Grendel wrote on Feb 25
th, 2009 at 6:39pm:
My stance has always beem that man is NOT the PRIMARY DRIVER of climate change. Since it has been going on long before man, I feel that is a reasonably safe position to take.
Nothing you have ever said has proven otherwise.
If you can prove that or prove that by curtailing emissions that man can alter the climate I'll quite happily accept that.
Till then you are just pissing in the wind
The sun is obviously the primary driver of climate on this planet. However the evidence we have is that the changes in temperature and CO2 up until around the beginning of the industrial era were relatively mild compared to what has happened recently.
The heat is still coming from the sun, but it's caused by changes in the Earth's atmosphere that increase the amount of heat that is absorbed, and an overall reduction in reflected heat.
It is not a subtle effect either, with CO2 levels increasing by around 33% since 1950. The rate of change is something like 10,000 times greater than anything that has been measured in the past 2 million years at least. Sure, the climate changed in a relatively predictable manner prior to man, but the last 50 years is totally off the wall.
Basically the effect coincides with a period in which we have been pumping CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at an incredible and unprecedented rate. Blind Freddy can see that this must have an effect.
The conclusion that the increase in CO2 and the warming effect that has been observed is due to the burning of fossil fuels and other sources is inevitable.
No other serious contenders have been put forward. Cosmic Rays have been dismissed through subsequent research. Volcanoes have an overall cooling effect. They emit carbon dioxide, but only around 1/100 of that emitted by industrialised nations.
We have a pretty good handle on the accounting for greenhouse gases too. It stands to reason, since every tonne of fossil carbon that is burnt had to be paid for by somebody.