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Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires (Read 4818 times)
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #15 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 8:38pm
I doubt she knows the most about Islam amongst non-M people here and the fact she is a biased apologist suggests exactly that.
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #16 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 9:52pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 14th, 2009 at 5:00am:
And if it's found that a Christian has done it, should all Christians leave too?

What a load of xenophobic crap.

Why not just say "We are xenophobic nutcases who want Muslims out, so we're hoping it was a Muslim who done it, to give us more reason to convince people they should leave"?

You people are truly a disgrace to humanity, I don't know why I bother anymore, really..

So Abu, what do you think of the Muslims calling on other Muslims to light more fires?

Firstly, if  a lunatic Musliim did it, just because he happened to have a screw loose, the xenophobic nutcases wouldn't care about his motives, they'd just use it as an excuse to riot... and you know it.

What if he did it because other Muslims told him to and 'mainstream' Muslims like yourself refused to criticise them for it? What if they did it because they saw you saying how Osama bin Laden would have been a hero in other circumstances and they want you to say the same about them?

Secondly, a Christian leader has already said he prophesised these fires in a dream... We know Christians love trying to bring their own apocalyptic visions true...

There was widespread condemnation on here for him, from both Christians and non-Christians alike. I certainly didn't see any Christians trying to stand up for him or trying to deflect to nasty stuff other people have done. Only Islam seems to put religious tribalism ahead of justice, ahead of what is right and wrong. Furthermore unlike the Muslims, this guy was not calling upon his followers to actually light fires.

Nice deflection attempt though.

Those who are hostile are usually people who have just seen a few out-of-context quotes, mixed with a lot of sensationalist scare-mongering hype.

Keep repeating it Abu. Maybe one day someone will believe you. Why are you so unable to accept that it is what Muslims like you and Malik say that makes people concerned about Islam? Why must you invent conspiracies about everyone being out to get you? You claim to understand western concepts of freedom, democracy, human rights etc. Why is it do hard to believe that westerners object to ideologies that deny people basic freedoms, human rights and democracy?
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #17 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 10:25pm
So Abu, what do you think of the Muslims calling on other Muslims to light more fires?

Islam does not permit even chopping down trees in warfare, let alone burning trees to actually kill people.

Like any Christian who'd do this, I'd think they were mentally unstable.

I certainly didn't see any Christians trying to stand up for him or trying to deflect to nasty stuff other people have done

I'm sure his followers do.

That just says more about the extremely fragmented sectarian nature of Christianity than it does about whether Christians condemn him.

Furthermore unlike the Muslims, this guy was not calling upon his followers to actually light fires.

Just like prophecies in the Bible don't call for Christians to goto Palestine and try to burn down the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, however that didn't stop an Australian Christian nutcase from doing it, to try and bring about the apocalyptic prophecies from the Bible.

Why are you so unable to accept that it is what Muslims like you and Malik say that makes people concerned about Islam?

Because I don't think it's correct. I think it's just the isolated opinion of people who are already Islamophobes. In fact I think you dislike rational people such as Malik and myself making a case for Islam and Muslims. But you're quite impotent in challenging it.

Why is it do hard to believe that westerners object to ideologies that deny people basic freedoms, human rights and democracy?

Islam does not deny people basic freedoms and human rights, anymore than you don't ask loaded questions.
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #18 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 10:35pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 14th, 2009 at 10:25pm:
Islam does not deny people basic freedoms and human rights, anymore than you don't ask loaded questions.

You really are a nutcase and a tool!  Grin  So the Islamic run states in the middle east allow women the basic freedom of showing their hair or in some cases their face?
Get out from Osama's cave Abu and see the daylight.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #19 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 10:40pm
Here is English translation of the full original text:

"summer has begun so do not forget the Forest Jihad."
"In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful."
"We pray for God to aid us and heed our calls."
"Summer has begun so do not forget the Forest Jihad."
"I call on all Muslims in the United States, in Europe, in Russia, and
in Australia to start forest fires."

"Praise God and praise God once more."
"Peace and blessings upon his prophet."
"The active intellectual scholar, the jihadist Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri, may
God set him free, says: Jihad is an art just like poetry, music, and
the fine arts. There are people that draw and there are others that
are jihadists. They both act upon inspiration."
"May God ease his calamity and set him free along with all of our
imprisoned brothers. It is by the glory of God that his imprisonment
has not prevented him from publishing his writings in the form of
books and media. The idea of forest fires is attributed to him, may
God set him free, as is in this short clip:"

"This call goes out to Muslims in Europe, in the United States, in
Australia, and in Russia to start forest fires."
"Forest Fires."
"The Jurisprudence of forest fires, as in 'an eye for an eye'; the
amazing results; and the operational instructions."
"The Jurisprudence:
"Is it permissible to burn trees?"
"Yes, under certain circumstance, such as when the prophet, PBUH
[peace be upon him], burned the Jews' palm trees in Al-Nadir."
"Ibn Al-Qayyim narrated in [a book entitled] 'I'lam Al-Muwaqqa'in,'
that: You should retaliate in the same manner as that in, which you
were attacked. He goes on to say that: The punishment for a sin should
be a similar sin. He also mentions that: If you should punish, punish
as you were punished. This, in essence, justifies that. This suggests
that the punishment should fit the crime, for instance in life, in
matters of honor, and where assets are involved. Scholars have
justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do
the same to our lands."

"God Almighty agreed to allow the companions to cut down the Jews'
palm trees in order to dishonor them [Jews]. This was the Almighty's
intention when He said: 'Whether ye cut down (O ye Muslim!) the tender
palm-trees, or ye left them standing on their roots, it was by leave
of Allah, and in order that He might cover with shame the rebellious
transgressors. [Koranic Verse; Al-Hashr, 59:5].' This proves that God
Almighty wishes to punish the unjust aggressor. The justification for
burning their belongings is their aggression against Muslims and their
deception. It is they who burn the Muslims' wealth."

"This section was taken from a book by active and anonymous
[as received] jihadi scholar Yusuf al-Ayiri [28] may God accept him,
entitled: 'The Truth about the New Crusade.' This is particularly evident
in the Chapter regarding the times when it is permissible to kill those
among the infidels who would be otherwise protected. The first case in
this chapter addresses this topic. This is in the event the book entitled
'I'lam Al-Muwaqa'in' Shaykh Yusuf, may God have mercy on his soul,
is unavailable."

"Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdasy writes in [his book entitled] 'Al-Muqni'
[The Convincer], in the chapter on killing infidels and shelling them with
manganese, as well cutting off their water supplies and destroying
their fortresses: Concerning the issue of uprooting or burning their
trees and plants, there are two views. The first is that it is permissible
to do so as long as it does not harm Muslims. The second is that it is
not permissible to do so unless it is justified to do so to them, for
instance when they have done the same to us. An eye for an eye."

"Shaykh Sulayman Bin Abdallah Bin Muhammad Bin Abd-al-Wahhab
narrates in 'Al-Muqni' that trees and plants can be divided into three
groups. The first group comprises [those trees and plants] which need
to be cleared for a particular purpose, and can thus be uprooted or
burned. This, however, solely on the basis of an undeniable need, as the
narrator explains. The second is that group whose uprooting will cause
Muslims harm. In this case, it is totally forbidden to uproot or to
burn them. The third encompasses all other cases, which can be further
divided into two subgroups. The first is a group that it is considered
permissible to uproot or burn in the Hanbali [Muslim scholar] school
of thought, where the scholars Malik, Shafi'i, and Ibn Al-Muthir
followed the Hadith of the Prophet, PBUH, in the case of the burning
of the palm trees in Bani Nadir, where God sent down the following:
'Whether ye cut down (O ye Muslim!) the tender palm-trees, or ye left
them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order
that He might cover with shame the rebellious transgressors.' [KoranicVerse; Al-Hashr, 59:5]."

to be continued
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Australian Politics

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #20 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 10:52pm
Part 2
The first is a group that it is considered
permissible to uproot or burn in the Hanbali [Muslim scholar] school
of thought, where the scholars Malik, Shafi'i, and Ibn Al-Muthir
followed the Hadith of the Prophet, PBUH, in the case of the burning
of the palm trees in Bani Nadir, where God sent down the following:
'Whether ye cut down (O ye Muslim!) the tender palm-trees, or ye left
them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order
that He might cover with shame the rebellious transgressors.' [KoranicVerse; Al-Hashr, 59:5]."

"This has been taken from page 486 of the book entitled 'Al-Muqn'i
Ma'a Hashiyatihi,' published by the Al-Salafiyyah [Salafist]
Publishing House in Cairo."

"Comment: The targeted forests are those that belong to those
countries that are at war with Muslims (The United States, Europe,
Russia, and Australia). Other nations, such as Brazil for example, are
off limits for anyone seeking to burn the Amazon forests, based on the
consideration that the rule and the exception to the rule do not
apply. Brazil has not joined the armies of the crusade and it has not
yet given us cause to respond in any way. God knows best."

"The damage caused by forest fires:"

"Typically these fires take months rather than days to fully
extinguish, which means that this terror will haunt them for an
extended period of time. The element of the summer months will aid in
spreading the fires due to the drop in rain levels."

"This will temporarily hamper the export of timber, used primarily in
the manufacture of furniture."

"This will also cause pharmaceutical companies to sustain losses,
since trees contain key ingredients for medicinal drugs."

"Also, it will eliminate, albeit only temporarily, the export of oils
from trees."

"Human losses:"

"Financial losses for the Tourism industry."

"[There will be] an increase in the emission of poisonous gases from
the smoke of the forest fires, and depending on the location, they
could spread to several European countries or to several US states."
"Keeping emergency and military personnel (a resource) tied up trying
to fight the fires. Some units in Iraq or in Afghanistan could even be
recalled, as happened with hurricane Katrina when it hit the United
States two years ago."

"Imagine if, after all the losses caused by such an event, a jihadist
organization were to claim responsibility for [starting] the forest
fires. You can hardly begin to imagine the level of the fear that
would take hold of people in the United States, in Europe, in
Russia, and in Australia. Also, as a result of the claim, a political rift
would develop between the ruling parties and the local opposition
parties in those countries. Another effect would be that the people in
those countries would lose confidence in their leaders, leading to a
shift in voting intentions to the parties in opposition. These
opposition parties might then champion the drive to withdraw their
troops from Iraq and from Afghanistan, should they get into power."
"These losses are just examples, and we cannot list them all."

"Operation method:"

"Before we describe how this operation is to be implemented, do not
assume that it is impossible. The media across Europe report forest
fires almost every year, and cause is usually just a rise in the
average temperature. However, some people, acting behind the scenes,
may have contributed to fueling the fires."

"In the video by active scholar Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri, may God set him
free, in the aforementioned link, he argues that one of the more
successful way to burn a forest is to use sulfur acid, the
substance you find in matches, to light the fires. You place the
substance in the forest for a mere half an hour and it will surely
find something to eat [burn the trees], with the grace of God."

"There are other alternative options for those who lack the experience
to use sulfur acid or other substances, with the grace of God."

"You and your friend should go out on a beautiful forest trip (which
we call 'Kishtah' in the Arabian Peninsula) and enjoy yourselves
there. Start a fire to cook your food, and when you have finished, use
those same embers to ignite the fires by collecting them against a
tree until it is completely engulfed in flames."

"You may also use some of your car fuel and spray it across several
trees, and use those embers on those trees as well."

"These are just some of the countless examples, and as active jihadist
scholar Abu Mus'ab al-Suri, may God set him free, said, terrorism is
an art."

"Go, and set forth on your jihad, and once more plant joy in the
hearts of your Muslim brothers."
"I ask that this article be translated into the English language, and
have that translation sent using the special methods used by the
Ikhlas Network."

"By: Abu Thar Al-Kuwaiti." "Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network"
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #21 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 11:56pm

So the Islamic run states in the middle east allow women the basic freedom of showing their hair or in some cases their face?

I don't think anyone considers showing nakedness to be a basic freedom. We may bicker over the level of nakedness restricted, but I don't think anyone here (unless we have some nudists on the forum) would contend exposing nakedness is a basic freedom.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #22 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 12:54am
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 14th, 2009 at 11:56pm:
So the Islamic run states in the middle east allow women the basic freedom of showing their hair or in some cases their face?

I don't think anyone considers showing nakedness to be a basic freedom. We may bicker over the level of nakedness restricted, but I don't think anyone here (unless we have some nudists on the forum) would contend exposing nakedness is a basic freedom.

Is it the reason why your muslim brothers urge muslims in Australia to burn Australia?

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #23 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 10:35am
That just says more about the extremely fragmented sectarian nature of Christianity than it does about whether Christians condemn him.

Unity before sanity eh Abooo?  Cheesy
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #24 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 12:20pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 14th, 2009 at 11:56pm:
I don't think anyone considers showing nakedness to be a basic freedom.

Showing hair and the face is nudity? you muslimes really are buggered in the head seriously.
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #25 - Feb 15th, 2009 at 12:50pm
What is the plea of devout muslims [the Jihadists] when such tragedies occur????

'Please Allah, roast the infidels?'

Jihadists celebrating Victoria fires; taking joy in the scenes
February 15, 2009
JIHADISTS are celebrating the worst tragedy in Victoria's history.
Terror watchdogs said fundamentalists had blogged on websites across the globe, applauding the lives lost and destruction in the Victoria fires.
Senior analyst at SITE Intelligence Group Adam Raisman said they were posting pictures of burnt homes and devastated victims and "taking joy in the scenes",27574,25056815-1243,00.html



Here in the opening verses of the Koran, is the 'benediction' which devout muslims seek from Allah....

benediction = = the utterance or bestowing of a blessing.

"Show us the straight way,"

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgment.
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
Show us the straight way,
v. 1-6


UK cleric promotes terror, example #1

".....Not only is it obligatory to fight [the infidels], it is haram [forbidden] to feel sorry for them."

Cleric preaches that violence is part of Islam
By Duncan Gardham
In documents seen by The Daily Telegraph, al-Muhajiroun claimed: "TERRORISM IS A PART OF ISLAM" and "Allah made it obligatory to prepare and to terrify the enemy of Allah".
The article advised: "The kuffar of USA and UK are without doubt our enemy.There is no such thing as an innocent kafir, innocence is only applicable for the Muslims. Not only is it obligatory to fight them, it is haram [forbidden] to feel sorry for them."

UK cleric promotes terror, example #2

Inside the sect that loves terror
August 07, 2005
......Last week Omar Brooks stirred controversy with televised comments, but they were carefully chosen to avoid appearing to incite violence. On Saturday, July 2 he had been more forthright.
Speaking to a group of teenagers and families, he declared it was IMPERATIVE FOR MUSLIMS TO INSTIL TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THE KUFFAR and added: I am a terrorist. As a Muslim of course I am a terrorist.
......In public interviews Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians. Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent: Yes I condemn killing any innocent people, but not any kuffar.,,2087-1724541,00.html

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 48814
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #26 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 6:59am
That just says more about the extremely fragmented sectarian nature of Christianity than it does about whether Christians condemn him.

So the fact that a Christian will blame the fire on social ills indicates a fragmented religion. What then does the fact that Muslims actually call on other Muslims to start more fires say about Islam?

Because I don't think it's correct. I think it's just the isolated opinion of people who are already Islamophobes. In fact I think you dislike rational people such as Malik and myself making a case for Islam and Muslims. But you're quite impotent in challenging it.

Abu it is a sign of delusion when you refuse to even accept other people's statements about themselves. I criticise Islam because of what Muslims like you say, not because of what non-Muslims say. Time to face reality.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #27 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 3:22pm

Well looks like the guy in custody is a Christian, Brendan Sokaluk.

In fact he's a member of a U.S based Christian cult called the "Truth of God" a group known to hold extreme views against women clergy and gay people....

Although I'm sure if he was a member of an Islamic sect of any kind, we'd have had riots no doubt. Whether it was linked to supposed 'forestfire jihad' call or not.
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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #28 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 10:53pm
yawn...  you are so well balanced with those chips on both shoulders there aboo.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Islamic group urges Muslims to start bush fires
Reply #29 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 11:01pm
Sokaluk, once a volunteer for the local fire brigade, was charged with starting a fire at Churchill that killed 21 people and destroyed 30,000 hectares. He has been remanded in custody to appear at a committal mention in court on May 26.

Not an unusual name for a closet muslim, is it?

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