Quote:Yes I do realise we don't have a parallel universe to conduct experiments. So we have to take not of natural observations. A few years to recover goes contrary to the theory of significant genetic alteration.
No it doesn't PJ. It tells us nothing at all about it. Or perhaps you would like to explain how the theory of natural selection predicts a different outcome for the case? You don't need a parallel universe to make a comparison. Or is this your magical thinking argument in a different guise?
Quote:I think it is a very subtle and subjective difference.
Well then perhaps you should ask a more specific question about the harm/impact. Or better yet, just move on.
Quote:Don't you know you can measure selective pressure by looking for changes in the age which fish become sexually mature?
Well done PJ. That makes a lot more sense than proclaiming that a recovery in X years is somehow proof that the harm is not significant. Though it would still not get you around all those other confounding factors. But it is a good start nonetheless. I can tell you have been thinking about this now.
Quote:PS: all your harping about selective pressure does not make the case for marine parks
I never intended it to make the case for marine parks on it's own.
Quote:just easing for up on the fish stocks somewhat below maximun sustainable yield
You mean, underfishing? Because of the flaws in traditional managment tools? The flaws you insist are not significant? Are you trying to help me argue in favour of marine parks now?
BTW, can you explain how easing up on fishing pressure would eliminate this problem?
Quote:But then you want to eliminate underfishing!
I want to increase catches. Among other things of course.
Quote:Stop playing with yourself - it's a turn of phrase and you know very well what I mean.
Yes I have heard the phrase before. Though I must admit I have never heard the phrase 'cure all' applied to a single problem. That's why it threw me a bit.
BTW, I often have great difficulty figuring out what you mean. That's why I ask you to reference/link/quote people so often. It is so much easier to go to the original claim than work from your interpretation of it.
Quote:I have done and also refered to them several times
Actually no you haven't. You have made several claims about them, but this is the first time you have claimed that the papers show that marine parks will make the harm done by minimum sizes worse. In any case, if there is such a claim somewhere, I'm sure you'd like to bring it up right now. This thread would be the perfect place for it after all. I remember noting that prof. Buxton's paper ignored the issue, though I don't think I bothered mentioning it at the time, as there were more significant problems with your interpretation of his paper.