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"Look at how the Arabs live in the West...." (Read 5370 times)
Gold Member

Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
"Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Apr 15th, 2009 at 9:53am
Those are the words of a muslim, Anwar Malek.

There are honourable men among the muslims.

Algerian author Anwar Malek is one.

The Arabs Have Lost Their Worth, Their Humanity, and Their Culture
"....Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example. If you hear about thieves – they are always Arabs. Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab. All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arab individual."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author

memri transcript

memri clip
"....Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author

September 30, 2007
Mothers of prevention
Schoolgirls in Lancashire and Yorkshire are falling prey to sinister gangs of pimps. Two men have been sent to jail, but the girls’ mothers, not the police, are at the forefront of the crackdown. Why are the authorities so reluctant to get involved?
"....the gangs are largely made up of men from the Pakistani Muslim communities,"

Note that, there is no apparent or reported outrage at this conduct [conduct by muslims], by the 'righteous' segment of muslim community.

Was there any cry from the muslim community of,
"These are 'honour' crimes, against our dignity!"

.....from anyone in the muslim community [at the exploitation of these young Anglo girls - by muslim men]?


Are there any street protests by muslim women, against this disgusting conduct, by some members of the 'sacred' muslim community?

Apparently no

In fact, when was the last time you can remember any expression of muslim community outrage at the conduct of,     ....any muslims, anywhere in the world?

Contrawise, can you imagine the outcry from the muslim community, if these circumstances were reversed?

What would be the reaction of muslims, if Anglo's in the UK [or 'unbelievers' in a Sharia jurisdiction], were pimping young muslim girls?i

"....Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author

source of image....

To Rape an Unveiled Woman         
By Jamie Glazov
March 07, 2006
A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe


Proverbs 8:7
For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Psalms 28:3
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Reply #1 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 11:03am
ISLAM is pure evil.

And we in the West, should totally separate ourselves from it.

And if we do not separate ourselves from ISLAM?

Then do not complain about the curse, which we bring down, upon our own heads.

Isaiah 26:10
Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.
11  LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see: but they shall see, and be ashamed for their envy at the people; yea, the fire of thine enemies shall devour them.

Isaiah 2:11
The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
12  For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Psalms 52:1
Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.
2  Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
3  Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.

Psalms 9:16
The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Jim Profit
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Australian Politics

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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Reply #2 - May 2nd, 2009 at 11:57pm
I envy The Arab countries. They have more national unity, less crime, less pollution, and generaly lead less stressful, meaningless lives...

We in the west just demonize them because our culture is so buggered up. I mean look at that "raped woman" photo. It's so fricking fake! Blood doesn't run like that!

You look at western vs middle-eastern culture objectively.

Arab: We can marry children in our country if the parents permit it. We teach our children from a young age that marriage is spiritualy, financialy, and emotionaly fulfilling. To respect your body and your mind, and to try and be a good husband/wife when Allah feels the time is right for you...

Whitey: You savage! Marrying children! In this country we teach kids that marriage is way too much responsibility! That's why we just throw condoms and sex education at them. We can't trust their parents to teach them poo! And if they get pregnant, they can just get an abortion! Hooray! We love kids so much we keep them ignorant and or kill them!

Arab: I love my wife. Yes, I know it doesn't seem that way because I have seven of them. But I covet each and every one of them. They complete me, and my family.

Whitey: Polygamy is WRONG! Group sex is COOL! We have principles in this country and protect the sanctity of marriage while just smacking anything that moves cause it's all about freedom baby! Jimmy Hendrix!

Arab: I believe that before we consider any legislation. We should consider deeply what Mohammad would do in our situation, and I keep the Koran close to my heart.

Whitey: What's with all this stuff about God?! God has no place in the law! Only as a tool to make you look like a pretencious bugger! I let people be depraved sexual monsters, who abort their kids, shootup heroine, and piss away their money.. But I'm a good Christian cause I say I am!
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But I still believe there's something left for you and me.
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Posts: 6217
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #3 - May 3rd, 2009 at 12:47am
Fair enough, but many Arab women are in marriage situations against their will.

In the west, the media teaches women to aspire to a "Sex in the city" lifestyle and makes it profitable to divorce.
We had a much better balance before women got sucked into believing that being a dumb slutty obese money grabbing cow earns respect.

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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Reply #4 - May 4th, 2009 at 11:39am
I suggest you migrate Jim....  we'll be happy you'll be happy...  win win.

If you are still alive in 10 years give us a hoy.
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Gold Member

Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #5 - May 28th, 2009 at 11:22am
This will be another case of, "These people [discovered/exposed miscreants] aren't


Hamza's sons admit luxury car scam
Three sons of jailed cleric Abu Hamza exploited a loophole in the vehicle registration system to carry out a "sophisticated" £1 million luxury car scam, a court has been told.
....Pretending the vehicles were theirs, they tricked the DVLA into transferring ownership to an alias and sending new log books to front addresses.
Keys were then obtained from dealers and the cars stolen, London's Southwark Crown Court heard. The final stage involved selling them to unsuspecting buyers or using them as collateral to take out loans which they never repaid.

"Why do you non-moslems disrespect us moslems / ISLAM!
....When we are the religion of peace.
....When we are a tolerant religion."

Devout moslems will always insist, that moslems are good citizens and that they always obey the laws of host countries.

Devout moslems are always good citizens, except when they aren't.
Devout moslems always obey local laws, except when they don't.

"except when they aren't/don't."
= = On those occasions, when the TRUTH is exposed, we see
ISLAM / moslems for what they truly are. We are never told, how devout moslems are TAUGHT, by their 'religion', to engage with non-moslem communities. i.e. With lies, deception, and violence.

All compacts with non-moslem communities are a facade, and such compacts need only be honoured while the non-moslems are watching, and until non-moslem institutions and laws can be swept away.

compact2 = =
· n. a formal agreement or contract between two or more parties.
· v. make or enter into (a formal agreement).

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Ex Member

Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Reply #6 - May 28th, 2009 at 11:40am
Yadda wrote on Apr 15th, 2009 at 9:53am:
Those are the words of a muslim, Anwar Malek.

There are honourable men among the muslims.

Algerian author Anwar Malek is one.

The Arabs Have Lost Their Worth, Their Humanity, and Their Culture
"....Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example. If you hear about thieves – they are always Arabs. Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab. All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arab individual."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author

memri transcript

memri clip
"....Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author

September 30, 2007
Mothers of prevention
Schoolgirls in Lancashire and Yorkshire are falling prey to sinister gangs of pimps. Two men have been sent to jail, but the girls’ mothers, not the police, are at the forefront of the crackdown. Why are the authorities so reluctant to get involved?
"....the gangs are largely made up of men from the Pakistani Muslim communities,"

Note that, there is no apparent or reported outrage at this conduct [conduct by muslims], by the 'righteous' segment of muslim community.

Was there any cry from the muslim community of,
"These are 'honour' crimes, against our dignity!"

.....from anyone in the muslim community [at the exploitation of these young Anglo girls - by muslim men]?


Are there any street protests by muslim women, against this disgusting conduct, by some members of the 'sacred' muslim community?

Apparently no

In fact, when was the last time you can remember any expression of muslim community outrage at the conduct of,     ....any muslims, anywhere in the world?

Contrawise, can you imagine the outcry from the muslim community, if these circumstances were reversed?

What would be the reaction of muslims, if Anglo's in the UK [or 'unbelievers' in a Sharia jurisdiction], were pimping young muslim girls?i

"....Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab."

Anwar Malek -  Algerian Author
source of image....

To Rape an Unveiled Woman        
By Jamie Glazov
March 07, 2006
A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe


Proverbs 8:7
For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Psalms 28:3
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

Seeing as tho you feel so strong about it yadda
i assume you have already organised protests up at Kings Cross against all the christian pimps, when is it happening? or are you just another bible bashing Muslim hating hypocrite?
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Gold Member

Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #7 - May 28th, 2009 at 1:13pm
Seeing as tho you feel so strong about it yadda
i assume you have already organised protests up at Kings Cross against all the christian pimps, when is it happening?
or are you just another bible bashing Muslim hating hypocrite?


I didn't hear those ppl up at Kings Cross claiming to be, 'the best of people'.

If you asked them, some of them would likely 'fess up, and even admit they were pimps.

What about the moslem community skip?


Since we are talking about 'hypocrites'.

We Christians do not claim to be perfect people.

But devout moslems do.

Devout moslems, make the claim that moselms have been blessed with their 'perfection' by Allah himself.

This is a claim based on
ISLAMIC religious texts....

"Ye [muslims] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors."


.....FROM THE UK [that bastion of 'Christianity'].....

'Perfect' muslims being an example, of 'perfected' conduct, to the misguided Kuffar.
/sarc off

March 27, 2009
More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain


This timesonline article, a very sad and disturbing story of predatory 'grooming' [of young white school girls in the UK] by 'Asian' [i.e. muslim] pimping gangs.

September 30, 2007
Schoolgirls in Lancashire and Yorkshire are falling prey to sinister gangs of pimps.
"....the gangs are largely made up of men from the Pakistani Muslim communities,"


"Italian 'Fritzl' and son arrested"

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Ex Member

Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #8 - May 28th, 2009 at 5:13pm
So you've done sweet fa in your own backyard yet bitch about the behaviour of others purely because of their religion.
When are you going to protest about the Christian pimps and drug pushers yadda? you know, the ones in your own backyard.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 6048
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West...."
Reply #9 - May 28th, 2009 at 8:02pm
Yes Yadda, there are some honourable persons among muslims. There are even some honourable persons among atheists on this forum, for example Calanen.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #10 - May 28th, 2009 at 8:28pm
tallowood wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 8:02pm:
Yes Yadda, there are some honourable persons among muslims. There are even some honourable persons among atheists on this forum, for example Calanen.

What about agnostics - can they be honourable?  Smiley

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Australian Politics

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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #11 - May 28th, 2009 at 9:04pm
mantra wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 8:28pm:
tallowood wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 8:02pm:
Yes Yadda, there are some honourable persons among muslims. There are even some honourable persons among atheists on this forum, for example Calanen.

What about agnostics - can they be honourable?  Smiley

I can't recall any serious agnostic mass murderer  Smiley

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #12 - May 28th, 2009 at 9:21pm
Phew - that's a relief. It's interesting that you find Calanen honourable - not that I'm saying he isn't, Roll Eyes, but is it because he shares your views on Muslims? Although on the other hand you have made a concession by saying that some Muslims are honourable - that is the first step towards conciliation Tallow and hopefully one day you'll accept them as your equals just as a good Christian should.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 6048
Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #13 - May 28th, 2009 at 9:31pm
mantra wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 9:21pm:
Phew - that's a relief. It's interesting that you find Calanen honourable - not that I'm saying he isn't, Roll Eyes, but is it because he shares your views on Muslims? Although on the other hand you have made a concession by saying that some Muslims are honourable - that is the first step towards conciliation Tallow and hopefully one day you'll accept them as your equals just as a good Christian should.

There are exceptions in many rules but the exceptions don't invalidate the rules. When the nature of islamic and atheistic religions will change then only bad muslims and atheists will become exceptions rather then rules. I hope it will happen sooner then later but I don't hold my breath.

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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: "Look at how the Arabs live in the West....
Reply #14 - May 28th, 2009 at 9:38pm
tallowood wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 9:31pm:
There are exceptions in many rules but the exceptions don't invalidate the rules. When the nature of islamic and atheistic religions will change then only bad muslims and atheists will become exceptions rather then rules. I hope it will happen sooner then later but I don't hold my breath.

I'm sure you don't mean to sound like a snob Tallow - but your post reads as though you believe Christians are far more superior than their atheist brothers and you're even lumping them in with your dreaded enemies - the Muslims.

Yes - it's wonderful that you have your faith, but those who don't or aren't of the same faith - are not less worthy.
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