Human Life Ammendment:Ok, I was just
praying this one would get passed, but was pretty sure it wouldn’t. And it didn’t ofcourse... this bill involved that human life constituionaly, would begin at conception. And thus, abortion was, by definition of the law,
homocide. This bill did not restrict states from enforcing the law against abortion however they saw fit. They could make it a slap on the wrist if they really wanted too.. But by legal definition, terminating an embreyo would be murder..
I expected the more left-wing people to vote no. I expected some of the libertarians to vote no. But not so many. Figuring since the state would still have thier basic rights to enforce the most important part, (criminal justice) but that’s what I get for trying to compromise. Give them an inch, and they take a mile.
Child Healthcare:The premise was all children under the age of thirteen had a right to have all their health expenses covered..
I was shocked and appauled by the dramatic "no" on this one. Republicans were voting no, libertarians were voting no, even democrats were voting no. And do you know why?
Because apparently the bill was made by me. The best smacking excuse they could come up with was "it’s a good idea, but since it’s you.. no.." That’s just immature. It’s great to know that these idiots would let children die of polio or whatever simply because they didn’t want to have to admit Jim Profit’s plan was a good one. I’m sure their mourning parents will understand... assholes...
Self-Defense Vendors:This was a legal measure that proposed the government used tax money to incoporate "firearm vending machines" which has always been a fantasy of mine ever since I’ve played bioshock. These machines would be electronic, so technicaly they didn’t
have to be anonymous and could require a laser-guided certification of your firearm’s liscence to purchase a weapon. This was a good business move I thought, as the use of tax money would pay for itself as it was a "consentual tax measure". And people would willingly pay the government and get weapons in return. The guns were created by private industry, the government simply gave you the OPTION to use their vending machines. Private companies could make their own I suppose.
Republicans voted no, saying this was too risky and was basically giving a gun to children who stole their dad’s liscence, and any decent terrorist who knew how to hack the machine. (And that happened in bioshock quite alot)
Libertarians voted no, saying it was a gateway drug to communism. Giving the government any sortof leeway to sell goods is begging for them to form a monopoly and swallow the free market.
And ofcourse democrats voted no. Saying this was "the most sociopathic thing you’ve done...within the week..."
Hemp Is Good Act:Calling fourth to lift the ban on hemp. I did not go into detail as to whether or not to "decriminalize" or "regulate". As that wasn’t really my concern, I figured it’d be best to just try a centrist position to de-ban it. Because my main goal was to reduce the amount of trees being destroyed for paper, and replace it with hemp fiber which could be grown in droves.
Once again, democrats thought it was a good idea. But mostly out of spite and the occasional "drugpusher" argument, they voted no.
Ofcourse republicans voted no. The destruction of rainforests is a small price to pay to insure our citizens are not drug-addicts. Yeah... that’s worked so well...
Libertarians, being arrogant sons a bitches... voted no, saying that the bill was "too abstract" and thus could mean just about anything and could possibly make the situation worse of keeping government out of our lives.
As you can see, my positions aren't really pro or anti-government. Merely government is an influental entity designed to regulate and subvert people so they don't bugger everything up for everybody. And I'm not blindly ideological, if I think government can be a force of good, regardless of if it's economy or social related, I'll go for it. Or if I think government isn't needed, I won't support it. Which is why I generally voted against universal healthcare, drug prohibitions, any bans on the sale or ownership of child pornography, even permitted the pedophilia bill. (Only me and like three other people who were all self-proclaimed anarchists supported that bill..) So I guess I'm a "moderate anarchist" lol! If there is such a thing..
My utopian vision: