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Israel use banned bombs (Read 4443 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #30 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 3:12pm
This is written by a member of the Australian government, are they anti semitic?
All you Islam haters will say so no doubt, read a few facts and try not to let your hate of Islam get in the way.

Julie Erwin is a member of the federal Labor government and she writes-

It's like saying that what one member of the US congress says is official US policy. It's not.

It's just what one particular leftie backbencher believes. So what. She is entitled to her opinion, as clueless as it is.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #31 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 4:55pm
Oh did Skippy forget to take his valium again..  did he bend over too fast and his widdle bwain fallded out?

gee skip...  you need a holiday or something?

No use ranting at me when I tell you the truth or crapping on about a genocide that isn't happening or listening to dolts from the Labor party.

here one more time just for you and on topic summary.

Right skippy...
1/  they are not banned.
2/ there is an international convention on its use.
3/ israel say they have not breached any international conventions.
4/ it is not primarily an incendary weapon but used for smokescreens and marking targets.
5/ GENEVA (AP) — The international Red Cross said Tuesday that Israel has fired white phosphorus shells in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has no evidence to suggest it is being used improperly or illegally.
6/ Human Rights watch have toned down their original claims, now warning "of the possibilities of extreme fire and civilian injuries."
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #32 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 8:14am
Grendel wrote on Jan 14th, 2009 at 4:55pm:
Oh did Skippy forget to take his valium again..  did he bend over too fast and his widdle bwain fallded out?

gee skip...  you need a holiday or something?

No use ranting at me when I tell you the truth or crapping on about a genocide that isn't happening or listening to dolts from the Labor party.

here one more time just for you and on topic summary.

Right skippy...
1/  they are not banned.
2/ there is an international convention on its use.
3/ israel say they have not breached any international conventions.
4/ it is not primarily an incendary weapon but used for smokescreens and marking targets.
5/ GENEVA (AP) — The international Red Cross said Tuesday that Israel has fired white phosphorus shells in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has no evidence to suggest it is being used improperly or illegally.
6/ Human Rights watch have toned down their original claims, now warning "of the possibilities of extreme fire and civilian injuries."

Thats it boofy- baaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaa keep it up your neo con masters can hear you.
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« Last Edit: Jan 15th, 2009 at 8:27am by N/A »  
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #33 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 8:25am
tallowood wrote on Jan 14th, 2009 at 3:05pm:
tallowood wrote on Jan 14th, 2009 at 2:41pm:
This is written by a member of the Australian government, are they anti semitic?
All you Islam haters will say so no doubt, read a few facts and try not to let your hate of Islam get in the way.

Julie Erwin is a member of the federal Labor government and she writes-

"YOU'VE got to hand it to the Israeli public relations flacks: only they could convince you that killing children was an act of self-defence.

Skipp, Julie Erwin may or may not is anti semitic for all I care but I know that she tells lies.  Haven't you spotted it yourself in her opening phrase?
It isn't good argument to quote lies as facts, in fact it is self defeating argument.

only they could convince you that killing children was an act of self-defence.
Thats exactly what they've done to you, she's spot on you're just to blinded by your hate of Islam to see it.

But they did not convinced you. Right? That makes Julie Erwin a dirty lier especially as she tells her lies using parliamentary privileges. And as I said before lies are lies not facts as you pretend them to be.

You are pretty stupid arn't you? got you in one as a sheeple you and the sheepdog boofy both as dumb as each other.
The story was written in the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, no parlimentary privilage there dipshit, fmd, why do they breed rightard retards so thick.
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #34 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 8:38am
Right skippy...
1/  they are not banned.

Yes they are you l why do you tell lies?

2/ there is an international convention on its use.

Yep no use,dipshit.
3/ israel say they have not breached any international conventions

Israel like you are lying .
4/ it is not primarily an incendary weapon but used for smokescreens and marking targets.
Bullshit, your best lie so far.

5/ GENEVA (AP) — The international Red Cross said Tuesday that Israel has fired white phosphorus shells in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has no evidence to suggest it is being used improperly or illegally.
Bullshit again , probablt worse than your last.
6/ Human Rights watch have toned down their original claims, now warning "of the possibilities of extreme fire and civilian injuries."
so what? look just because you're an apologist for the zionist neo con scum dont expect any body with a brain to buy it, thats why most Australians agree with me, except of couse the racist Islam haters here ,like yourself the're to  Shocked dumb arse to get it through their wittle  heads that the're being had.
So in summary ,you're a lying  Angry, nothing has changed.
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« Last Edit: Jan 15th, 2009 at 9:28am by N/A »  
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #35 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 11:18am

Oh poor skippy living in denial again.

wake up Skippy I posted the truth you are W R O N G.... again.

If you really wanted to know the truth you could have looked it up as easily as i did.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #36 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 11:35am
Grendel wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 11:18am:

Oh poor skippy living in denial again.

wake up Skippy I posted the truth you are W R O N G.... again.

If you really wanted to know the truth you could have looked it up as easily as i did.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I told you I get all my imfo from the mainstream MSM, unlike you I dont think it wise to go to Israel government web sites to post their propaganda here, look what its already done to the braindead like yourself.
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #37 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 12:45pm

rant and rave all you like Skipp...  wont make you right.

I went to the source for info re the weapons etc.
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #38 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:51pm
Grendel wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 12:45pm:

rant and rave all you like Skipp...  wont make you right.

I went to the source for info re the weapons etc.

Thats what I said, the Israel gov website, baaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Australian Politics

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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #39 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:56pm
Grendel wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 12:45pm:

rant and rave all you like Skipp...  wont make you right.

I went to the source for info re the weapons etc.

Thats what I said, the Israel gov website, baaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You are pretty stupid aren't you? Israel gov website is more trustworthy then the lying moron you were quoting early.   Cheesy

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #40 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 4:04pm
tallowood wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:56pm:
Grendel wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 12:45pm:

rant and rave all you like Skipp...  wont make you right.

I went to the source for info re the weapons etc.

Thats what I said, the Israel gov website, baaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You are pretty stupid aren't you? Israel gov website is more trustworthy then the lying moron you were quoting early.   Cheesy

boofy I can hear one of your flock baaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I think this ones even dumber than you.
I love it when the right whingers reinforce their belief by posting stories as "proof" and then admitting that it actually came from the webite of the terrorists doing all the killing, ha ha .
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #41 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 4:17pm
You are justi being adversarial, and contrary, on this issue skip.
I know you have a profound mistrust of anything that emanates from Israeli sources, as always being Zionist propaganda, and in many instances I am sure you would be justified in that belief, but not always.

Israel is a democratic country, and has far more transparency than the religious zealots running palestine, if you can call decimating her people, and embroiling them in constant violent struggle, as "running" the country.

Also, just because you have a long history of arguing with Beo, does not mean that just beause Beo supports something, that you must therefore oppose it.

I think many here go way too far in their condemnation of Islam, and do not make the allowances for muslims, that they would extend to members of other religious groups, but they are also not just biased baseless prejudices they display, they are positions arrived at after hearing way too many muslims, justifying terrorist groups.

I still hold the position that people are people, and if given the chance for a normal peaceful life, most will usually take it, however, the degree of prejudice and hatred for anything not Islamic, displayed and taught by such huge numbers of muslims, is of great concern.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #42 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 4:31pm
I think many here go way too far in their condemnation of Islam, and do not make the allowances for muslims, that they would extend to members of other religious groups, but they are also not just biased baseless prejudices they display, they are positions arrived at after hearing way too many muslims, justifying terrorist groups.

I still hold the position that people are people, and if given the chance for a normal peaceful life, most will usually take it, however, the degree of prejudice and hatred for anything not Islamic, displayed and taught by such huge numbers of muslims, is of great concern.

Islam is counting on most people to believe that, it brings them closer to their eventual destruction and Islam's victory. Your 'tolerance' will be the engine of your own destruction.

It's like the Jews believing that they could negotiate with Hitler and the Third Reich. It's only a star of david, not a big deal. Alright, we cannot marry gentiles, not so bad. Ok, we have to live in certain places, but at least we are alive right?

Incrementalism, demands, white anting of institutions and the pillars of Western society until enough of it is crumbling so that Islam can destroy it. The plans for this have been laid out in incredible detail for more than 1000 years now. And you think you can just negotiate and that will wipe away centuries of jihad and warfare that says, you are your society is an abomination that needs to be destroyed?

This is foolishness without compare - but - you are not in the minority however.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #43 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 4:49pm
Well we will have to disagree there Calanen, I know how profound your mistrust of Islam is, and I do not disagree with that sentiment.

Where we do profoundly differ, is that I still have faith, that at the end of the day, that muslims are just normal people, mums and dads, who love their kids, and want the best for them.
Unfortunately too many get led astray with the zealotry preached to them, by the extremist elements within their religion, but  I do not write them off as being evil, just misled.

Your position is not dissimiliar to that displayed towards russian communists during the cold war, where the average russian was conned into believing the stupid party propaganda, and hated the west, and were all considered to be enemies of freedom and democracy.

Well at the end of the day, peoples humanity won through, and once the evil propaganda was stopped being forced down their throats, they just became normal families again.

So I am happy to give muslims the same opportunity to live normal peaceful lives, and sincerely hope that they turn their backs on extremism, and proceed to enjoy a newer more modern, and tolerant form of Islam, that can happily co-exist with other beliefs.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Israel use banned bombs
Reply #44 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 5:09pm
mozzaok wrote on Jan 15th, 2009 at 4:49pm:
Well we will have to disagree there Calanen, I know how profound your mistrust of Islam is, and I do not disagree with that sentiment.

Where we do profoundly differ, is that I still have faith, that at the end of the day, that muslims are just normal people, mums and dads, who love their kids, and want the best for them.
Unfortunately too many get led astray with the zealotry preached to them, by the extremist elements within their religion, but  I do not write them off as being evil, just misled.

Your position is not dissimiliar to that displayed towards russian communists during the cold war, where the average russian was conned into believing the stupid party propaganda, and hated the west, and were all considered to be enemies of freedom and democracy.

Well at the end of the day, peoples humanity won through, and once the evil propaganda was stopped being forced down their throats, they just became normal families again.

So I am happy to give muslims the same opportunity to live normal peaceful lives, and sincerely hope that they turn their backs on extremism, and proceed to enjoy a newer more modern, and tolerant form of Islam, that can happily co-exist with other beliefs.

Mozz, the difference between russians (or for that matter ukranian, belorussian,  etc.) people and muslims is that when former managed to escape from USSR and settled in the Western countries, they have rejected the ideology outright while later want Western countries to ajust to their ideology.
Also how would you practically help them to get rid of extremist leaders without rewriting the book they live by?

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