit crazy Christians who want to ban gambeling and consider homosexuality a mental disorder. So far "the confederates" are winning, but that's not much better then "Christian fascists".
The American Nazi Party: As sad as it might be to say this. The Nazi Party is actually the most reasonable party we have. They have a liberal immigration policey, (atleast as it pertains to whites) they want to improve worker's rights, they desire a strong military, but are not fond of the wars we've been having lately, (because they believe we're simply being told what to do by The Jews) they want to nationalize the banks, (though their motivation is "The Jews control the gold") and they want to deport criminals. (As well as all non-whites) If you take their racism out of the equasion, The Nazi Party is a pretty kickass party! It's a shame nobody even knows they exist. Cause people just hear the word "Nazi" and get a butthurt. My central issue: Abortion, the nazis don't seem to talk about. But knowing them, they'd ban abortions as it pertains to white children. So infact, since the ultimate goal is a white nation. I have nothing to worry about anyway. Contrary to popular belief, The Nazis, atleast these Nazis, don't want massive genocide. They just want racial seperatism, and rather then "black and white schools" they'd prefer massive deportation and other races can go live somewhere else.