Soren wrote on Feb 19
th, 2009 at 9:23pm:
[quote author=abu_rashid link=1231993677/105#112 date=1235036425]
You mean "Their stealthy take over reclaiming of Palestine ... "
This is really thee sticking point.
Imagine if the Greeks came back and said, 'Oy, clear out of Constatipole, it's ours, you stole it, clear out. Same with the west coast of today's Turkey, Syria and Llebanon. All you blow in Arabs, back to Araby! Let us decolonise for real!!"
Would be as legit.
Same in israel.
Re-claiming...what, 2 thousand years later? lol, what a joke.
With your very limited understanding of history, it seems that you don't even know that these area's were ruled by others before the Greeks, or the Israeli's for that matter.
Much of Turkey belonged to the Hittites long before you Christians were murdering native inhabitants and destroying whole civilisations. After that, the Assyrians, after that, the Babylonians.
Israel has been ruled by many different empires, often for far longer then the Israeli's. The Egyptians ruled over Canaan for a couple of centuries, as well as the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Sumerians...all long before the Israelites arrived.
So using your stupid logic, then the Egyptians, also have every right to 're-claim' Palestine, having ruled over the land BEFORE the Israeli's, and for longer.
Oh, and also while we are at it, perhaps you should give up your home and land to the Aboriginals. After all, a 40,000 year claim is much stronger then the 2-300 odd years that Israel ruled over Palestine, and given you've already stated that 'such a claim is legit'..I would expect that you would put your money where mouth is and practise what your preach.
Perhaps they can even learn from the Urgan and Stern and resort to terrorist attacks, then perhaps they'd gain your support. After all, we've all seen how much you respect murderers. After all, you did say that 're-claiming' land is legit.