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How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary (Read 12523 times)
Jim Profit
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #15 - May 1st, 2009 at 9:42am

The Brits are better off being primarily Islamic. Maybe then they'll actually have some sensible laws instead of being a police-state. You can't whipe your ass without the government knowing about it, but hurpdurp! Abortion is on demand!
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But I still believe there's something left for you and me.
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #16 - Jun 18th, 2009 at 8:21pm
Bearded pinhead in the news again for, er... you'll never guess...being a bearded pinhead.

Clashes as Muslim extremists attempt to segregate women

The event titled Sharia law versus British law was meant to see radical preacher Anjem Choudary debate Douglas Murray, director of the right-wing thinktank the Centre for Social Cohesion at Conway Hall in central London last night.

However the venue's owners cancelled the meeting before it even got under way because of “fundamentalist thugs” who clashed with Mr Murray's supporters at the entrance.

It led to a noisy stand-off outside the building in Red Lion Square for more than an hour as police intervened to keep the two sides apart.

Mr Choudary planned to use the event to publicly relaunch Al Muhajiroun five years after it was supposedly disbanded. It was led by Omar Bakri until his deportation for glorifying terrorism after praising the 9/11 hijackers as “the Magnificent 19”.

But the preacher had the microphone snatched out of his hand last night after his black-suited security guards pushed out women trying to enter the main hall where around 60 Muslim men were seated. Women were confined to the upstairs balcony.

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #17 - Jul 4th, 2009 at 8:47pm
Crazy Islamic convert at it again:

CRAZED Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary yesterday hit back at French President Nicolas Sarkozy, 54, for trying to ban the burka by branding his wife a prostitute.

He said former model Carla Bruni, 41, represents the face of a depraved Western society where women are treated like sex objects.
Choudary, 42, below, wrote on the Islam4UK website: “Sarkozy may be content with being wed to a prostitute who flaunts her body to the world believing it to be righteous conduct, but he is reminded that a Muslim is not this shallow and depraved.”

Just imagine - calling some mullah's wife (say, No 3?) a whore. Islamic 'reason' would be yet again unleashed on some hapless, helpless infidel embassy or translator or passer-by. As usual.

'angin's too good for 'em.

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #18 - Jul 20th, 2009 at 9:11pm
Bearded pinhead, with time on his hands thanks to the British taxpayer, is recruiting jihadis on the streets of London. Where is James Bond when you really need him? Or at least someone with a loaded potty.

The Jihad fanatic peddling a message of hate to 11-year-old Londoners (funded by the taxpayer)
By Andrew Malone
Last updated at 7:37 PM on 17th July 2009

On a hot summer afternoon, a man with a microphone stands on a busy London street. He is a tubby figure and sports a black, bushy beard, flecked with grey. He is shrieking at passing shoppers, insisting they follow him - and save their souls.
Teams of young, tough-looking men - all clearly devoted to their leader - dart through the crowds, handing out leaflets and haranguing anyone who questions their message.
From the other side of the street, you could be forgiven for thinking this is a harmless, if colourful, example of citizens making full use of Britain's ancient tradition of free speech.

But there is nothing harmless about what is really going on here. For the man with the microphone is Anjem Choudary, branded the most dangerous man in Britain.
An extremist who believes his sole-calling is to wage holy war against Britain and her 'infidel' allies, he is trying - and succeeding - to prepare the ground for his global Islamic jihad.
Funded by the taxpayer - he claims benefits so that he has plenty of free time to spread his message - Choudary is openly staging these 'Islamic roadshows' across Britain. And their aim is to recruit young British men prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for his chilling cause.

In case you want to see his loathsome face and read more:

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #19 - Oct 19th, 2009 at 6:20pm
Bearded pinhead update.

Hate preacher tells Queen: Turn Muslim
HATE preacher Anjem Choudary sparked fury yesterday after calling for the Queen to become Muslim.
He demanded an Islamic revolution across Britain.

Choudary, 42, said Her Majesty - head of the Church of England - should convert to ensure her place in paradise.

He also wants to see senior members of the Government switching faiths. Choudary, a key henchman of rabble rousing cleric Omar Bakri, said: "We invite everyone from the Queen, to the ministers, to the Parliament, to the aristocracy, to the ordinary person in Britain to embrace Islam.

Save yourself and your children in this life from misery and prepare them for a great destiny in the hereafter."
He made his call during an internet rant to promote a march in London later this month supporting Sharia law.

(Meanwhile in Birmingham a second March for Sharia is planned)

EXTREMIST Muslims are planning to march through Birmingham to call for the introduction of sharia law in Britain.
The demonstration is to be led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary, who has previously called for all British women to wear burkhas.
It will follow an earlier protest scheduled for London at the end of the month.
Birmingham Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said he is appalled by the plans and has called for West Midlands police to ban Choudary and his followers from entering the city.
“Having the hooligans from the English Defence League fighting the extremists whipped up by the UAF in the city centre was bad enough. Everyone witnessed the violence that happened when they came to Birmingham,” he said. “But I feel that this would have the potential to be much, much worse because the people of Birmingham will find the idea of sharia law very offensive".

Choudary has revealed to the Sunday Mercury that his group plans to target Birmingham next.
He said: ‘’We are hoping for more than 1,000 Muslims to attend the march in London on October 31.
“But if it proves a success then we may be coming to Birmingham next.
“I cannot say exactly when at this stage, but we would hope that it could take place within the next couple of months.
“We believe there would be a lot of support for a March in Birmingham, where we would hope to raise the same issues as in London".
West Midlands Police declined to comment.
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #20 - Oct 19th, 2009 at 6:51pm
this news should be highlighted on the TV and radio
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #21 - Oct 19th, 2009 at 9:20pm
Western media is already riddled with outright lies and half truths... anymore and people will start watching al-jazeera  Grin
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #22 - Oct 19th, 2009 at 10:52pm

only head banging paedophile praisers who live in a spiritual straight jacket watch it

go right ahead abu
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #23 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 6:23am
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #24 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 9:42am
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 19th, 2009 at 9:20pm:
Western media is already riddled with outright lies and half truths... anymore and people will start watching al-jazeera  Grin

What is the lie and half-truth in this report?

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #25 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 10:03am
Need I spell it out for you soren?

Without actually having a link to the article to check it's veracity (very sloppy work my friend), it's not even possible for me to comment on it. However the article does seem to reference that fine upstanding purveyor of truth The Sunday Mercury, "a Sunday newspaper published in Birmingham, UK. A tabloid, with a sensationalist streak"... to put it mildly...

Sorry soren, but any "news" outlet that regularly reports UFO's are now patrolling our skies and other such trash doesn't get the vote of confidence here. Bring a credible source, and we can do business...
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #26 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 10:36am
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 20th, 2009 at 10:03am:
Need I spell it out for you soren?

Without actually having a link to the article to check it's veracity (very sloppy work my friend), it's not even possible for me to comment on it. However the article does seem to reference that fine upstanding purveyor of truth The Sunday Mercury, "a Sunday newspaper published in Birmingham, UK. A tabloid, with a sensationalist streak"... to put it mildly...

Sorry soren, but any "news" outlet that regularly reports UFO's are now patrolling our skies and other such trash doesn't get the vote of confidence here. Bring a credible source, and we can do business...

You can also check the Islam4UK website.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #27 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 11:08am
You can also check the Islam4UK website.

Why no link??

Even if we run with the idea. The man in question probably just expressed his desire for all humans to come to the guidance of Islam... including the Queen. I'm sure Yadda and yourself would prefer to see the King of Saudi Arabia embrace Christ wouldn't you?? So the headlines and the way the story is worded contains some truth, but it's presented in a deceitful manner, as if this group is going to capture her and force her to convert at gunpoint or something....
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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #28 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 11:58am
abu_rashid wrote on Oct 20th, 2009 at 11:08am:
You can also check the Islam4UK website.

Why no link??

Even if we run with the idea. The man in question probably just expressed his desire for all humans to come to the guidance of Islam... including the Queen. I'm sure Yadda and yourself would prefer to see the King of Saudi Arabia embrace Christ wouldn't you?? So the headlines and the way the story is worded contains some truth, but it's presented in a deceitful manner, as if this group is going to capture her and force her to convert at gunpoint or something....

Yeah, good idea.

I'd like to see what would happen if the British ambassadors to Araby and Egypt expressed their sincere desire for the king and the prez to convert to the Anglican faith and rallied all the expats to march down the streets of Cairo and Mecca with plackards to press home the point.

What do you think would happen?

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Re: How Islam will Take Over UK - Anjem Choudary
Reply #29 - Oct 20th, 2009 at 12:20pm

as england has discovered, give muslims an inch and they will wage jihad till they earn their 77 virgins.

ban them from your country due to them not vouching to accept it as it is.
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