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I'd rather be anything then an American right now. (Read 3347 times)
Jim Profit
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I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Jan 24th, 2009 at 9:43am
As a political analysist, you have my word Jim Profit that Obama won't even bring up abortion in his career. Obama has centered his legacy around being loved by the people. Infact, you'll probably enjoy his presidency..


I'm going to freeze congress'es checks! I'm above their payroll!

Well that's not so bad. Congress needed to be taught a lesson!

And Guantanamo has a year to closedown.

That's cool. Gauntanamo was a toture camp anyway. Not in my America. Bravo Mr.Obama.

And we're going to relinquish George Bushes universal gag rule..

Wait, what?!

That means tax dollars can go to abortion facilities and--

I know what it smacking means.. Weren't you satisfied stealing taxpayer money for your stupid campaign?! Now you gotta' kill babies with it too?! The few victories the prolife gets and you gotta' pull this poo?!

Where the hell is that political analysist?!

Gotta go! K thx bai!


Christ, why you getting all worked up for? Wasn't it Ronald Reagan who said someone who agrees with you 9/10ths of the time--

bugger Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan sucked. Richard Nixon sucked, JFK sucked, Harry Truman sucked, FDR sucked, Both George Bushes sucked, Bill Clinton sucked, and your mother sucks.

Well, my mother was the white devil. So...

You know, God-damn. How hard is it to leave one issue alone?! You want to talk about tolerance?! I tolerate you being a babykilling douchebag, just as long as you don't touch anything abortion related while you're in office. And you touched everything! That's the exact opposite of touching nothing!

How exactly am I suppose to explain this to my girlfriend?! "Oh, sorry honey. You we can't go to Burger King because the democrats put a huge smacking sales tax on fatty foods, but we can get an abortion for free! Whoppers are bad, but abortions are tottally okay!"

"Sorry honey, I gotta' go out and fight some stupid war because mr. freedom of choice here thinks the right to my body does not apply to getting shot at by insurgents! Apparently I can't decide if I join the army or not, but I can decide to get an abortion!"

"Are you smoking next to me sir?! Don't you care about anybody but yourself?! How dare you control what substances go into your body unless it pertains to poisoning the fetus?!"

"Oh look, my electricity just wentout. Because the government put a cap on how much energy I can use! Nevermind the fact that my electric bill will decide for me, but sense this does not pertain to fetal homocide.. I have no choice in the matter!"

"That Jim Profit! He's such a fascist telling us if we can or cannot kill our children! Why can't he be more socially free like us?! Where we put survelliance cameras on every street corner, take away people's hard earned money and give it to the lazy or stupid, and permit hookers and blow but only if they're taxed and regulated to the point noone will buy them anyway?!"

bugger you Obama! I'm a Satanist and it's time to unleash the dragon on your ass!

Thanks brother! Now we can get to banning those abortions!


Unless we're talking about those God-damn coloreds.. Then it's compulsory.. white power!

bugger you Joe! The power is mine! MINE!

Huh... I probably should've thought this through...
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #1 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 9:48am
Jim Profit wrote on Jan 24th, 2009 at 9:43am:
Huh... I probably should've thought this through...

yep  Grin Lips Sealed

Abortion is not a simple yes/no issue either. It's a question of risk. Risk to the mother, risk to the child, risk to society etc.  We can talk in stereotypes all we want, but would you deny an abortion to a mentally handicapped 13 year old who was impregnated by a psychotic rapist?
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« Last Edit: Jan 24th, 2009 at 9:53am by muso »  

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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #2 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 10:15am
As our great former Prime Minister, Gough,  once quipped, when asked to clarify, once and for all, if he was pro abortion;
"Yes, Yes I am, and in your case I would make it retrospective" Grin

It is easy for people too young to remember back yard abortionists, and the stigma attached to terminations of pregnancies, but let me tell you, it was damn ugly, and very wrong.

Now while I would love to think that all pregnancies are wanted, and all parents will be fit and responsible, but that is not the case, and in this world of realities, a termination, is often the only viable choice for many women.

Sure every life is sacred, but I say, express your enthusiasm for that principle by making the life of those living, as good as you can, before worrying so much about the ones who do not make it to even being born.

A rabid anti abortionist can see thousands die of starvation, and think it is a shame, but they will blow up abortion clinics to protect the rights of foetuses, and that is disproportional, reactionary behaviour.
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OOPS!!! My Karma, ran over your Dogma!
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #3 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 1:24pm
Yeah - Who was that South American artist who tied up a dog in an art gallery with the caption "Starving Dog" and it prompted an internet wide condemnation? (It was Guillermo Vargas, and he was Costa Rican.)

In fact what it did was to highlight the total hypocrisy of people around the world. They see an immotive issue and they don't think it through and go off totally half cocked.

In the case of the starving dog exhibition, the dog was actually well fed in the exhibition and it was only tied up for no more than 3 hours at a time. It was a street dog, and it escaped, probably to starve to death.

Now there are thousands of homeless dogs that die on the streets. People don't see them, and it's a non event- but take a dog off the street to an art gallery and suddenly people get all teary and their conscious kicks in.  It's exactly the same with stories from war zones.

Here's the Snopes report on the 'starving dog'

Abortion goes on all the time for many different reasons, and the right people generally make the decision to go ahead. They are also counselled by qualified medical staff who inform them of all the risks specific to their case.

So as far as I'm concerned, both the "Right to Lifers" and the "Freedom of Choicers" need to shut up, grow up, get a clue  and realise that it's a complex issue before going off like a headless chook.

Hmm what other issues cause people to go off like headless chooks around here?  
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« Last Edit: Jan 24th, 2009 at 1:31pm by muso »  

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Jim Profit
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #4 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 7:09pm
but would you deny an abortion to a mentally handicapped 13 year old who was impregnated by a psychotic rapist?


A: That's highly improbable. So improbable infact that I'd be more skeptical of the person claiming to be raped.

B: Morally noone is better then any other. A child conceived from rape is no less worthy of becoming born then a child conceived through consent. Origins do not make us who we are. That's class based tyranny.

C: I am not phased by emotional tactics. If someone came up to me and whined about being raped. Then they probably deserved it. Noone just "gets raped". People put themself in bad positions, and then expect the world to bend upside down for them.

I'm not saying these women have to be great mothers, or even mothers, give it up for adoption for all I care. But murder isn't a right. It's never a right, and we shouldn't pat them on the back for it.

I don't think anyone will argue murder is worse then rape. And yet we permit murder because of rape? I'm not buying it.

Abortion was created as a means of social engineering, eugenics, and political confusion. When a society has no morals, it is easier to control. There is a right, and there is a wrong. And when people don't know what right and wrong is, they have no direction. And when they have no direction, pricks in government can come along and lead them like a sheep dog.

Morals do not hamper our freedom, they protect them. There is absolute freedom, and there is maximum freedom. Absolute freedom is this backward idea that somehow more freedom=ability to do whatever you want. Maximum freedom=the most individual liberty we can obtain without infringing on other people. Abortion is a serious violation of human rights. People can argue till they're blue in the face that a fetus isn't a person. But neither were Jews, blacks, and women at one point. We don't argue points like that in civilized society.

Abortion has been controlled by barbarians, they need to go the way of the dinosaurs. Their primitive logic and scare tactics are obsolete and costing too many lives. Lives much more valubale then they are.

"The needs of the next generation outweigh the needs of this one. --Charles Darwin"

I have no sympathy for anyone seeking an abortion, for any reason. Maybe you see some woman giving you a sad story, but what I see is some bitch trying to make an excuse to kill her kid. Who does that? Who is a sick enough human being to want to kill their own kid?

We're looking at the same woman. Only you're falling for her little emotional scam. I'm not. I can't be swayed by little stories. I see a dead baby, and that's all I need to know. None of this new-age "gray morality" crap. If there's a dead baby, something's wrong.

Who was that South American artist who tied up a dog in an art gallery with the caption "Starving Dog" and it prompted an internet wide condemnation? (It was Guillermo Vargas, and he was Costa Rican.)

lol, irl troll. But the dog was not actually being abused, so no crime was commited. I look at things objectively. Either you did something, or you didn't. Sense the dog was not actually harm, no wrong was commited. We don't have to go into "is it wrong to toture an animal?" because it wasn't totured. Although I'm sure if libertarians in my country had their way they would be authenticaly totured..

It is easy for people too young to remember back yard abortionists, and the stigma attached to terminations of pregnancies, but let me tell you, it was damn ugly, and very wrong.

Good. I hope it was painful. I hope they were scared, shaking, and died very excrutiatingly. There are two problems with your scenario.

#1: You cater to the stupid. Abortion is illegal, and yet they still seek it. If illegal abortions are so dangerous. Then they shouldn't be seeking them. Any rational human being in their own self interest, would just have the kid. It'd be far easier then risking your life to obtain an abortion.

But they want to die. They're matyrs. They want to die so people like you go "boohoohoo! These poor women!" And then it becomes legal.

No, screw them. Let them die. That way they learn. They won't learn anything if we cave. Let them commit suicide. I'm not against suicide. The only thing I feel bad about is the kid would have to die with them. But some things can't be avoided. I'm not Superman.

#2: This does not excuse abortion on demand. You don't have to be 100% prolife. But so many are just prochoice by default. What's up with that? You never heard of regulations, inflated prices, specific circumstances? I don't see that. Why is that? How are you going to tell me with a straight face that you see abortion as horrible and only required in rare but needed circumstances, but making no attempt at all to make it rare?

I call you a liar. And you think I'm stupid enough to believe you. That insults my intelligence.

Abortion doesn't have to be a simple yes or no issue. People are. People are predictable, malevolent, and selfish.

But I expect at the very least for them to care enough about the people around them not to kill them. For God's sakes that's your kid. There are serial killers, rotting in jail, who wouldn't kill their own kid.

They deserve no mercy. And they will receive no sympathy from me. I don't regret saying I'd enjoy watching every last woman who had an abortion be executed.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #5 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 8:13pm
I hope you never have a daughter who is sexually assaulted, because saying rape is the fault of the victim is retarded. A rapist breaking into a house is hardly the fault of the victim.

I don't agree with women acting like sluts and continually getting abortions, but that does not reflect on the option of abortion.

I won't waste any time trying to convince you otherwise because you quite plainly are blinded by stupidity and cannot see past your own life experiences. In fact, your stupidity could even be used as an argument for abortion.

I am pretty blown away when you use a quote from Charles Darwin. The next generations needs are not certainly masses of people who grew up unwanted, unloved and abused by people who should never be parents.

If you are going to use a quote by somebody so influential in our history, use it in the correct context or don't bother.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #6 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 11:01pm
Welcome to OzPolitic Swathe.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #7 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 8:11am
Lol, you are the greatest Jim, I love your sense of humour.

I am Pro Life, and I am prepared to kill those who aren't, would be a paraphrase we may expect from an obsessive type.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #8 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 8:25am
I am Pro Life, and I am prepared to kill those who aren't

Lol, yeah - that seemed like a lot of words that JP used to basically just convey a simple hypocritical statement.

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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #9 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:26am
Now that fvckin kunt’s back, now ‘ow did he do that? I slammed me foot right up e’s bum and kicked the kunt to kingdom come. Now where the bugger did ‘e come from? That fvckin kunt’s back.

That fvking kunt’s back, that smacking kunt’s back
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Jim Profit
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #10 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:45am
Lol, yeah - that seemed like a lot of words that JP used to basically just convey a simple hypocritical statement.

What do I care if it's hypocritical though?

Do you care what an ant thinks of you? I'm on an entirely different level of awareness. Being called a hypocrite has about as much effect on me as an ant damning my name. I step on it all the same. It's far too much effort to try and understand what the ant is trying to convey.

As far as I see it, it doesn't matter how hypocritical, mean, corrupt, or "stupid" I am. I'd never kill my own kid. So from a biological, moral, and rational standpoint. I'm better then everybody who is prochoice.

And most of the prolife too. Mostly because they demean themselves and act like they're equal to the prochoice. What's the point of being supirior if you're not going to validate it? If you want to be some animal crawling in the mud, you go right ahead. But don't act so shocked when people who take their place as human beings seriously put you on a leash. That's all I'm saying.

I'd probably be a more fit parent then anyone, moreso in comparison to choicers. If my daughter was raped, oh fricking well. poo happens. I wouldn't teach my daughter to let other people have power over her. Which you seem to want me to do.

Rape is just a way to weaken women and demonize men. It's useless to dwell on it. It's a social construct. It has little consequince in the physical realm. What is rape? Sexual assault? Whoopty fricking doo. Out of all the possible things that could happen to you. Getting sexually assaulted looks like the best case scenario.

You could get robbed, and lose everything.
You could get stabbed and be hideously scarred.
You could be shot and cripple for the rest of your life.

All of which don't get nearly as much of an annoying shrill as rape. You've yet to live a day of your life and are quite ignorant to the world around you if you actually believe rape is one of the worst things that could happen to anybody.

To be honest, I'd be flattered to get raped. Someone had so much lust for me, that they could not contain themselves, and were willing to break the law and risk physical harm from my negative reaction just to have my body. That's quite the compliment. I'd be more distrought that my rapist never called back.. But then I suppose not everyone can be as self-aware as I am, and that's why they have to resort to schoolyard bullying.

Oh, Jim Profit is a mean ole' stupid head! That's why he's the one unphased by most things criminals use to have social dominion over your life. While you're repeatedly violated and frightened of your own shadow. I'm living.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #11 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:20am
It is easy for people too young to remember back yard abortionists, and the stigma attached to terminations of pregnancies, but let me tell you, it was damn ugly, and very wrong.

What about backyard murders? Or backyard rapes? Oh that's right, it's still illegal. It's always done somewhere inconvenient like a drak alley.

A: That's highly improbable.

That's irrelevant to whether you would deny an abortion to a mentally handicapped 13 year old who was impregnated by a psychotic rapist.

B: Morally noone is better then any other. A child conceived from rape is no less worthy of becoming born then a child conceived through consent. Origins do not make us who we are. That's class based tyranny.

Aren;t you contradicting yourself:

There is a right, and there is a wrong.

Abortion has been controlled by barbarians, they need to go the way of the dinosaurs. Their primitive logic and scare tactics are obsolete and costing too many lives. Lives much more valubale then they are.

So from a biological, moral, and rational standpoint. I'm better then everybody

"The needs of the next generation outweigh the needs of this one. --Charles Darwin"

That is the 'absolute' freedom of Darwinism. It is a biological reality, that has nothing to do with the normal use of the term need or right. Also, Darwinism supports infanticide. Your persistent argument that natural selection always works against organisms that abort their own offspring is simply ignorant. Your argument also any recognition of the reality that a fetus can only survive by parasitising and harming the host. Under any other circumstance you would consider that justification for killing it. But because it is an emotively 'harmless' and 'innocent' blastocyst you turn everything on its head.

We're looking at the same woman. Only you're falling for her little emotional scam. I'm not. I can't be swayed by little stories. I see a dead baby, and that's all I need to know. None of this new-age "gray morality" crap. If there's a dead baby, something's wrong.

But it's not a dead baby. It's a lump of cells. You are not rising above emotional scams. You are simply replacing one emotional argument for another, by equating a single cell with a live baby.

#1: You cater to the stupid. Abortion is illegal, and yet they still seek it. If illegal abortions are so dangerous. Then they shouldn't be seeking them. Any rational human being in their own self interest, would just have the kid. It'd be far easier then risking your life to obtain an abortion.

But they want to die. They're matyrs. They want to die so people like you go "boohoohoo! These poor women!" And then it becomes legal.

No, screw them. Let them die. That way they learn. They won't learn anything if we cave. Let them commit suicide. I'm not against suicide. The only thing I feel bad about is the kid would have to die with them. But some things can't be avoided. I'm not Superman.

Jim there is a high risk of death in pregnancy for young women. A properly performed abortion is less risky.

#2: This does not excuse abortion on demand. You don't have to be 100% prolife.

So you support abortion? What happened to all your emotive posturing?

Rape is just a way to weaken women and demonize men.

So is denying abortions to raped young girls.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #12 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:21am
I'd never kill my own kid. So from a biological, moral, and rational standpoint. I'm better then everybody who is prochoice.

You’d just rape them, eh ‘mate’? Got that url where you grabbed that piccie of your ‘18 year old’… ‘Australian’ ... ‘girlfriend’ ?

Heard we’re all mindless Americophiliacs down under? Poor little seppo… vilified by your own kind and forced to troll Aussie websites pulling that shock factor schmutz from your arse.
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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Jim Profit
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #13 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:50am
Heard we’re all mindless Americophiliacs down under? Poor little seppo… vilified by your own kind and forced to troll Aussie websites pulling that shock factor schmutz from your arse.

I did not understand a word you just said.
Try speaking American, it's the only language I understand.

And why is it so hard to believe my girlfriend is eighteen? Cause she's so adorable and not all wrinkly and depressed?

I'm 23 and people don't think I'm above sixteen.
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But I still believe there's something left for you and me.
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Re: I'd rather be anything then an American right now.
Reply #14 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 11:17am
Jim Profit wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:50am:
I did not understand a word you just said.

You could ask your 'Australian girlfriend' what a seppo is.

Jim Profit wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:50am:
Try speaking American, it's the only language I understand.

Gees, they come over 'ere...

Jim Profit wrote on Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:50am:
And why is it so hard to believe my girlfriend is eighteen? Cause she's so adorable and not all wrinkly and depressed?

Nah, there's another reason. Send us some more pics and I'll pass them on.
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Conviction is the art of being certain
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