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Nuclear the 'only viable clean power' (Read 20576 times)
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Gladstone, Queensland
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #15 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 1:27pm
Grendel wrote on Jan 18th, 2009 at 12:10pm:
Ah yes another of my favourites from a few years ago...  Australia is ideally suited...  just google HOT ROCKS

Hey Mozz...  you heard me discuss all these alternatives a few years ago on cracker...  how soon we forget.  Sad

Yeah - Geothermal resources are making good progress there - from the latest report:

In summary, the drilling has resulted in several positive implications:
1. The entire basis for the geological concept of a buried granitic heat source in the Frome project area has been proven with the intersection of granite at 1471 metres depth in Frome 12, some 50 km from the nearest basement granite outcrop.

2. There is a strong lithological correlation with outcropping, uranium rich granites in the Mount Victoria region to the south, that have high heat generating capacities. Drillcore will be analysed for uranium, thorium and potassium upon completion of the hole in order to calculate the precise heat generating capacity of the granite.

3. The granite in Frome 12 shows clear evidence of frequent and regular subhorizontal fracturing. Based on the layering evident in the seismic reflection data it is expected that the granite will have well developed subhorizontal fracturing. This is an essential feature required in order to establish a suitable lateral water flow through the hot granite.

4. Temperatures measured in Frome 12 continue to indicate above average temperature gradients.

It is planned to continue drilling into the granite ( to a maximum depth of 1800 metres) if drilling penetration rates remain satisfactory, in order to gain further information concerning the fracturing in the granite and also to obtain data on the temperature gradient within the granite body itself. This information will be important in guiding future drilling in the region.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #16 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 1:37pm
mozzaok wrote on Jan 18th, 2009 at 1:17pm:
But the problem of waste control is a hurdle, still not cleared, despite having been worked on for over half a century, with very little real progress towards providing the safe, long term solution, needed, before it could allow us to embrace nuclear, as a truly environmentally friendly alternative.

So, unless that particular aspect is addressed, I will vehemently oppose Nuclear power usage in Australia.
I think we have a responsibility to future generations, to not leave them a legacy of highly poisonous waste dumps to try and cope with.
Every power spree of quarter of a century of nuclear power, will leave a bill that an unknown number of future generations will be forced to keep paying for, and that is grossly unfair.

THe question is - what level of radiation would you be happy with for the waste? After all, we have naturally occurring ores that are radioactive. Would it be acceptable that it is no more radioactive than these? or than the human body?

If so, what's the difference between waste encapsulated in borosilicate and naturally occurring ore bodies? Do we need to continue to supervise nuclear wastes that are of a similar risk to natural ore bodies?

It's all a question of what level of risk is or is not acceptable. That's what we should be talking about, but it's not what the general public is talking about.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #17 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 1:45pm
So while the arguments on cost per unit, etc. are perfectly valid, the fact is, that solar is available now, it is reducing our coal usage and reliance, now, and it has the bonus of making our daily power usage habits a part of our everyday consciousness, now.

There are plenty of other options that are also available now and which are much cheaper and more reliable. It's another silly vote buying handout, that's all. Even if we were to go with solar, it would be far cheaper to build large plants than lots of little ones on our roofs. The extra cost is absurd and makes no economic or environmental sense. It can only be motivated by vote buying.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #18 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 2:13pm
Well I have no idea what you are talking about Muso.

You seem to be implying that all the talk of high level nuclear waste is just a gross exaggeration, and that it is no more of a threat than naturally occurring levels, and concentrations, and if that is your contention, and you can back it up, then I have been misinformed on the subject.

Now FD, as far as solar goes, of course home solar units are not as efficient or cost effective as commercial solar would be, but it is something we can take advantage of immediately, to reduce our fossil fuel consumption, and while the arguments about the cost effectiveness of government subsidies is probably true, that won't stop me from taking advantage of it.
We see governments do lots of things less efficiently than we would like, but this one at least provides a tangible benefit, which is more than can be said for all their schemes.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #19 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 2:18pm
Now FD, as far as solar goes, of course home solar units are not as efficient or cost effective as commercial solar would be, but it is something we can take advantage of immediately, to reduce our fossil fuel consumption, and while the arguments about the cost effectiveness of government subsidies is probably true, that won't stop me from taking advantage of it.

There are plenty of other options we could also take advantage of immediately. In fact, by taking advantage of this, you are chewing up valuable resources that could have been used to make far greater reductions in our emissions. Double the reduction in 12 months time is almost twice as good. By accepting the handout you are effectively telling the government that you are gullible and your vote is up for grabs by the highest bidder. By taking the route that maximises the harm to the economy, you are icnreasing the risk of a backlash against environmentalism. Youa re creating a tradeoff between the economy and the environment that does not need to exist. You are creating another reason to oppose reducing our emissions.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #20 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 2:35pm
By accepting the handout you are effectively telling the government that you are gullible and your vote is up for grabs by the highest bidder. By taking the route that maximises the harm to the economy, you are icnreasing the risk of a backlash against environmentalism. Youa re creating a tradeoff between the economy and the environment that does not need to exist. You are creating another reason to oppose reducing our emissions.

Sh1t, I thought I was just getting eight grand to put up solar panels, I didn't realise I was destroying our whole way of life in the process,
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #21 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 3:01pm
Does $8000 cover the full cost? What does your annual electricity bill come to, if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #22 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 4:01pm
It's usually a 50% rebate for stand alone PV systems. They are very popular in the bush because of the exorbitant cost of connection to the grid in some cases, but it's means tested unfortunately.

There is a new rebate starting in July 2009 which is not means tested, but it's only for $7500.

A 1kW system will cost around $15000 including Panels, regulators and batteries.

Work it out for your own location here:
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« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2009 at 4:12pm by muso »  

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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #23 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 4:22pm
I suspect that even if you ignore the costly government handout and factor in the money you save by producing your own electricity, you could make a bigger dent in your carbon footprint by purchasing green energy with your out-of-pocket expense for panels. Obviously there will be even cheaper ways to reduce your carbon footprint by reducing electricity consumption. Panels only appeal to people because they get to see something being built in their own backyard. Simply paying the money for green energy does not give the same warm glow because you don't see the result.

I call it 'ecoparasitology', where you suck the blood out of your community by first injecting a clever little green anaesthetic.
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« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2009 at 4:28pm by freediver »  

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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #24 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 9:54pm
I have plenty of firewood by growing grapes and severely pruning them in winter. It also makes me more independent from government and BB.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #25 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 8:08am
freediver wrote on Jan 18th, 2009 at 4:22pm:
I suspect that even if you ignore the costly government handout and factor in the money you save by producing your own electricity, you could make a bigger dent in your carbon footprint by purchasing green energy with your out-of-pocket expense for panels. Obviously there will be even cheaper ways to reduce your carbon footprint by reducing electricity consumption. Panels only appeal to people because they get to see something being built in their own backyard. Simply paying the money for green energy does not give the same warm glow because you don't see the result.

I call it 'ecoparasitology', where you suck the blood out of your community by first injecting a clever little green anaesthetic.

FD, I guess it's a question of who do you trust. If the Petroleum companies can pull a swiftie by giving us ethanol bought from China on the spot market that is manufactured from Natural Gas, what is the Clean Energy subsidy being used for?

I pay the extra for clean energy, but do I think that it's being apportioned to pay for a clean source of energy? No. I suspect that it may be going to some kind of slush fund for whatever passes as clean energy research, including some half-hearted sequestration projects that don't have a snowflakes chance in hell of working out.

The overheads may be higher for PV panels, but at least the householder can see and measure the tangible benefit for themselves. The real benefit is that it generates interest in sustainable energy production.

Apart from any of that, it's the only real alternative in some parts of the bush. When you're faced with a $45,000 connection charge to be part of the grid, a stand alone Solar PV system is the only real alternative if you want to be part of the 21st Century.  Many people are living in the bush and teleworking. I know a design engineer who lives just North of Alice Springs. He still has to travel from time to time, but his projects are on both coasts and in SE Asia, so his location is sometimes an advantage.  

I'm not sure if you live in Qld or not, but have you tried to buy Clean Energy lately? The best you can buy is 10% of your total. I think it's the same in NSW.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #26 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 8:37am

I 'm pretty much with mozzaok on the concerns of nuclear waste.

It is not a renewable energy source.
It does take LOTS of energy to mine and refine uranium, it does take lots of water to run a nuclear plant, nuclear power plants do have a limited life, they do cost a LOT to decommission, the waste does last a LONG time.

In some ways, there are many drawbacks to nuclear power.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #27 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 8:49am
People in our parts of the bush were using all types of solar including  PV for over 20 years now. They reckon they started save money after less then 10 years.
I have build my first solar hot water system 25 years ago from old sheets of corrugated iron soldered together for less then $10.
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #28 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 8:58am

Tallow - private solar systems that repay themselves in under 10 years sounds a LOT better than a huge nuclear power plant to me.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Nuclear the 'only viable clean power'
Reply #29 - Jan 19th, 2009 at 9:13am
Personally I don't give a damn as long as we are mining Uranium and selling it to countries that can use it to generate Electricity and contractually can't use it to make nuclear weapons.

The more  we can displace coal fired energy generation by any other low footprint generation worldwide, the better off we'll all be in the long run.  If that has to happen in countries where the population don't have their head up their collective arses, then so be it. Sweden is a good example.

There are three factors in this - small footprint, long term (including environmental) cost effectiveness and speed of implementation.

Sometimes we have to settle for energy generation that has a higher long term cost but we can implement it faster. A lot depends on how much we can do in the next 10 years.
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« Last Edit: Jan 19th, 2009 at 11:09am by muso »  

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