Right skippy...
1/ they are not banned.
Yes they are you l why do you tell lies?
2/ there is an international convention on its use.
Yep no use,dipshit.
3/ israel say they have not breached any international conventions
Israel like you are lying .
4/ it is not primarily an incendary weapon but used for smokescreens and marking targets.
Bullshit, your best lie so far.
5/ GENEVA (AP) — The international Red Cross said Tuesday that Israel has fired white phosphorus shells in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has no evidence to suggest it is being used improperly or illegally.
Bullshit again , probablt worse than your last.
6/ Human Rights watch have toned down their original claims, now warning "of the possibilities of extreme fire and civilian injuries."
so what? look just because you're an apologist for the zionist neo con scum dont expect any body with a brain to buy it, thats why most Australians agree with me, except of couse the racist Islam haters here ,like yourself the're to

dumb arse to get it through their wittle heads that the're being had.
So in summary ,you're a lying

, nothing has changed.