You know, as much as I bitch about America, looking at you guys makes me glad I get to take for granteed little things.
Like being able to have an opinion, even a hostile opinion.
Or being able to vote cause I want too, not cause I have too.
America's got alot to learn, mostly alot to
re-learn. But it's good to know that my country isn't the only one that seems to be afraid of freedom.
Especially around airports. My fricking God, one terrorist attack and suddenly airports are the most policed poo on the planet. And you know why? Because they can. Airports are a monopoly.
They may not be a monopoly in the strict sense of the word, but they are a monopoly morally because we can't get from X to Y in a car, on a bus, or on a boat. Planes are a practical way to travel long distances, and as such, they abuse their power.
This is why terrorism needs to happen more. The little pompus bitch at the front desk needs to learn to just shut the hell up, punch her little buttons, and get me aboard my coach level plane where I'll have to sit next to a sweaty crackhead and a four hundred pound guy because I'm too poor to avoid upper class seats.
I don't think anyone quite gets that. That we suffer enough, like we need some asshole telling us to shush when we're pissed off? Hell no! You're lucky I don't cut your throat for looking at me wrong!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate to bring up Godwin's theory, but Adolf Hitler himself, who everyone pisses and moans was so evil, was just a guy. He was a guy, with a hardknock life, and the only person that loved his ugly ass killed themself.
Well you immagining being in poverty, tyranny, and the only person that you fealt comfortable with smacking died. You'd lose your mind and think "I want commit genocide too!"
All of us are just one bad day away from becoming Hitler.
People would do well not to make that bad day come sooner. That's all I'm saying lol.
I had to post this youtube cause it's not very often you can make yourself laugh thinking about you and Hitler singing gangsta' rap.