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Christians in Nazareth riot, over muslim banner (Read 648 times)
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Christians in Nazareth riot, over muslim banner
Dec 25th, 2008 at 1:29pm
Offended Christians in Nazareth riot over offensive muslim banner

....not really.

"As Christmas Approaches, Muslims Erect ‘Allah Has No Son’ Banner in Nazareth,"

".....Journalists visiting the city saw two large banners--one in English, one in Arabic--hanging in the plaza in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation, with a verse from the Koran (112:1-4) contradicting the New Testament proclamation that Jesus is the “only begotten” of God."
......Nazareth Mayor Ramiz Jaraisy played down concerns that a banner effectively denying Jesus’ deity was provocative to Christians, although he did question its position, in front of Nazareth’s most prominent landmark.
I don’t think that it’s provocative against anyone, he said. My point of view [is] that it’s not the right place to put it and it’s not the right way to do that.

Isn't this a provocation by muslims, in the town associated with Jesus, and aren't these muslim declarations [during this Christian festive time] insulting the beliefs of Christians???

Aren't muslims sensitive to the belief's of those of other faiths???

This behaviour by muslims [in this case, within Nazareth], highlights the utter hypocrisy of ISLAM / muslims, in always demanding tolerance of ISLAMIC culture and practices, from members of host cultures/communities [within non-muslim legal jurisdictions],
BUT, where muslims will express deeply offensive views themselves, and demonstrate their own [muslim] intolerance, whenever muslims are exposed to un-ISLAMIC values, within both muslim and non-muslim communities.

In contrast, an example of muslim rage, and muslim intolerance of [non-muslim] criticism of ISLAM, on the streets of London here,

A Chilling Islamic Demonstration of Cartoons. London
"....We will take revenge upon you!
....bomb Denmark, so we may invade their country!
And take their wives as war booty!"

The Ummah is as the Ummah does: Intolerance, Shameless Lies, and Murder.
Posted by: Stendec

The late Robert O. Collins, re the Sudan:

As long as the powers that be in Britain (or any other Western country for that matter) continue to think that Islam is just another religion, rather than the voracious totalitarian ideology which it is, the cancer in the body politic will continue to metastasize. All should look upon Islam as they would fascism or Marxism. Just as you wouldn't have separate schools for darling little fascists or Marxists, so should there not exist separate schools for Muslims.
The key is to grasp that Islam is not like any other religion on earth. It is not gracious. It is not kind. It is not noble. It is not possessed of the Golden Rule for all. It wants everything and is not prepared to treat as fully equal on this earth those who do not accept its tenets. The weakest link for Britain, Europe, America and all the West in this fight against Islamic supremacism is the persistence in refusing to comprehend that Islam is a parasite that will not rest content until it has devoured all of its host.
Posted by: Wellington

....The assumption of everyone concerned appears to be that Muslims only turn to jihad violence because of provocation from non-Muslims, not because of any imperative arising from the Islamic religion itself.

Islam is a lie and truth is killing it.

Posted by: Alaskan

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« Last Edit: Dec 25th, 2008 at 2:15pm by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Christians in Nazareth riot, over muslim banner
Reply #1 - Dec 25th, 2008 at 6:02pm
yep, seems muslims are completely intolerant of any other belief.

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Christians in Nazareth riot, over muslim banner
Reply #2 - Dec 27th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Studies conducted by mental health professionals have shown that Muslim men and women are often offended by the most unexpected items, including baby rattles, hummingbirds, home appliances, or geographical maps with polar ice caps. On the top ten list of the most offensive things are rectal thermometers and the word "allometric," which many consider an underhanded insult to Allah.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on national governments to provide financial backing for the network of Muslim self-help groups, twelve-step healing programs, and training camps, creating an environment that is more supportive and empowering for sufferers of Offended Muslim Syndrome (OMS).

"Being a Muslim today means to be always aware that something, somewhere, is somehow offensive to Islam," said a report issued by WHO, a specialized agency of the UN that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. "It is a shame to see the wealthiest nations of the world stingily hold on to their pockets in the face of the largest epidemic of reality-induced psychological disorder in human history."

The WHO report provides a list of symptoms of the Offended Muslim Syndrome, suggesting that the condition be officially recognized as a disability, with the ensuing costs covered by Western governments. The report also includes advice and recommendations by leading UN-affiliated health professionals:

Symptoms of Offended Muslim Syndrome (OMS)

Irritability, agitation, anxiety at the sight of women who are not fully covered
Prolonged rage or unexplained killing sprees
Significant changes in immigration patterns
Brooding about the past glory of the Caliphate
Decreased effectiveness and minimal work productivity
Difficulty in understanding new information without a trial lawyer
Feelings of despair or hopelessness about the existence of Israel
Recurring thoughts of death to the infidels

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